Search results
(21 - 36 of 36)
- Title
- Mount Abraham from the South
- Date Created
- 1929-02-01
- Title
- Mount Ellen from "Potato Hill" (Mount Abraham) - looking towards Monkton Ridge
- Description
"Potato Hill" was the former name for Mount Abraham.
- Title
- Mount Ellen from Mount Abraham
- Description
Photo taken in Starksboro, Vermont.
- Title
- Mountain view from Warren, Vermont
- Description
The original photograph identifies the mountain in this image as either "Mt. Abraham or Ellen Mt. or Lincoln Mt."
- Title
- Mule and Mount Abraham
- Date Created
- 1917-08-31
- Description
This slide is looking east at "Potato Hill" (the former name for Mount Abraham). Slide colored by Mrs. Perry.
- Title
- Northeast from the top of Mount Abraham
- Date Created
- 1919-09
- Title
- Potato Hill from Bristol
- Description
The caption inscribed on the photo reads, "Potato Hill from Bristol, VT." "Potato Hill" is the former name for Mount Abraham.
- Title
- Southerly view from Mount Abraham: September 22, 1918
- Date Created
- 1918-09-22
- Title
- Summit of Mount Abraham
- Date Created
- 1918-08
- Title
- Tucker party on Mount Abraham
- Date Created
- 1920
- Description
Colored by Mrs. Perry in February or March, 1929.
- Title
- Voter's party on a Mount Abraham trail
- Date Created
- 1921-08
- Description
Pictured are: Voter, Taylor and Trukington on the trail. Negative done by Professor Voter.
- Title
- West from Mount Abraham at sunrise
- Date Created
- 1918-09
- Description
Pictured in this photograph is Herbert Wheaton Congdon.
- Title
- Westerly view from Mount Abraham
- Date Created
- 1918
- Description
Photo taken in the early morning.