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(21 - 30 of 30)
- Title
- Edward C. Smith to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher, 1873 May 20
- Description
Topics include communication and keeping accounts after an undescribed incident.
- Title
- Edward C. Smith to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher, 1873 May 29
- Description
Topics include settling accounts and Edward and family's preparation to move to California.
- Title
- Edward C. Smith to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher, 1874 June 15
- Description
Topics include the skeleton of a whale Edward found on the beach, immense wheat fields, giant redwoods, wild animals, and the climate in California, his request for sugar from Craig to sell in California, his injured hand, and the health of his family.
- Title
- Edward C. Smith to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher, 1874 May 17
- Description
Topics include the good health of his family, how and when to send sugar, and the abundance of fruit and hay produced in Sacramento, California.
- Title
- Edward C. Smith to Katherine Fletcher, 1883 December 30
- Description
Topics include Christmas gifts each of the family members received and his business prospects and salary.
- Title
- Edward C. Smith to Katherine Fletcher, 1887 May 22
- Description
Topics include his plans to take Carl and Marilla to Yosemite Valley and camp along the way and his real estate business.
- Title
- Edward C. Smith to Katherine Fletcher, 1888 March 26
- Description
Topics include planning a trip East, Uncle Bent's decision to return to Burke, NY, his desire for sugar on snow, and Katherine's plans.
- Title
- Edward C. Smith to Katherine Fletcher, [circa 1886]
- Description
Topics include not being able to help her financially with her education.
- Title
- Edward C. Smith to [Henrietta Fletcher], undated
- Description
Topics include his personal income and greetings to friends and family in Vermont.
- Title
- George B. Smith to Andrew Craig Fletcher, 1873 May 12 and Edward C. Smith to Andrew Craig Fletcher, 1873 May 13
- Description
Topics include a request for Craig to send maple syrup and other bulk goods to George.