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(61 - 80 of 347)
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, December 16, 1937
- Description
Topics include the maximum authorization of money for the farm bill; soil erosion projects.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, December 17, 1937
- Description
Topics include farm bill and the absence of New England Senators on the Agricultural Committee.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, December 2, 1937
- Description
Topics include Secretary of Agriculture's opposition to the farm bill being considered in a Special Session of the Senate.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, December 29, 1939
- Description
Topics include invitation to Jackson Day Dinner from President Roosevelt.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, December 4, 1937
- Description
Topics include farm bill.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, December 6, 1937
- Description
Topics include Governor Aiken's open letter.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, December 8, 1937
- Description
Topics include visit to Washington of Governor Aiken; farm bill.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, February 05, 1935
- Description
Topics include Judiciary subcommittee consideration of the Black Thirty Hour Bill. Austin remarks that he looks to be the only member of the subcommittee opposed to the bill.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, February 07, 1933
- Description
Economy Bill amendment; Agricultural Colleges; Extension Service; Vocational Education.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, February 08, 1934
- Description
Topics include Austin speech in Senate on the injunctive power of the Federal Courts.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, February 15, 1933
- Description
Topics include Agricultural Colleges; Extension Service; Vocational Education; Post Office and Treasury Appropriations Bill and the Economy Measure.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, February 19, 1935
- Description
Topics include Gold Decision of the Supreme Court; lengthy commentary, with quotations from Court decisions, regarding a shift in favor of the Government and against citizen's property and rights.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, February 21, 1935
- Description
Topics include Austin's work on the Thirty Hour Bill.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, February 28, 1935
- Description
Topics include breakfast with Justice McReynolds and Princess Julia Grant Kantakuzen, granddaughter of General Ulysses S. Grant; Gold Decision.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, February 1, 1937
- Description
Topics include Judiciary Committee; O'Mahoney Bill; centralization of power in Washington.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, February 1, 1939
- Description
Topics include foreign policy and the plan for national defense in the Military Affairs Committee; President Roosevelt meeting with the Military Affairs Committee at the White House; Relief Bill; Judiciary Committee.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, February 1, 1940
- Description
Topics include address by Austin on the 150th anniversary of the Supreme Court's first meeting.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, February 10, 1936
- Description
Topics include radio broadcasts of two Austin speeches: "The Supreme Court and Government by the People," and "Lincoln and Home Rule". Includes transcripts of speeches.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, February 10, 1939
- Description
Topics include Military Affairs Committee and Austin's motion to open hearings to the public; Special Finance Committee on Taxation of Public Securities.
- Title
- Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, February 11, 1938
- Description
Topics include sub-committee hearings on nomination of Robert Jackson for the post of Solicitor General.