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(161 - 180 of 9,223)
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (A-C)
- Description
Photo of Amoco gas station as seen from the backyard of McAllister's home at 47 North Winooski Ave. To the left is 57 No. Winooski Ave. Station is located at corner of No. Winooski Ave and Grant Street, Burlington, Vermont. Photo taken some time between 1935 and 1960.
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (A-C)
- Description
Amoco gas service station at the corner of Grant Street and North Winooski Ave., Burlington. Carey's Service Auto Repair (56 No. Winooski Ave.). Photo taken from McAllister's driveway at 47 No. Winooski Ave. To the left is the house next door, no. 57. Dates 1935-1960 Fall-Winter.
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (A-C)
- Description
Another view of the Tydol service gas station at the corner of Grant Street and North Winooski Ave. Dates 1935-1960. Fall-Spring.
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (A-C)
- Description
Night photo of gas service station at the corner of Grant Street and North Winooski Ave, Burlington, Vt. Dates 1935-1960 Fall-Spring.
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (A-C)
- Description
Champlain Valley Fruit Co. 243 South Champlain Street, Burlington, Vermont. Fall-Spring.
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (D-G)
- Description
C.H. Goss Co. 237 North Ave. with a George C. Stanley & Sons asphalt tank truck parked in front. Dates 1945-1958. Fall-Winter.
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (D-G)
- Description
Summer 1952. C.A. Congdon Construction. Tearing down of the Church of the Nazarene. Church was torn down so that construction of a new Gulf service gas can be built here.
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (D-G)
- Description
Summer 1952. C.A. Congdon Construction. Tearing down of the Church of the Nazarene, Burlington at the corner of Pearl Street and No. Winooski Avenue? Sign for Young's drug store seen to the far left. Undated. See also Churches, Identified mcalA09F06i01
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (D-G)
- Description
Summer 1952. View of the corner of Pearl Street at North Winooski Ave. after the removal of the Church of the Nazarene. Construction of new Gulf gas service station.
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (D-G)
- Description
July 15, 1952. Construction of a new Gulf gas service station at the corner of Pearl St. and No. Winooski Ave, Burlington, Vt. C.A. Congdon Construction. Young's drug store to the left. See also mcalB01F17i04
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (D-G)
- Description
July, 1952. C.A. Congdon Construction. Construction of new Gulf gas service station at the corner of Pearl and No. Winooski Ave.; one time location of the Church of the Nazarene. Young's drug store to the far left. See also mcalB01F17i08
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (D-G)
- Description
November 1, 1952. Gulf gas service station at the corner of Pearl Street and North Winooski Ave., Burlington, Vt. Young's drug store seen to the left. Summer-Fall.
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (D-G)
- Description
Summer 1952. Construciton of new Gulf gas service station at the corner of Pearl Street and North Winooski Ave., Burlington, Vt. Young's drug store to the left. Winter-Spring.
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (D-G)
- Description
Gulf gas service station at the corner of Pearl Street and No. Winooski Ave, Burlington. C.A. Congdon Construction. Also seen is Young's drug store to the left. 1952?
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (D-G)
- Description
C.H. Goss Co., car dealership of Dodge Plymouth at 237 North Ave. A dump truck and a George C. Stanley & Sons asphalt tank truck are seen parked out front. Dates 1945-1958.
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (H-P)
- Description
1945 Herberg Auto Service Inc. 204-206 Main Street location in Burlington, Vt. George M. and Donald R. Herberg owners and executives. Window above advertises New York Life Insurance (located at 200 Main) Winter.
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (H-P)
- Description
1945 The 204-206 Main Street, Burlington, Vt. location of Herberg Auto Service Inc. Window above advertises New York Life Insurance located at 200 Main. Winter.
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (H-P)
- Description
1947 Employees and delivery truck in front of used car dealership and service station owned by Frank E. Patnaude; Lincoln, Mercury, used cars. 1 Pearl Street, Burlington, Vt.
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (H-P)
- Description
1936 Employees of Herberg Auto Service Inc. listed as being at 137-139 S. Winooski Ave. and 204-206 Main Street, Burlington. Fall-Spring.
- Title
- Automobiles - Sales and Service (H-P)
- Description
1947 Photo of a delivery truck and Frank Patnaude at Patnaude's owned by F.E. Patnaude located at 1 Pearl Street, Burlington, Vt. Used cars, service and dealership for Lincoln Muercury cars. Fall.