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(701 - 720 of 776)
- Title
- Three Faces of Beav
- Date Created
- 2000
- Description
The cartoon show a boy who is meant to be a parody of the classic character, Beaver Cleaver from the classic 1960s TV series "Let it to Beaver." He is shown with three faces, oriented left, center, and right, as a parody of the classic film, "The Three Faces of Eve." The left facing Beaver looks...
Show moreThe cartoon show a boy who is meant to be a parody of the classic character, Beaver Cleaver from the classic 1960s TV series "Let it to Beaver." He is shown with three faces, oriented left, center, and right, as a parody of the classic film, "The Three Faces of Eve." The left facing Beaver looks grumpy as he says, "Cut it out Lumpy! You know how bad you feel when people tease you!" Under this face is the label, "Advocate." The center facing Beaver is smiling and looking up while saying, "You know Eddie, for a sneaky guy, you can be pretty neat when you wanna be." Under this face is the label, "Looking for the good in everyone." The right facing Beaver is smiling and looking up while saying, "Golly Wally, I felt real proud to have you as my big brother when I saw how nice you were to that new kid." Under this face is the label, "Acknowledging others." The tag line reads, "The Three Faces of Beav."
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- Title
- Three Musketeers
- Date Created
- 1999
- Description
The cartoon shows the Three Musketeers standing in a circle with their swords up in the air crossing tips. Each sword has something different written on it, Values, Logic and Research. The three musketeers are exclaiming "All for one and one for all!!" The tagline reads "The Three Musketeers of...
Show moreThe cartoon shows the Three Musketeers standing in a circle with their swords up in the air crossing tips. Each sword has something different written on it, Values, Logic and Research. The three musketeers are exclaiming "All for one and one for all!!" The tagline reads "The Three Musketeers of good practice: Values, Logic and Research (in that order)."
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- Title
- Tip of the Iceberg
- Date Created
- 2000
- Description
The cartoon shows the ship, the Titanic, coming from the left side of the panel running into an iceberg. Under the water is the sound "CRUNCH!" One of the shipmates says, "OOPS." The tip of the iceberg, above the waterline reads, "Para Ed Issues." Multiple parts of the iceberg below the surface...
Show moreThe cartoon shows the ship, the Titanic, coming from the left side of the panel running into an iceberg. Under the water is the sound "CRUNCH!" One of the shipmates says, "OOPS." The tip of the iceberg, above the waterline reads, "Para Ed Issues." Multiple parts of the iceberg below the surface of the water are labeled as: (a) Generic Services, (b) Teaching Formats, (c) Class Size, (d) Staff : Pupil Ratios, (e) Teacher Ownership, (f) Staff Training, (g) Special Ed Caseloads, (h) Paraeducator Roles, (i) Special Educator Roles, (j) and (k) Student Impact. The tag line reads, "Paraeducator Issues: Just the Tip of the iceberg."
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- Title
- Too Low a Criterion
- Date Created
- 1998
- Description
This cartoon shows a state trooper standing in front of his car talking to a teacher on the roadside while a student with disability is on the ground in the middle of the street injured with his wheelchair mangled. The trooper asks, "What happened here?" The teacher says, "I guess we used too low...
Show moreThis cartoon shows a state trooper standing in front of his car talking to a teacher on the roadside while a student with disability is on the ground in the middle of the street injured with his wheelchair mangled. The trooper asks, "What happened here?" The teacher says, "I guess we used too low a criterion". The tag line under the cartoon reads, "Mrs. Walker learns the hard way that sometimes 80% correct just isn't good enough."
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- Title
- Town of Bolton, 1801
- Date Created
- 1801
- Title
- Town of Essex, Lease to James Everson, form of lease, 2 copies, 1835
- Date Created
- 1835
- Title
- Train crossing Pumpkin Hill bridge in Danville, Vermont
- Date Created
- 1900
- Description
Train crossing Pumpkin Hill bridge in Danville, Vermont. Pictured is locomotive and eight cars, bridge, and culvert with granite wall support.
- Title
- Treadmill Of Change
- Date Created
- 2000
- Description
The cartoon shows two men running on treadmills with a carrot on a stick tied to the front of the treadmills. There is a big yellow star on the wall and in the star it reads, "Vision: Great Services." The man on the treadmill on the right side of the panel is saying, "I don't get it! I can see...
Show moreThe cartoon shows two men running on treadmills with a carrot on a stick tied to the front of the treadmills. There is a big yellow star on the wall and in the star it reads, "Vision: Great Services." The man on the treadmill on the right side of the panel is saying, "I don't get it! I can see where we're headed, we have the skills, the incentives and resources. But nothing seems to change!" The man on the treadmill on the right side of the panel says, "We need a better action plan!" The tag line reads, "The treadmill of change." The tag line on the left reads, "Inspired by Tim Knoster."
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- Title
- Trial by Fire
- Date Created
- 2000
- Description
The cartoon shows the door to the principal's office with a sign that reads, "Do not disturb. Interview in progress." Just in front of the door is a ring of fire and in front of the ring of fire are burning coals on the floor. A woman is standing by the coals holding a file. There are three...
Show moreThe cartoon shows the door to the principal's office with a sign that reads, "Do not disturb. Interview in progress." Just in front of the door is a ring of fire and in front of the ring of fire are burning coals on the floor. A woman is standing by the coals holding a file. There are three people sitting at a table waiting and one woman, looking nervous and making the sound "Gulp!" as she walks toward the coals with her shoes in her hand. The woman holding the file says, "Right this way! The principal will see you now." The tag line reads, "Prospective employees go through a trial by fire to help determine their suitability for the realities of public school."
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- Title
- Trick Question
- Date Created
- 2000
- Description
The cartoon shows Mr. Moody (a school principal) meeting with a mother. She is saying, "We're trying to decide which school district is best for our daughter. So we want to know what you have: Inclusion? Inclusive Education? Or Full Inclusion?" Mr. Moody replies, "Ohhhh...I get it! It's a trick...
Show moreThe cartoon shows Mr. Moody (a school principal) meeting with a mother. She is saying, "We're trying to decide which school district is best for our daughter. So we want to know what you have: Inclusion? Inclusive Education? Or Full Inclusion?" Mr. Moody replies, "Ohhhh...I get it! It's a trick question right?!?" The tag line reads, "Mr. Moody continues to be befuddled by the lack of clear definition."
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- Title
- Two individuals in blackface
- Date Created
- 1900
- Description
Two individuals in blackface and in costumes with banjos.
- Title
- Two men pictured in front of Pumpkin Hill bridge in Danville, Vermont
- Date Created
- 1900
- Description
Two men pictured in front of Pumpkin Hill bridge in Danville, Vermont, which is under construction.
- Title
- Two men standing on one of several large log piles
- Date Created
- 1900
- Description
Two men standing on one of several large log piles. On the left is Harry Adams and on the right is William Hubbard, both of whom worked in the mill. Note with picture reads "This picture was taken after steam was installed for power, about 1903. Note tall smoke stack."
- Title
- Typo?
- Date Created
- 2000
- Description
The cartoon shows two people talking, a man sitting behind a desk, and a woman standing on the other side of the desk. The woman is saying, "I think there is a typo in the job title next to this person's name." The man behind the desk says, "No. It's correct. Paraeducators are part of our new...
Show moreThe cartoon shows two people talking, a man sitting behind a desk, and a woman standing on the other side of the desk. The woman is saying, "I think there is a typo in the job title next to this person's name." The man behind the desk says, "No. It's correct. Paraeducators are part of our new recruitment of unemployed actors. We can pay less for paraeducators because they don't hold a current membership to the screen guild." The tag line reads, "What happens when personnel availability and money get tight."
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- Title
- Unaccustomed to Good News
- Date Created
- 1998
- Description
This cartoon has two panels stacked vertically. The top panel shows two people talking on the phone to each other, a principal at school and a mother at home. The principal says, "Mrs. Blue, Byron broke and old record at school today." The mother replies, "I'm very sorry. We'll pay for it. I know...
Show moreThis cartoon has two panels stacked vertically. The top panel shows two people talking on the phone to each other, a principal at school and a mother at home. The principal says, "Mrs. Blue, Byron broke and old record at school today." The mother replies, "I'm very sorry. We'll pay for it. I know the school doesn't have enough money for CDs." In the second frame, the principal says, "You don't understand. He broke a school record for the greatest flexibility in our P.E. program." The tag line under the cartoon reads, "Mrs. Blue is woefully unaccustomed to good news."
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- Title
- Underhill, January 1, 1825
- Date Created
- 1825-01-01
- Title
- Unidentified bridge plan, undated
- Date Created
- undated
- Title
- Unidentified bridge plan, undated
- Date Created
- undated
- Title
- Unidentified bridge plan, undated
- Date Created
- undated
- Title
- Unidentified house plan, undated
- Date Created
- undated