Will Newcomb to Katherine Fletcher, 1888 April 3

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Johnson, Vt.April.3. 1888.Friend K.F-

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I am now about to take the liberty of writing you a letter as I intend to do by the whole class.

We used to be on pretty intimate terms, but we can be friends now.

Our old Johnson "friend" has left for the green pastures of Waterville I don't that I ought to talk so about her to you but my

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pen would not stop. I presume that you are looking a head for a certain day when you will be in a little school-house dealing out you knowledge of [modal] work.

I heard that you have had the class-letter, & who did you send it too?

Have you heard from any of the class yet except by the above letter? & how are they all getting along if so? I heard that you were up to this Lodge one evening.

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I wanted to attend but my health was such that I could not.

The B class have a public club this week Wednesday. & the A's last week.

Are you coming up to the last lecture of the course?

Well I will bring this to a close for I have written more now than you will care to read without a doubt.

Please excuse all mistakes.

Hoping to hear from you I remain as ever

Your true friendW.J.Newcomb or "Little Joe."

P.S. This will not be as interesting to you as some that you receive but I can't help it.

