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- Title
- A view of Mount Ethan Allen looking South from the first knoll along the New Trail on Couching Lion (Camel's Hump)
- Date Created
- 1919-09
- Description
"Couching Lion" is the previous name for Camel's Hump.
- Title
- Baker's Notch and Mount Ethan Allen from Couching Lion (Camel's Hump) trail
- Description
"Couching Lion" is the previous name for Camel's Hump.
- Title
- Camel's Hump as it appears from the north slope of Mount Ethan Allen
- Date Created
- 1916
- Description
This is a view from where one drops down to Montclair Glen. Camel's Hump was previously referred to also as "Couching Lion."
- Title
- Couching Lion (Camel's Hump) from near the top of Mount Ethan Allen
- Date Created
- 1919-09
- Description
"Couching Lion" is the previous name for Camel's Hump.
- Title
- Looking south at Mount Ethan Allen
- Date Created
- 1917-09
- Title
- Mount Ethan and Ira Allen from Couching Lion (Camel's Hump) lookout
- Date Created
- 1919-08
- Description
"Couching Lion" is the previous name for Camel's Hump.