A Line A Day 105 Genieve Lamson January 1910. WARD'S "A LINE A DAY" BOOK. from Guy A Condensed, Comparative Record For Five Years. "Nulla dies sine linea." (No day without a line.) TRADEMARK WARD'S STATIONERY BOSTON 1910 Sat. JANUARY 1 1910 We danced the New Year in had a fine time. Mother woke up sick with a cold. Stayed home and worked all day. Cold night. Mother sewed on my waist in even. Sun. 1911 Another year, how they fly along - All went to church, fine service Guy's family over to dinner. Mrs. E in eve. We popped corn. Bill and I called on Mrs. Dubois and visited 19 1910 19 19 Sun. JANUARY 2 1910 All but mother went to church. Great change in temperature. I made bread yester- day for com - Lou & I came back on the 1:25 much warmer, train and hour late. Hated to leave. 1911 Mon. Packed all morning. Family saw me off on he 1:25. Met a Mr. Johnson on train nice visit to Spring - nearly hr. late. Rained hard Paul met me. Louis C. spent eve with us seemed awfully good to see them all 19 19 19 Mon JANUARY 3 1910 Got back to work again. Paul is real sick with grippy cold. Studied all the eve. Found a letter from Clay. Bed early. 1910 Tues. Poured all day. Walked to school with Miss Bates. Called at V's, Lath-, Lairds & Sherman's everyone fine. We lunched down town. I took the 2:44. Reached E just in time for eve. school. Metz was surprised to see me so early. 19 19 19 Tues. JANUARY 4 1910 It grew cold in the night and I never heard the wind blow worse. Below zero. I went with Miss W. to buy a muff then over to Louis & Sherman's. Mr. V came home & there were callers. 1911 Wed. School again New Prin. Mr. Smoyer nice. Unpacked after school and got settled nice day. We had a quiet eve. Sewed and played piano and talked over Xmas 19 19 19 Wed. JANUARY 5 1910. Another awfully cold day. Snow 'squeeks'. They are rushing us at school. Miss W. came up with me a few mins. Letters from mother & Bill. Studied all eve. Bed at 9 1911 Thurs. Nice again but cold. R. R came also letter from May. Came home early. Night school wrote two letters. Metz pupil came. Cold night. 19 19 19 Thursday JANUARY 6 1910 Perfectly awful day. Cold, snow, and rain. I'm writing Xmas letters on the typewriter. Studied all even- ing. Mr. W. D. Vining was here. Bed at 9:30 1911. Fri. Warmer. Went over to bank before school. 8th Grade day. Night school again. I came home at four and just rested until dinner time. We are enjoying Maple candy I brot back. 19 19 19 Friday JANUARY 7 1910 It rained when I started for school. Awful walking. Hustling in my work, four new pupils in bookkeeping. Wrote two lettrs Sat. 1911 Nice sunny morning Lola & I have washed our hair. I mended and pressed etc. 'till 3: P.M. Had bath and took nap. Metz & I went to basket-ball game in eve. fun. Danced a little after it. 19 19 19 Saturday JANUARY 8 1910 School 'till 1 oclock. Lou, Miss. T & I went thro the new Myrick Building very interesting. L & I shopped 'till 6. Mrs. V's father & mother spent afternoon & even. here. 1911 Sun. A lovely warm day. Metz & I stayed in and did things till dinner. Then went in town & heard Hugh Black at the 5th Ave. Pres. Took a bus and called at Fr. Home at 10. Rained when we came back. 19 19 19 Sunday JANUARY 9 1910. Sunny but quite cold, icy walking. We went to church I've studied some. We went to Vespers at the South church, fine, walked over Crecent Hill, lovely homes. Spent eve. at Sherman's. Mon. 1910 Colder and windy. We made out report cards. Home at 6. Postal from father. Univer. Club at home. Eve. school. Awfully tired. Moon but lots of wind. Feel grippie 19 19 19 Monday JANUARY 10 1910 I walked to school. Just rushed with my pupils. I'm nearly crazy with the work piling up. Wrote some letters for Miss L. Miss V. was here. I had 3 letters & a book. Came home fagged. 1911 Tues. Felt wreched all day. All achie, grip I guess. Heavenly day, clear as a bell and warmer. R.R. came also the girls R. R. & letter from Margaret S L & C. walked to E & came home with me after eve. school. Glorious morn. 19 19 19 Tuesday JANUARY 11 1910. Work is still rushing. I taught most of the time today. Lou came down after school I went home with her a little while Letter from Maurine. I study all the eves. lately. 1911 Wed. Just sick all day. Came home at 3 and went to bed, felt better at dinner time. We all went down to Mrs. Herd's to see some furnish- ed room. Lovely house. We may move & keep house. Rainey day 19 19 19 Wednes. JANUARY 12 1910 Nice day, still hustling. The R.R. just arrived it went to S - Vt again. Letter from May. Work is rushing. I've been teaching balance sheet to 2. 1911 Thurs. Felt better came home after school and took a nap. Met Mrs. H. on the car going down. Decided to move and keep house. Wrote R.R to girls. 19 19 19 Thursday. JANUARY 13 1910 Rode to school early. Still on the hustle. I want to hand in my July books next week. Wrote a long letter to May. Letter from Grace F. L. say- in things went off O.K. Mon. night U. Club. 1911 Fri. Stayed late after school. Told Mrs. A. we were going to move. Catherine worked all eve. packing. Night school. Warm and rainy. 19 19 19 Friday JANUARY 14 1910 It snowed all day a lttle fine snow. Found a long letter from Metz. Studied all the evening. It stormed and the wind blew. 1911 Sat. Worked all A:M. packing. Buz came. Metz came home early and we moved. 3 trunks, 2 suit cases, hat boxes etc. Rained hard back at A's for dinner. Unpacked. 19 19 19 Saturday. JANUARY 15 1910. It was still storming when we got up and the drifts were over 2 ft. deep in spots. Paul shoveled walks most of the day. Miss Wil- came up & we studied Lou came over. Miss W. stayed & in the eve. Miss Bates came in and we played cards 1911 Sun. We slept until 10:30 A:M. Worked all day getting settled. Colder than Greenland & no hot water. Read and wrote letters. Bed early. 19 19 19 Sunday. JANUARY 16 1910 Its an ideal winter day clear bright blue sky & warmer. We went to All Saints church. Lou, Rachel & I walked in the P:M. Read bed early. 1911 Mon. Bitter cold, got up at 6 got breakfast and put up our lunch. Walked up ordered groceries. Lola lonely. L. walked to E. after school went together as far as El Miona see page of Memor. 19 19 19 Monday January 17 1910 I felt bum all day had a bad head ache. The R.R. came at school and I sent it on then came home and went to bed at 5. Mrs V. dosed me. 1911 Tues. We decided last night to return. Telegram saying Bill on way to Wash. Miss S. took study hall. I got some thing from El Mora and Metz and I met Bill at 8P:M. Bert H. was there. We bummed around home at eleven. 19 19 19 Tues. JANUARY 18 Mother's birthday 1910 I think the quinine etc. saved me from grip. I stayed in bed all day weak & sick. Awful day. It rained all the time. I got up at 6 and at 8 went to see M. A. 1911 Wed. It seemed good to see Bill. She went to school with me then I saw her off at E at 10:45 Grace ill. Metz came out early We moved back here we stay. Saw Mad. Sherry with C. B. H & Coz. We had dandy time home at 1 A:M. 19 19 19 Wed. JANUARY 19 1910 Maude Adams was fine last night in 'What Every Woman Knows'. Lots of Mt. H. girls there, I saw Althea Beal. Went to school pretty weak. Marge is here & school closed because of small pox. 1911 Thurs. It did seem good to be back. We made a mistake. Came home after school & took nap. Lola took eve. schoool Tues. night. Eve. school again still cold. 19 19 19 Thurs. January 20 1910. Cleared off nice again. M. came down & Miss L., Miss W., M & I went to the Massesoit to lunch. I went up to L's bridge party nice time. Spent eve. with L & M. 1911 Fri. Letter from Lucile she's coming up the 3d of Feb. Lovely day warmer again. L & I are taking lunch this week. Read new magazines, Sat. Eve. P, World's Work. Eve school. 19 19 19 Friday JANUARY 21 1910 Rushing at school to make up for lost time Wrote to Bill. Worked until late. Studied and played cribbage with Mr. V. bed early. 1911 Sat. Colder and cloudy, read & sewed by fireplace. A friend of L's was here for lunch then they went to Newark for theatre & dinner. Metz & I went to basket ball game. Took my coat to be cleaned. Sewed in eve. 19 19 19 Sat. JANUARY 22 1910 I walked to school yesterday for the first time since coming back. M & L were down. M went to college. Miss W & I worked all afternoon. Sewed in eve. 1911 Sun. Woke up to find it snowing. We stayed in & 'did things' L went to Cranford. Metz fell down cellar stairs. We've had 4 lbs. of Huyler's lately. We went for a walk bed early. 19 19 19 Sun. JANUARY 23 1910 I stayed home from church fixed my laundry & have been doing odd jobs. Its colder but lovely. Lou, Rachel & I walked. Then L came over with me & spent eve. 1911 Mon. My busy day at school. Letter from Pansy Smith. Warmer and nice. Came home and took a nap. Lola and I read by the fireplace before school. Eve. school. 19 19 19 Mon. JANUARY 24 Father's birthday 1910 Nice day. The R.R. came and I stayed after school and sent it on. They are all well & hav- ing good times. I did my hair & L's turban yest. 1911 Tues. Still warm, but grew colder. We high teachers visited after school. Walked to station with Miss S. R.R. came. Grace is gaining. Eve. school. Awfully tired. 19 19 19 Tues. JANUARY 25 1910 It rained hard when I started for school. Letter from Bill with errands for me to do, she's making a blue silk dress. They are having floods in France. 1911 Wed. Another spring day. Busy at school begin Com. Geog. Feb. 1st with class of eight. Card from Bill. G. better Came home & read, new Everbody's We called on. Miss Whitman 19 19 19 Wed. JANUARY 26 1910. I went to school early & worked hard. We went to a 500 party at Mrs. Em- pshal's & made a call in the eve. Nice day. L has a new black astrakan coat. 1911 Thurs. Foggy and rainy all day. Came home in good season, and mended my silk waist. Made new belt. David Graham Phillips was shot in N.Y. few days ago. Eve school Awfully tired. 19 19 19 Thurs. JANUARY 27 1910 Snowed and rained all day. I studied late. Went over to L's in the eve. She dictated to me. Buz. came. Seine still rizing. 1911 Fri. Still this disagreeable fog. Wrote a note to Miss S. Came home, and read. 'Across the Chasm' Miss Lenhart let me take. Poured when I came home from eve. school. We had cards from Mr. Draper. 19 19 19 Fri. JANUARY 29 1910 Cloudy day. Floods are do- ing lots of damage at Paris & other places. Mrs. V and I spent the eve. at W.D.V's. It snowed a little 1911 Sat. I went in town with Metz. Went around the stores then lunched with Metz. She went to Orange to spend fun. I went up and called on Blanchie. Home for dinner. Bed early. Lovely day but windy. 19 19 19 Sat. JANUARY 29 1910 Rained hard and there's ice over everything & sluch. I went down & typed all A:M. Mrs. L., Lou, Carrie M & I played bridge all P:M. Lots of fun. 1911 Sun. Another grey day. Lola d and I did stunts all morning. Read etc. in P:M. It rained in eve. so did not go to church. Read and went to bed early. 19 19 19 Sun. JANUARY 30 1910 Lovely day. I was sick in the night another indigestion spell. Stayed in bed until 4. Lou spent afternoon with me. I read 'The Prospector' Ate some toast finally. 1911 Mon. Nice but windy and grew cold toward eve. Worked at school late. Read and played the piano. Metz came home. Eve. school. Cold awful wind. 19 19 19 Mon. JANUARY 31 1910. Cloudy day. I went to school but naturally felt rather weak. The R.R. came. I had some errands to do for Bill too. Studied and went to bed early 1911 Tues. Clear as a bell and still some wind. R.R came also card from Bill Grace is up. Mother & all well. Stayed after school and wrote R.R. Eve. school. 19 19 19 Tues. FEBRUARY 1 1910 Nice day but cold. Am some better. Did errand for Bill. Lou came down to school & we batted awhile. Paul's Birthday I made candy for him 1911 Wed. Cold and clear. Hustled at school. Miss S. and I stayed 'till 6 working on program. We did some er- rands in eve. Miss Whiteman and friend called 19 19 19 Wed. FEBRUARY 2 1910 Still warm. I had some errands to do for Bill. I worked late. Studied played piano. Miss V's birthday. Paul & I called & took over some candy. 1911. Rained all day, bad fog at night grew colder. Eve. school Mrs. H. ill. Card from Lou coming at 4:46 tomorrow. Mud is awful. Studying School Law a little. 19 19 19 Thurs. February 3 1910. Warm day. Met L. down town and went home with her. We read last chaper of 'White Magic". Paul & I went over to make a birthday call on Miss. V. studied. 1911 Fri. Cleared off nice at noon Hustled all day. Met Lou at E- O.K. Good visit. Metz & she came down to eve. school. Talked late. L. looking fine. 19 19 19 Fri. FEBRUARY 4 1910 Nice sunny day. I was tired and didn't stay to work. Met Mrs. Enp- and we did errands and walked home. I spent the eve. at the Lathropes. 1911 Sat. Heavy shower early. Went to E. for exams at 9. Lou met me then at 11. We had lunch at Gimbel's. L. went to see friend. Metz, Cora & I saw The Fortune Hunter Dinner in town. Basket ball, in eve bed at 12. 19 19 19 Sat. FEBRUARY 5 1910. Sunny but windy. I did odd jobs, wrote letters etc. Dressed for Grand Opera and went over to L's we played duets. Enjoyed Opera. Cavalleria Rusticana 1911 Sun. Lovely day. Lola in Spr Mans. Metz & I went to church. Read, wrote, and went for a long walk. Played piano. 'Did things' Lovely night. 19 19 19 Sun. FEBRUARY 6 1910 Another sunny day but cold and windy. Carrie Moore, L & I went to church together. Awful night cold as Greenland. I read until late. 1911 Mon. Stormy day. I took my lunch with Lola. Stayed and did some typewriting and walked over with Miss S. Cold day. Evening school. Lola came at 10 P.M 19 19 19 Mon. FEBRUARY 7 1910 We're having a spell of zero weather. Yesterday & today the coldest since the 'spell' in Dec. School as usual until 4 oclock no. R.R. Read in the "Moon Stone". 1911 Tues. Still cloudy and misty. R.R. came mother has a cold. Grace has had tonsilitis but is better. At school late again. We made out report cards. Saw Miss S off & met Metz. Eve sc. 19 19 19 Tues. FEBRUARY 8 1910 Nice and sunny and warmer. School in the morning. 'Sunlight Hop' given by Mr. P. in the afternoon. Good time R.R. came. 1911 Wed. Stormed all day. Lola and I came home together and I made fudge. Awful night. We read and had lots of fun. Baths and bed. 19 19 19 Wed. Tues. FEBRUARY 9 1910 Uncle J's old block burned Sun. most things in it. Uncle J & Aunt H are taking a trip in Florida to Bermudas etc. Started my silk waist. Warmer 1911 Thurs. Work rushing at school. Home late again. Snow. Letters from Lou & Aunt H. L wants me to go to Phila- over 13th Couldn't decide "so much work." Card from Bill G better. 19 19 19 Thurs. Wed. FEBRUARY 10 1910 It started in half rain half snow last night and is awful walking. Came right home and sewed steadily until bed time. Colder. 1911 Fri. Cleared off at last. Stirred up all day and tired Decided not to go to Phila. Lovely moonlight. Metz came down to even. school at 8:15. We did some work for Mr. Duncan. Lola went home. 19 19 19 Fri. FEBRUARY 11 1910 Nice day. I came right home from school. I walked down. Sew- ed until 7:30 Then went with Mrs. V. over to Mrs. E's, then to L's we played duets. 1911 Sat. I worked around the room 'till 10. Went to school worked 'till 12:20. Perfect day. Metz came home at 3:30 from Dentist's Miss S went to game with us. Heavenly night. 19 19 19 Sat. FEBRUARY 12 Lincoln's Birthday 100 yrs. 1910 It snowed most of the night and day sleeted too. Mr. V went to Boston trains held up. I sewed all day and evening my waist is coming on. 1911 Sun. Another lovely day. We didn't go to church. Washed Metz' hair etc. Walked after dinner. Went to the Baptist church and heard a fine Lincoln address. Bed early. 19 19 19 Sun. FEBRUARY 13 1910 Lovely day, the snow looks pretty. I went to church with the L's & L. Called in at Mrs. E's after church. Mr. V's nephew called. We spend eve at Mrs. V's bro. Arthur's. Mon. 1911 Cloudy all day. Metz & I went over to school at 10:30. I worked around until Miss S was ready & went home to Westfield with her for lunch. Awfully nice time. Went to E. to basket-b our girls won. Metz spent day with friends at Flushing. Lola came at 10. 19 19 19 Mon. FEBRUARY 14 1910 Lovely day. The R.R. came Bill expects to go to Boston in 2 weeks. I be- gan work in the offices. Went home with Miss Taylor after school. Little party next door eve. Tues. 14 1911 I went over to the church with Miss Olive last evening to see the rehearsal of a C.E play. Snowed all day. R.R came, began my new classes Eng I, & A Comer. Geog. 3 Valentines. Evening school. 19 19 19 Tues. FEBRUARY 15 1910. Wrote long letter to Metz. Warmer found card from M. at home. I sewed all eve. Didn't feel very well. Its bad walking now. Buz came. Wed. 1911 Hustled with my classes. Came home in good season. Lola went to Eliza- I washed & ironed some collars etc. Senior play Fri. reharsing. We talked and read. Metz box came with cookies etc. 19 19 19 Wed. FEBRUARY 16 1910. Very warm. Wrote to Jessie she has the measles. Did one or two errands bought rubbers. Sewed all eve. My waist is nearly finished. Thurs. 1911 2 above zero. Lovely day moderated toward night. Finished a book last eve. Came home in good season and read new post. Night school. Wrote to Mrs. V. cloudy again. 19 19 19 Thurs. FEBRUARY 17 1910 Misted and rained all day I walked to school. The Buz came last night and I took in to Mr L. Sewed all evening. Went to bed late Fri. 1911 Looks like rain we've had the worst weather Only nine more nights of eve. school. Rained hard one session. Read and took nap. Lola & Metz went to the senior play. I came up on a Main Line car and saw the last act. Fine. 19 19 19 Fri. FEBRUARY 18 1910. It sleeted all night. Such a glorious morning every twig ice coated and brigtht blue sky. Walked to school. Sewed all eve. Letter from Clay 1910 Cloudy. Went to N.Y. with Metz. Wanamaker's then Gimbel's etc. Met Lillian on a car. Metz & I had lunch at Gimbel's. Shopped. Each bot foulard for a dress. Lola at dentists. Home for dinner. Buz letter & from Bill 19 19 19 Sat. FEBRUARY 19 1910 Finished my waist in the A:M It is very pretty. Lovely day. Called on Miss B. a few minutes walked down town with Miss V. Lou Earle & L. Vining were here in eve. We played 500. Had a nice time. Sun. 1911 Lovely day. We all went to church. Did odd jobs 'till dinner time. Went for a walk, slept, read etc. Went to Baptist church in eve. Same man as last Sun. I have a bum cold. 19 19 19 Sun. FEBRUARY 20 1910 Beautiful day. Went to Church with Miss B. Mrs. V & I took a long walk in the P:M. & went to Christ Church Vesper's. Called at Lou's & the Sherman's. Mon. 1911 Woke up to find 3 in. of snow and still snowing. We had one session. L & I had our lunch in her room with coffee etc. Did odd jobs about room & read. Eve. school About 6 in of snow 19 19 19 Mon. FEBRUARY 21 1910. Felt bum coming down with a head cold. Play sub. bridge at Mrs. S's had a good time. Went to bed early. Mrs. V has a little boy to spend 22d. Father's very ill. lives. Tues. 1911 Lola's birthday. Perfect day. Jeanette comes at 6 tonight. We had nice Washington & Lincoln Ex. Capt. A- spoke. Corrected Eng. papers 'till dinner. Jeanette came at 6. She & M. went to theater. 19 19 19 Tues. FEBRUARY 22 1910. Stormed all day both snow and rain. I've been about sick with this cold, haven't been out. Mended, played with Jerry, studied & cards. Wed. 1911 Lovely day. We got up late and saw J. off at 10:47. L went to Cranford. M & I went in town saw - 'Madam Butterfly' lovely. Cora A. with us. We had dinner with her. Lovely day. Sewed a bit when we got home. 19 19 19 Wed. FEBRUARY 23 Cleared off, I walked home. 1910 The RR. came this A:M. Ann Hodges has another boy. Slews of snow in Vt. Gail starts for Boston Sat. I have a new position in the office stand up all day Thurs. 1911 Work as usual. R.R. from the girls came yesterday. Mr Deyo asked me to come back next year with fifty raise. Wrote letter in even. and one to mother & Margaret F. also Maurine. 19 19 19 Thur. FEBRUARY 24 1910. Lovely day but cold I walked home from school. Lou goes to Vt. tomorrow for a week's vacation. Spent eve. with L. Awfully cold. Mended. Fri. 1911 Another lovely day. Beautiful night. Catherine is hustling on Miss S's Thesis. Found her still working when I came home. Card from Dr. C. want to see G & J when they get to Phil. 19 19 19 Fri. FEBRUARY 25 1910. I got materials for a baby bonnet after school. Did Mrs. V's hair turban. We went out to E. Longmeadow and spent the eve. beautiful moonlight night but cold. Sat. 1911 Glorious springy morning. Worked around the room. Buz came. Took 10:28 for N.Y. had lunch with Lola. Boston Sym. Concert with Miss Rollanson. Metz finished Thesis at 9 P:M. 19 19 19 FEBRUARY 26 Sat. Warmer. 1910. Bill has been sick with a cold goes to B- Tues. I read and mended in the A:M. Went driving with Mr. Lathrop & Miss B. in P:M. Read at lib. in eve Sun. 1911 Another heavenly day. Metz & I took the Thesis up to Westfield in A:M. Took a walk after dinner all 3 to Eliza, drinks M & I went to meeting. Wrote letters. 19 19 19 Sun. FEBRUARY 27 1910. Mrs. V & I went to church and I read in 'Joseph Vance' after dinner a- while then took a nap. Mr. & Mrs. Mills & Mr & Mrs Empsal spent afternoon & eve. here we sang & played. Mon. 1911 Beautiful day again. Such sad news! Mrs. Laird died Sat. A:M, leaving a baby boy born the 21st. I cannot believe it. Letter from Mrs. V. Poor Mr. L is almost insane with grief. 19 19 19 Mon. FEBRUARY 28 1910 It began to rain last night and has been at it off & on all day musty & damp. R.R. came. Gail goes to Boston tomorrow. Studied before & after dinner 'till bed. Tues. 1911 Cold this A:M. Winter again. News came this noon of little Wilber's death from pneumonia. I can't think its true. Poor Maurine such a lovely baby I'm just heart broken over it. 19 19 19 Tues. FEBRUARY 29 X 1910 Still misty and disagreeable. Worked at school until 4 oclock. March 1st 1911 Wed. The R.R. came yesterday with all its sad news, it has just made me ill, I can't think of anything else. 19 19 19 Tues. March 1 19 This isn't leap year. Snow has been 40 inches on a level in Vt. fine sleighing etc. Got things ready to de- part tomorrow. 1911 Thurs. see March 4) The New Theater is lovely & 'The Piper' beautiful. We went from the Martha Washington, wore our silk dresses. Cleared off lovely. 19 19 19 Wed. March 2 1910 It rained off and on all day. I took the 3:14 Metz. met me at 5:30. We went right out to Melrose and just talked. It seemed so good. Pa W. died a yr. ago today. Thurs 1911 Worked hard all day at school Night school. Came home after school & read. The girls go to Phila. in A:M to spend a day with Lucile. Had dandy time in W. 19 19 19 Thur. MARCH 3 Beautiful day. 1910 Bill met C- & I at 9 in town we did errands all morning. Lunched with Pansy. called on Daisy Dean, Warren Foster & Aunt H. good visits. Friday 1911 A lovely day. I hustled home from school and did odd jobs. Mended etc. Last night of night school hooray! Had Bill's trunk transfered to N.J. closing Exer [Exercises] at school 19 19 19 Fri. MARCH 4 Lovely again. 1910 Clear & warm stayed at Mary's last night. M played cards in eve. Went in town at moon [noon]. Shopped Ben Hur in eve. Metz and all stayed at Mary's. Sat See March 1 1911 Snowed hard in night & 'till about one. Shortened my green dress went to bank. etc. Took 10:28. Met Bill & J. at 12:50. Metz came at 2 We had lunch at Gimbels, shopped saw 'The Piper'. 19 19 19 Sat. MARCH 5 1910 We got up late. Lunched with Florence at Navy Yard. Marge & Metz & Arther met us and went to Vaudevile Metz & I went out to Roslindale. Dined in town Sun 1911 Perfect day. Went to 5th Ave. Pres. church Lovely service. Dinner & letters the J. G & I took 5th Ave bus, called at F's cold. Metz felt bum stayed & slept. Home at 8 P:M. 19 19 19 Sun. MARCH 6 1910 We got up late. Called at Threshers Melrose Highlands. Went out to Read- ing dinned with Warren Foster & his wife delightful people. Took 7:35 home. Mon. 1911 Bill & J. went in with Metz and hunted suits, Hippodrome in P:M. Metz, Lola & I joined them for dinner at Baronne's Raised Cain. Cora went with us to see Blanch Bates. 'Nobody's Widow.' 19 19 19 Mon. MARCH 7 Wilber Hersom's birthday 1910 We had a thunder storm in the night. Cleared off again tho. I certainly had lovely weather in B. worked hard 'till 5. Awfully tired. Tues. 1911 Girls went in early again and shopped. Bill bot a suit. We just stayed in in eve. Sang wrote letters and played 500. Tired bed early. 19 19 19 Tues. MARCH 8 1910 Another nice day. Hard days work. Went up to see Lou awhile after school. Went bowling with Mr. Ripley in eve. had a good time. Wed. 1911 Girls visit school with me 'till 10 A:M. Then went in and shopped. Had lunch & went to 'Mad Sherry'. L & I met them at theater saw 'Chanticler'. didn't feel as tho we'd seen Maude Adams 19 19 19 Wed. MARCH 9 1910 Grand morning. I walked to school. The R.R. came and I wrote and sent it on Read awhile and went to bed early. Thurs. 1911 Awfully busy at school, with marks etc. Girls visited Met. Art Mus- & heard 'Garaldine Farrar' in Mad. Butterfly' Jeanette packed. We retired early. Dead tired. 19 19 19 Thur. MARCH 10 1910 I get awfully tired these days working in the bank. Card from Ralph telling of the birth of Maurines son 10 lbs. Wilber Thayer Hersom. Wrote to M. Fri 1911 Bill & Jeanette went in early. J left at 12:50 for Albany. I got off early & met Bill at 3:30 we did errands for Grace F. Bill packed in eve. I went to E about register bed early. 19 19 19 Fri. MARCH 11 1910 Home late. Lovely day L. W. & I visit- ed school at Westfield. She got a tele- gram calling her to a position in Chatam. Lou, Mrs V. & I went to Paul's minstrel show good. Sat. 1911 Bill & I went in with Metz. Glorious day. Shopped. Lunched with Mary M & Mrs. Lane at Mt V. Shopped 'till G went at 5:02 I stopped on way home & bot a tan suit. Bed! 19 19 19 Sat. MARCH 12 1910 Got up late. The Buz came, read and did odd jobs. Sap is running finely in Vt. Took my sewing over to Lou's still grand weather. Sun. 1911 Lovely day. Lola in Cranford. C & I went to church. Wrote letters slept & 'did things.' Went for a walk and to bed early again. Seems quite [quiet] with the girls gone. 19 19 19 Sun. MARCH 13 card to Hester 19 Gorious [Glorious] spring day. Mrs. V & I went to church. Walked after with Miss Bates. Rachel was over in the afternoon Mrs V & I walked with her - beautiful. Bed early. Mon. 1911 Perfectly beautiful night I've been walking. Metz had to work 'till 8:30. Have been to bank etc. Finished reading 'Flamstead Quarries' nice story. M. E Waller 19 19 19 Mon. MARCH 14 1910. When I got to school found card saying Gail would arrive at 4:10. Aw- fully glad to see her. We visited & called on Lou in the eve. Lovely but cold. Tues. 1911 R.R. came Bill reached home O.K. My suit came out light tan braided. Came home in good season. Its raining Metz is work- ing late again. I've been to the talor's for her suit. 19 19 19 Tues. MARCH 15 Hester's birthday. 1910. I went to school then met Bill at 10:15 and we visited one of L's classes B visited my school in P:M. We did errands had L & Miss B. over for bridge. Candy ice-cream & wafers. Wed. 1911 Spring day. Miss S & I went to Springfield with the girls team We won 16-13. Had lots of fun took wrong car and didn't get home 'till 6:45. Rain- ing a little. 19 19 19 Wed. MARCH 16 1910 We are having grand weather. Bill met me at 3 we did errands went to a concert with L & home with her for dinner. Rachel was there we played bridge. Thurs. 1911 Woke up with snow on the ground. Cold & windy freezing all day. Worked late at sch- Miss Bell called. Washed and pressed. Metz is packing for Boston and I for Phila. 19 19 19 Thurs. MARCH 17 1910 We started at 9:15 for Ware. It snowed a little in the morning but cleared. Found Joe looking well but able to walk only a little. Went tho' the mills in P:M. Home at 9:30. Fri 1911 Nice day Hustled at school beat it for E- and got the 2:49 reached Phila at 5. Lou was glad I came as she was feeling blue Gran. Smith died Tues. We went to Grand Opera & heard Mary Garden in 'The Juggler' 19 19 19 Fri MARCH 18 1910 Glorious morning. I got a team & we drove down to Barney's thro park, over Cresent Hill, Maple St etc. Lunched down town. Bill left at 12:45. I hated to have her go. Sat. 1911 Cloudy. I went thru the mint very interesting The L & I did the City Hall, Masonic Temple, Ind. Hall, Betsy Ross' House. Home for brunch the Wana- maker's. In the eve Schumann-Heink with P- Ocestra. lovely. 19 19 19 Sat. MARCH 19 1910 Mended, read and walk in P:M. Went down to school & worked in A:M. Felt pretty lonesome & blue. Miss B. came over at 5 & stayed to supper. We played cards in the eve. Sun. 1911 It rained most of the day. L & I got up late, went to church heard fine sermon. After dinner visited until A.A. Campbell called at 7. It rained hard he took me to my train. Home at 10. 19 19 19 Sun. MARCH 20 1910 Went to church. Miss B. & I took the 12:50 train for Northampton. Spent a pleasant afternoon with her sister at Smith. I called up Ann M. but she was in Brooklyn. Home at 6:30. Mon. 1911 Found letter from Grace, buz. and letter Bill. Worked like a Trojan at school until 4. Lola has Sara for 3 days. We met Metz at 6:22 She had a great time. Tired took bathe & went to bed 8:30 19 19 19 Mon. MARCH 21 1910 I've nearly finished 'Joseph Vance' fine R.R. came newsy Letter from Lillian & one from Miss Noble a Pacific traveling friend. Cleared off lovely, showered yesterday. Bed early. Studied. Tues. 1911 Letters from mother and Margaret S. Mother's been having grip. Worked at school late. Sara had five little friends for a tea party. Metz & I went to a concert with Miss Jennie. 19 19 19 Tues. MARCH 22 Maurine 25 1910 Nice day again. Did some errands on the way home. Stayed at school late typewriting. This is Holy Week. Strike in Philadelphia still on. Finished my book. Wed. 1911 Lovely spring morning. Real warmth in the wind. Worked late came home and mended; and played piano. We just read and talked and went to bed early. Hot. 19 19 19 Wed. MARCH 23 1910 Perfect day. Worked late. We are doing speed work in short hand. Walked home tonight, & went over to lib. & read until dinner time. Studied. bed early - Thurs. 1911. Winter again the wind has howled for three nights now. I'm getting tired of it. I had two friends from Mt. V. visiting her[e] today. Letter from Lucile not coming up now. H.S. Washington trip off scarlet fever. 19 19 19 Thurs. MARCH 24 19 Lovely day again. I walked from school. school and over to Lou's awhile. Beautiful moonlight night studied, read & bed early. Fri. 1911 Nice day worked late at school. Read until dinner. Metz was late home. We went to an illustrated lecture on the West at Elizabeth. Lovely pictures over my stamping ground. 19 19 19 Fri. MARCH 25 Lovely moonlight nights 1910 Just like summer I walked both ways. Worked late. Letter from Aunt Hannah, she & Uncle J. are going to stop here Mon. I went to eve. school. Sat. 1911 Nice morning but still cool. L. C & I went in on the 8:09. I bot a suit old blue & hat black with blue plumes. L went to Sym. Concert M & I shopped. We met at 5, had dinner & saw The Concert Fine show lots of fun bot tickets of speculator 19 19 19 Sat. MARCH 26 Letter having mother 1910 A little cooler & windy. Mended all morning & 'till we went to ride at 3. Mr & Mrs. V., Miss B. & I. Called on Josie Sault Lawton in eve Lovely night. Sun. 1911 Lovely spring day. We stayed in and rested. Took naps etc. L in Crawford. We went to vespers at 4. walked awhile. Read, wrote letters and retired early. 19 19 19 Sun. MARCH 27 Such a glorious Easter! I wore my pink silk & white hat. Lou & I went to walk in the P.M. and down to 1st Church to hear Gounod's 'Redemption' Mon. 1911 Miserable all day. it rained some. Coming down with hard cold, headache. The girls R.R. came Maurine is very brave. Went to bed at 8. Awful headache. 19 19 19 Mon. MARCH 28 19 Uncle J & Aunt H. came at 12:38. At 3:15 we took the car for Ware. Had a fine visit home at 9:30. They are running open cars on some streets. R.R. came. My hat came. Tues. 1911 Bum but went to school. Letter from mother. Wrote both R.R's and came home from school early. Metz and I went down to Miss Field's a little while. L in C__ 19 19 19 Tues. MARCH 29 19 I got a rig & took Aunt H. & Uncle J. around the city & over thr[o] the park. Perfect day warm as summer. They left at 12:45. Maurine has been very sick. Wed. 1911 I took my silk and went to Westfield after school but got caught in a hard rain and home just in time for dinner. Metz had to work. Home at 10:00 19 19 19 Wed. MARCH 30 19 I'm back in the offices again and get home late awfully tired: Walked to school. Pete has left college for this year & is teaching dis. school. Thurs. 1911 Worse! Worst cold I've had sick all over but keep going. Went to Westfield again and saw dressmaker. Came home and went to bed right after dinner. Cold is tight. New suit came. 19 19 19 Thurs. MARCH 31 1910 Felt like a cold and closed. Rachel and I went to look at hats. Miss B. spent eve. with us. Mr & Mrs. L. in N.Y. Fri. 1911 Began to feel better today. We are to have the house and luncheon party tomorrow. Miss Munoz, L & I went to E__ after school and got supplies. Errands in eve. bath & bed early. 19 19 19 Fri. APRIL 1 19 1 Felt pretty bad with this cold. Went to R's club masquerade dressed as Jap in my kimona. Had a good time. Teacher murdered last eve. Sat. 1911 Lovely spring day. Lola & I hustled all A:M. Lunch at 2:15. Miss Shield, Miss Munoz, Cora & we'uns. Everything fine, visited until 5:30. Miss S went to faculty basketball with us lots of fun. We cooked everything. 19 19 19 Sat. APRIL 2 1910 Just about sick with cold but went downtown and ordered hat. Did some mending and cleaning and read at lib. Buz came Sun. 1911 We've been to church. Cold day but sunny. Wore my new suit & hat, like them. We just stayed in and read, wrote letters etc. After supper we made penuchy played piano etc. 19 19 19 Sun. Mon. APRIL 3 19 Such lovely days. Miss B. & I went for a walk. She took dinner here and we walked in P.M. Mrs. & Mr. En. here: I stayed with Miss Ball night. Mon. 1911 Nice day. We made out our report cards, had lots of fun. Metz came home tired. We went to the bank with our checks. Settled up finances. Card from Mrs. V. Her mother died. Wed. 1912 Mrs. S. Frances & I met at G.C. at 4:45. We had one session. Cold so our winter clothes were O.K. Louis C. met us at S. Reached Randolph at 2:45. Sat by fire & talked with S & M. 19 19 Mon. APRIL 4 Grace Anniversary 7th 19 R.R. came. They are having early spring too mother was to plant sweet peas today. Roads like summer. Rained most of day. Tues. 1911 Bum day. L & I planned to go to N.Y. but its rained all afternoon, raining hard. Cold all the time awful weather everywhere. Mother says snow 3 ft deep in the woods. Thurs. 1912 Cold but clear, late spring lots of snow. We just visited all morning & F & I went down town in p:m. Mother & Mrs S. to Aunt J's . Cards in eve. 19 19 Tues. APRIL 5 19 Very warm again. My hat came guess I'll like it. The town is agog with the murder. Roose- velt is visiting in Italy Lathropes over. Wed. 1911 Rained off and on but L & I hustled in after school in town. Had good luck did several errands each got a raincoat. In eve. Metz & I hunted a dressmaker for her. Fri. 1912 Mrs. S. F & I went to service at Ep__ church Saw new Metzger boy, visited store. Made an angel cake read & visited. Went to church in eve. & choir rehearsal. Guy & Grace came over Cool but nice. 19 19 Wed. APRIL 6 19 Mrs. V. got up just sick with grippe & a very sore throat had to go to bed a and stay there. Paul and I got dinner. Got my hat. Walked to school. Thur. 1911 A perfect spring day, warm & beautiful everyone out without hats or coats. I cut a gingham dress after school. L visited schools in Newark. Metz & I interviewed her dressmaker. Sat. 1912 Lovely & warm. We arranged games for a little party Mother had. 30 ladies in nice time, ice-cream & cake. Invited to the Hollises in eve. cards & victrola ice-cream 19 19 Thurs. APRIL 7 Grace & Guy's wedding annsary [anniversary]. 19 Growing colder again. Mrs. V. had doctor, real sick. Met Mrs Wheeler down town at noon. Spencer, the murderer robbed him 3 yrs ago. He found his watch. Fri. 1911 Worked hard all day dead tired. I saw Miss S. off for college. Came home and sewed. We went for a walk in eve. Cloudy looks like snow or rain. Letter from Aunt H. 19 19 19 Fri. APRIL 8 1910. Quite cold. Letter from Metz. she's estab- lished in N.Y. The Metzgers have new son. My last day in the offices. Spent eve. at Miss B's. Walked to school. Sat 1911 All went in town on the 8:09. L & I shopped all a:m. Metz, Cora & I saw 'The Dollar Princess' then Metz bot a suit pretty black serge. Dinner in town home at 8:30. Letter from mother 19 19 19 Sat. APRIL 9 19 Mrs. V. still miserable. I ironed for her, sewed and studied. Buzz came also letters from Belle and Margaret lovely tatten handkerchief from B__ L & I sat together [illegible] show in eve. all went fine. Miss B Sun. 1911 L went to Cranford, Metz and I did things wrote letters etc. Lovely day but cool. We've had a quiet day slept all P:M, went to C.E, then for a walk. Lovely moon. 19 19 19 Sun. APRIL 10 19 Nice day but still cold. Went to church then Miss B & I walked. Spent afternoon & eve. with Lou hadn't been over there for two weeks. Mon. 1911 Ground covered with snow yesterday A.M. Having fine sugar weather at home. Lovely day. C. took her skirt to the taylor in eve. We went to bank etc. Glorious moon. 19 19 19 Mon. APRIL 11 19 Walked both ways today. R.R. came. Mrs. V is still sick. I studied read and went to bed at 8:30. Want to go home over the 19th Tues. 1911 Beautiful day. Letters from mother and father, mileages. One session tomorrow and home. Mrs. A__ came at 5 P:M. L & I walked with Miss Munoz. Miss Bell called. We walked in eve. Heavenly moon. 19 19 19 Tues. APRIL 12 19 Lovely day and warmer, I worked at school untill 5 oclock- Mrs. V. has Quincy sore throat. Letter from Lillian Mrs E. here & her mother. Wed. 1911 One session we took the 1:45 in. Banged around in G's, called at Fer's office met Metz at 4:30. She came up to see me off. Took sleeper at Sr. slept well. Bill met me at 1:55. Heavenly night full moon. Fri 1912 Had a message to meet Lou at Newark at 3:38 rode up to the Pennsy with her & talked 'Europe' Mr. Ulmer met us there. L took 5:02 to Vt. I took charge of Library. It rained all eve. 19 19 Wed. APRIL 13 19 Miss V. came over to help Mrs. V. am going home Fri. hooray. Mrs. V's Quincy broke today. I worked around and studied. Walked home. Thurs. 1911 Lovely day. Visited with the neighbors. So good to be home. Went down town in P:M. Saw Allie, Nell H., Mary M., Mr. Metzger etc. Went to the Guild with mother a few min. Grace & Edith over in eve. Sat. 1911 Got up late had a shampoo & helped Ed. clean up the lawn & start a garden. Went for a walk with Frances & Miss Stimpson in afternoon. F. came in eve, 19 19 Thur. APRIL 14 19 Walked. Worked late, Mrs. V. up but weak. Paul sick in bed. Mrs. E. here in eve. Packed partly went to bed early. Fri. 1911 Everyone likes my hat & suit. Gail stayed home until noon. It rained all day. Had supper at Uncle J's, Bill & I. Church and choir rehearsal after. Needed saprano so I sang. Sun. 1912 Stayed in all day. Cold bum. Read and slept. Nat Cocke called in P:M & Mr. Gould came & stayed for supper, Oleita was here in eve. 19 19 Fri. APRIL 15 19 Glorious a:m. Got bunch of arbutus to wear home. Dr. B. took Bill, R & L & I home from train. So good to be home. Dance in eve. good time. Miss Shield's birthday Sat. 1911 Cool. Mother and I did some wash- ing and ironing. I went down town with Allie came over. ing and ironing. I went down town with Grace & Edith. Had some work done on my teeth. Stayed home and visited in eve. Mon. 1911 Cold still bum. After school walked down for R.R. and wrote in eve. Went up to Clara's & we walked with the Harrison girls. It is warm & springlike. 19 19 Sat. APRIL 16 19 Dandy weather. Dentists all a:m. Calls in afternoon. Mother went to Club we came home together. Hollises in eve. Went to dance with G & Dr. C__ Sun. 1911 Lovely morning but cool. The church was packed. Lovely service, fine sermon. Guy's people over in P:M. It snowed. We went to church, then 'sugared off'. Tues. 1911 [1912] Warm. Miss S. back at school. Kept time while Mr. S__ went to N.Y. Oleita's in eve. Awful accident on White Star new Titanic sank with 1500 19 19 Sun. APRIL 17 19 Wind blew like everything. Sang dandy sermon. Stayed in all p:m. Children over played & sang. Aunt J's in eve. & B & I walked down with R.R. Mon. 1911 Just puttered around. Went down to school. Visited with Mrs. Metzger. Called on Mrs. DuBois. Visited Mr. Harris Comm. Geog. class. Bill & I visited with Mrs Chedel. Called on Stella. Wed. 1912 Showery day. Busy day stayed until the 4:08. Rode home had no umbrel. 'Colder we had a fire in the grate. Mended & finished Oliver Twist. Nice letter from Etta 19 19 Mon. APRIL 18 19 Dentists again in a:m. April showers. Made candy etc. Had party in eve. Dr. Campbell, John, Mr. Sherburn C. Adams, Nettie M, Bill, Alice M__ & I dandy time, Tues. 1911 Pressed my dress. Went down to D & B's Hall with G & E to help get ready for dance. Had nap and helped at hall. We had a perfectly fine time at the dance. About 60. Favors, Germans etc. Everyone said an awfully pretty party. Thurs 1912 Still wet & cold did a lot of odd jobs in correcting papers etc. We've changed our boat again, expect to go on 'La Bretagne'. at 9 P:M the Carpathia came in with the rescued from the Titanic 19 19 Tues. APRIL 19 19 Glorious again. Did errands in A:M. Went to dr. & had nose ex- amined. No adnoids. Mother & I down all P:M grand. Called at Grace's & Brooks'. Wed. 1911 Lovely morning. Packed. Went down town sent maple candy to Seattle & San F. Took 1:25. Hated to leave. Lou met me at Jc. We went for dandy auto rides with her father & mother I took 6:30 sleeper. Didn't expect to stop. Fri. 1911 [1912] Arbor Day Ex. tree planting etc. Cool & showery. Ed. came home early & we planted a garden. Oleita & I went for a walk in the evening. Awful stories by survivors of the Titanic 19 19 Wed. APRIL 20 19 Lovely. Stayed home with mother all a:m. then Dr B's a minute. Took 1:25 hated to leave. Arrived 6:15. All better. Bed early. Thurs. 1911. Rained when I reach N.Y at 6:25 A:M Came right out had breakfast. School as usual. Rained nearly all day. Unpacked & put away lots of winter things. Metz, L & I talked all eve. Sat. 1911 [1912] Warm & lovely. Took the 7:58 to N.Y. Shopped bot shoes etc, met Mrs. Shield at 11. We had a grand day, bot 2 dresses, a hat for me etc, dress & waist for Mrs. S. Read & bed early 19 19 Thur. APRIL 21 19 School again. Worked 'till 5:45. Going to hustle from now on. Things are more advanced here. Fruit trees in blossom, Grass green at home. Fri. 1911 School as usual. Had lots of work. to do. stayed late Came home and sewed. Went to Literary at school in eve, Metz to dressmaker. Tried out debaters. Mr. G. Miss Lenhart & I judgdes. Mr. S came home with me Sun. 1912 Warm and nice [illegible] cold. We puttered about the place, planted some seeds etc. Clara, Oleita & I went for a walk in the afternoon. Read and helped Mrs. L fix a dress. 19 19 Fri, APRIL 22 1910. Have begun my Sept. bookeep- ing and stayed down untill 5:15 Went over to see Lou few minutes last night. Read and studied. Sat. 1911 Horrid rainy & cold. L & I sewed all morning. Had little lunch at 11. Went to Cranford at 1:30. Cora & Metz came out to see the flat, spent afternoon. Dressmaker's in eve. Mon. 1912 It rained off and on all day. I found all my packages at home am crazy about my new hat. Had Mrs. Van Arken help me fix a dress in eve. 19 19 Sat. APRIL 23 19 School from 8:30 'till 1. For make up for last Mon. Glorious day. Walked in the park & Finished my book "Dr. Thorne" by Anthony Trollope fine. Sun. 1911 Still cold, latest spring I ever knew. Metz & I 'did' things. Slept in P:M. Arthur Bean called. Went for a long walk. Visited with Lo and went to bed early. Nice but cold. Tues. 1912 Cold and windy and rainy. Wrote some letters. Made out average. We are reviewing U. S. H. for final exam. Read & sewed bed early. 19 19 Sun. APRIL 24 1910 Looked like showers but we havent had them. Church with Mrs. V. then walked. Lou and I have spent afternoon at the McKean's nice time. Mon. 1911 Beautiful spring day. Lola & I went for a walk after school. Letter & card from Bill. Washed my hair. We've been to walk this eve, once to the bank etc. Lovely night. Wed. 1912 A little warmer. Ed came home early & we worked in the garden. Stayed in the read 'David Harum' and did some mending 19 19 Mon. APRIL 25 19 Having a nice rain just what we need. School 'till 5:30. RR came. Mother's finished cleaning Have been studing [studying] all eve. Tues. 1911 Still lovely. R.R. came also card from Grace Hester has measles. Lola and I walked to E__. Did some pressing in eve, then all walked. Glorious weather. Thurs. 1912 A lovely day visited with Lola after school took the trolley to Newark. Met Olivia & Emilie Calloway we had dinner and saw 'Everywoman' fine Lovely night. 19 19 Tues, APRIL 26 19 Rained hard untill noon. Stopped at Miss Bates on way home, her sister was there. Letter from Jule. Played cribbage & studied. Wed. 1911 Bright blue sky every morning. The apricot tree by our window is gorgeous. Miss S & I took 3:08 to West__ I had a fitting on my dress. Read and sewed in eve. Fri. 1912 Still nice, busy day at school gave finale exam in Arith. to seniors. Mrs. S & I came down to hear Prof. Barbour read 'David Harum' fine. 19 19 Wed. APRIL 27 19 Lovely day. Worked 'till 5:15. One yr. ago today no tomorrow - Started West from Boston! Letter from mother. Bum stomach Worked all evening. Thurs. 1911 Spring has come all in a bunch Things are just humming. Teachers Meeting after school. Mrs. A. is still sick in bed. We've been walking tonight. Sat. 1912 It rained nearly all day and I didn't go out. Read & sewed, the boys came home & Clara came in after- noon. Sewed & read in evening. 19 19 Thurs. APRIL 28 19 Nice day but cool. Went with Miss L. while she had a suit fitted Left Boston a yr ago today. Found lovely topaze ring from Aunt H. Fri. 1911 Still glorious weather. Miss S went to college. I went over to see her off then sewed. We walked down to our laundry ladies etc Its warmer. We went to bed early. Sun. 1912 Perfect day. Oleita & Clara came to dinner to celebrate my birthday (29th) We had lots of fun. Went for a long walk both after & eve. 19 19 Fri. APRIL 29 19 My birthday and a lovely day. Had a letter & three postals My ring is a beauty. Saw Lou off at noon, called on Miss Bates. Sat. 1911 Note from Aunt H. with good wishes. We went in town on the 8:09. Shopped. L & I took bus ride up 5th Ave. Metz had to work 'till 5. Plank steak dinner. Saw Wm Hodge in 'The Man from Home' fine Mon. 1912 Rained all day. Found several birthday letter and H., Metz, Etta etc, had a belt pin, two ties, four handkerchiefs etc. Went to N.Y at 6 with Mr. & Mrs. S to show at the Plaza fine staid in all night. 19 19 Sat. APRIL 30 19 Another lovely day after it cleared at noon. Mended & wrote letters. 8 letters since yesterday, Shopped in p:m. Library in eve. Sun 1911 We were all in. Did stunts around our room read, wrote letters and slept. We went out for a little walk in the evening. Its cooler. Tues. 1912 Left Mrs. S in N.Y. to make calls, got out here about 10. Read and wrote letters all evening. It rained off & on all day. Our garden is fine. 19 19 Sun. MAY 1 19 In Denver a yr. ago today. Lovely day. Stayed in room all A:M. Went to S.S. & C.E. with Rachel. We walked in the P:M. Whole city in the park. Mon. 1911 Bum headache all day. We made out our reports, had lots of fun. Got our checks. Went to the park and for a walk in evening. Wed. 1912 19 19 Mon. MAY 2 19 Miss Lyman went with me & I bought a linen suit. Had a fitting after school. Went over to Rachel's in eve. and played bridge, Miss Weff & Mrs. Emp - Tues. 1911 Cool and breezy but clear. I went to Westfield for a fitting after school. Miss Case stopped off at W & we had a Sundy [sundae] together. Walked in eve. 19 19 19 Tues, May 3 19 Looked like rain and did shower. I worked late and went to the May festival in eve. Mrs. V has been both days. Paul ushered. comp. seats. Wed. 1911 The girls R.R. came yesterday Ex pect Marge is in W__ with Grace. Ther on left last night. went to Vt. Sun. to plant trees in his farm. M will spend rest of week with L in Ph__ 19 19 19 Wed. MAY 4 19 Still cloudy. Miss L. & I went to lunch at the Orange Tree Inn. I worked late & school & did bookkeeping all eve. Letter from Bill. 1911 Thurs. Warmer again and lovely. I kept the study hall me. S beat it for the 3:05. Saw Miss S off. We walk these lovely evening. Glorious sunset. 19 19 19 Thur. MAY 5 1910 Mrs. V's birthday. Rachel & I went to lunch at Lynche's new place. I brought home three roses. She had several presents Her mother & father were here P:M & eve. Fri. 1911 Lovely day. Stayed after school and helped Miss S. awhile for the play. We had arbor day exercises dedicated trees etc. The play was fine given by Sophs. 'She Stoop[s] to Conquer'. 19 19 19 Fri. MAY 6 19 Nice day but windy. I had a last fitting on my suit, at 5. Worked until then. Called at W.D.V's in the evening. Sat. 1911 Heavenly day. I swed [sewed] 'till 10:28. Took train for N.Y. bot low shoes met Metz for lunch. We picked out a sweater for her at Spauldings. Saw Marathon Race on Broadway & Sufferagette parade. Home for dinner Lola with miss M. 19 19 19 Sat. MAY 7 19 Went down to school and work- ed till dinner time. Took a nap & worked on my book until 5. Mrs. V & P. went to ride Walk with Miss V. Lib, in eve. Sun. 1911 We went to church this A:M for a change. Heavenly day. Fruit trees are all in bloom. We walked after our naps. Read and went to bed early. 19 19 19 Sun. MAY 8 19 Lovely in A;M. event to church. Nap & worked on books. Rained from 12:30 to 5. Met Lou at train & went up with her for awhile. Read awhile. Mon. 1911 Some little showers. L went into N.Y on errands In eve. we went for a walk decided suddenly to go to Proctor's at E__ Bareheaded in our raincoats. Chewed gum Raised Cain Lots of fun. 19 19 19 Mon. MAY 9 19 R.R. came, also letters from Mrs. Thayer & Metz. Lou says Vt is great now. Worked late at school & all the evening Rain d all day. Tues. 1911 Worked at school until 4. Miss S & I went up to Miss Denman's my dress is coming O:K Letters from home & Cousin Warren one from Belle K. Mon. Ada Lamson died last week Mon. pneumonia. Funeral at our house Tues. Grace, Fred, Lassie May 19 19 19 Tues. MAY 10 19 Nice day but cool & windy. Letters from Maurine & Grace Rieley. Worked late at school. Bought a shirt waist. Walked to school Wed. 1911 Awfully hot. Miss S. Miss Lenhart & I went to baseball game at Roselle. Found express package of syrup, doughnuts sugar etc. We went for a walk, lovely night. Warm. 19 19 19 Wed. MAY 11 19 Postal from mother. Am reading 'Diana of the Crossways.' Worked on my books in the eve. Am following my last yr's trip was in Los. A__ tonight. Thurs. 1911 Still hotter. After school got ready for my sugar party We had it at the Hornings. Am. Geog. class, Metz & Lola everything fine, we played Jenkins etc. All tickled with the sugar. 19 19 19 Thur. MAY 12 19 Rachel & I went to lunch together and did errands. I went over to see L in the eve. Read late. Bought an everyday hat and trimmed it. Fri. 1911 Hot again. Packed after school and took the 4:05. Boat left at 6 P:M. We had lunch in our stateroom. Lovely moonlight we had thunderstorm at 10 then it cleared. 19 19 19 Fri. MAY 13 19 Worked late am closing Oct. books. Nice days but cool now Finished my book and went to bed in good season. Sat. 1911 Reached Amsterdam at 8:30. At 10:30 E, F, I, C, L & I took auto bus to Broadalbin. At 2:30 a friend of E's took us on the most glorious ride Aderondack beautiful. Home & dinner at 8 P:M. 19 19 19 Sat. MAY 14 1910 Rained all day. I mended read, and studied. Got awfully tired of staying in and went for a walk. Library in eve. Buz came. Sun. 1911 I went to church with one of E's friends who lives with them. Visited until our train went at 5. Had 2 hrs. in Albany walked around capitol etc. Clear & beautiful on river Metz & I stayed out 'till 12. 19 19 19 Sun. MAY 15 1910 Went to church and sat with Mrs. F. Saw L awhile after. Mr. & Mrs. V. Miss H. V. & I had a lovely ride out in the country got a bunch of buttercups. Mon. 1911 Got into N.Y at 6 L & I took 7:15 train. It grew cooler Sun. & I took cold. Came home from school & went to bed up for dinner the[n] all went to bed early. 19 19 19 Mon. MAY 16 1910 The R.R. came. I'm hustling on book - want to get finished soon. Mother had lettuce out of her garden yesterday. Studied. Tues. 1911 Showery but grew hot toward night. Got my dress from Westfield Am very much pleased with it. R.R. came. We went for a walk in eve. read and wrote letters. 19 19 19 Tues. MAY 17 1910 Worked late. Miss V and Mr. & Mrs. E. were here in the even. Cloudy. Wrote some letters. Wed 1911 Looked like rain but cleared. Went in on 3:05 did errands. Metz met me at 5:30. We had dinner more errands. Met Edith Abbott on Broadway walked & visited with her. Home at 9:30. 19 19 19 Wed. MAY 18 1910 Came home late Rained all day went to bed early. Thurs. (Miss B. came over in the eve. We tried to see the comet but couldn't. Lovely night. Letters from Bill & Metz.) Thurs. 1911 Still hot and looked like rain. Lola washed her hair I sewed. Made an auto bonnet of tea matting, dandy. Helped Metz make one in eve. Walked awhile 19 19 19 Thurs. MAY 19 1910 We had two visiting day. Miss Balcom & I went over to Ware & visited Carr department. Cleared off lovely Had dinner with Grace. See 18th Fri. 1911 Still sticky & hot looks like rain but doesn't we need it badly. Little shower at noon. Came home & sewed after school. Metz & I went to a Literary affair at school in eve. 19 19 19 Fri. MAY 20 1910 A perfect day. Miss B & I visited Tech. High. then went down to school. I met L__ and went up home with her. Mrs. Gil. W. is here. Sat. 1911 Same kind of weather. Miss Jennie had her Co's machine & took us to Asbury Park. We started at 1:15 home at 8. Grand ride over 100 mile. Awfully foggy by the ocean. Sewd A:M. 19 19 19 Sat. MAY 21 1910 Went down town & did errands. Awfully hot. Bought a nice white waist. Took nap in P:M. Studied and went over to the lib. Sun. 1911 Somewhat foggy. Metz & I wore our silk dresses to church. Found lovely woods - over Roselle side, took our sweaters to lie on and read. Have been writing letters this eve. L in C__ 19 19 19 Sun. MAY 22 1910 Stayed home and did odd jobs. Lovely day. Went over to L's in P:M. We all went to a musical service in the evening. Mon. 1911 Hot still. school is an effort these days. Came home and worked on debate awhile. Mrs. Horning called us over there in the eve and me played 500 'till 10:30. 19 19 19 Mon. MAY 23 1910 It rained a little in the A:M. R.R came. Rachel & I went to a dress rehearsal with Lou at College. Club cute play. rained [illegible] we came home Tues. 1911 Awfully warm when we went to school but changed a great deal before night. Home letters, so dry everywhere. Letter from Mrs. V. Paul is an honor pupil goes to Dartmouth in fall Miss L & I worked on debate in eve 19 19 19 Tues. MAY 24 1910 Washed last night and ironed this A:M. Stayed late at school doing shorthand. Walked out to the X with some laundry. Wed. 1911 Much cooler and actually rainy this A:M. It cleared off. I worked late at school. Worked awhile in eve. We walk awhile almost every night and have a soda or something. 19 19 19 Wed. MAY 25 1910 Walked to school. It rained when I came home did some errands. Painted the flowers on my hat and wrote some letters. Thurs. 1911 Still cool but beautiful we need rain. Worked late at school. Miss Lenhart came over in eve. and we went thru our debate and had Metz. critisize 19 19 19 Thur. MAY 20 1910 Lovely morning I go to N.Y. Sat. A:M. Studied, walked out to the laundry and mended after school. Fri. 1911 So busy at school I can hardly see. Miss L & I worked until late. Debate was fine, very close we lost 96 to 94 points. Lovely night. Mrs. S Metz & I saw Miss Sh. off. Then home at 11:15. 19 19 19 Fri. MAY 27 1910. Did some errands after school & some pressing. Miss Bates came over and after dinner I packed. Sat. 1911 I wake up every A:M from 5 to 6 makes me so disgusted. Went in on 8:09. Did errands for Grace Saw Mr. F & Leslie. C & I had lunch went down to [illegible] then bus. to 135 up to Mr. F's Yelch ..? but 138. Home at 10:01 19 19 19 Sat. MAY 28 1910. Took the 7:50 train. Went in the sight-seeing auto in after- noon and went over to Roselle, N.J. in eve. Meet school committee. Sun 1911 Beautiful day. We spent an industrious A:M. Then read our 'buses' etc. Slept from 3 to 5. This eve. we called on Miss Whightman had a nice visit. Lovely night stars out. 19 19 19 Sun. MAY 29 1910 Mr. Deyo took me over the H.S. Then met com. again & am hired for next yr. Spent rest of day & night with Blanchie Smith. Mon. 1911 Awfully warm. Worked quite late. Came home and sewed. Dressed for Sophomore party at Denicks. Mrs. S. came for me and we met Miss S. Mr. Fisher & Mr. Starry there. Lots of fun. hot. home at 11. 19 19 19 Mon. MAY 30 1910 Spent the morning at the Ferguson's took the 4 train home an hour late. Visited & bed early. Tired. 4 letters Tues. 1911 Letter from Marge & Grace. Theron in Key West on bus. Metz & I took Sight-seeing yacht around N.Y. fine Sat in park after lunch. Home at 6. Both sleepy Bed at 8:50. 19 19 19 Tues. MAY 31. 1910 Felt miserable didn't get up until 10 A:M. Went down to school & got some business letters off. Bed early. Wed. 1911 Its actually raining this A:M. Rained off & on all day. Saw Miss S. off. Met Metz We walked in eve. Then I made maple sugar candy. Poured in evening, fine we need i[t]. 19 19 19 Wed. JUNE 1 1910 Got back into the harness, we are working hard at school so much to do. Stopped & visited at Miss. L's. Studied. Thurs. 1911 Hot I wore my linen skirt Looks well since I fixed it over. We made out marks. Fun. Saw Miss S. off. Heavenly night. Metz, Lola & I walked to Elizabeth. 19 19 19 Thurs. JUNE 2 1910 It rained some during the day. I stayed at school and worked late. Am feeling bum with a cold. Fri. 1911 So busy at school I can hardly see. Exams begin next Fri. Metz & I went up to Westfield to moving pictures with Miss S. Mrs. & Miss Denman. Dandy pictures. Lots of fun. 19 19 19 Fri. JUNE 3. 1910 Rather a cold day. I wear my sweater most of the time in school. Rachel's club gave a lawn party. Miss V & I went a little while Sat. 1911 Looked like rain. Went to bank. Took 9:06 with Mrs. & Miss Shield. Girls R.R. came. We shopped. Metz joined us saw all star cast give 'Pinafore' dandy. Home for dinner. 19 19 19 Sat. JUNE 4 1910 Perfect day. Miss B. came over while I was in bed. [illegible] wend [went] down town & bought dresses. Miss V., Miss B & I went out to Miss H. V's spent P:M & eve. Lovely time. Sun. 1911 Beautiful day. We are having strawberries lettuce, esparagus etc. from garden. Roses are lovely. We heard the new minister fine. Rode to Cranford in P:M. Lovely. Evening meeting. 19 19 19 Sun. June 5 1910 Yesterday eve picked daisies & had such a good time! Had dinner at the Lathrops then we went to ride but got caught in the rain. Spent eve. with Lou. Mon. 1911 It rained so hard we had one session. I came home and sewed a lot. Fixed two linen skirts, mended etc. In eve. we went for a walk read and sewed. Cleared off. 19 19 19 Mon. JUNE 6 1910 Still rainy and cold. R.R. came. Worked late. Am sending for text books to use next yr. and have lots of work to do. Sues. [Tues.] 1911 Still rained some. Worked late at school. Metz & I went up to Westfield to Moving pictures. Mrs. & Misses Denman & Miss S. Lots of fun. Home at 10. Work at school is getting on [illegible] 19 19 19 Tues. JUNE 7 1910 Still somewhat cool. Worked late. Letter from Metz. Mrs. V. & I. went over to W. D. V's awhile. Found Lewis C. here when we got home Wed. 1911 The Captain's roses are glorious. Worked lots at school. My head is getting very tired. We went for a walk then Miss Bell called. R.R. yesterday & letter from Bill today. 19 19 19 Wed. JUNE 8 1910 Lovely day. 'Wonderland' opened today. Worked late. Am reading 'The Silver Hoard' Bed early. Guy's children have been measles having Thurs. 1911 Hot. Worked late at school. Miss L. & I went to train with Miss S. We went to lecture on School Law at school in eve. Glorious moonlight Miss L. Miss Belle & I went home with Miss S. Ate cherri[es]. Home at 12. 19 19 19 Thurs. JUNE 9 5 yrs. ago I graduated from H.S. 1910 Looked like rain all day but held off. Mrs. V., Miss V., Miss B. & I went to 'Wonderland' lots of fun home at 10:30 just as it began to pour. Fri. 1911 Awfully hot. Gave Com. Geog. exam. Worked like a nailor after school. Juniors gave Seniors farewell supper. Very pretty. Lou came at 8:46. Metz met her, they came to school awhile bed at 12 19 19 19 Fri. JUNE 10 1910 It rained until after- noon but cleared so that they opened Wonderland at 5 P:M. Studied and read in the evening. Sat. 1911 We went in with Lou. She took 9:15 for college. Met Lola did errands. Met Metz at 2. More dead than alive. Home at 5 P:M. Had a shampoo. Bed at 8:30. All in. 19 19 19 Sat. JUNE 11 1910 It rained all day long. I went down to school & worked in A:M. Stayed in & worked the rest of the day. Commercial travelers are having convention. Sun. 1911 Awful heat. Just exhausted and stayed on the bed most of the day. We went for a little walk toward night. We had awful thunder-storm last night. broke a limb for the maple tree 19 19 19 Sun. JUNE 12 1910 Mrs. V & I went to church at the Baptist around the corner. Lou & Uncle Walter came over & invited me to dinner at Mrs. L's had fine visit with him. Mon. 1911 Poured all morning. Went to school early. Shorthand exam. Came home rather early. We went for a walk in eve. I corrected papers. Grew cooler. 19 19 19 Mon. JUNE 13 1910 L & I saw Uncle W off at 6:12. last night. It rained all day we've had slews of rain but today it is lovely R.R. came. Worked late. Yr. ago today started for Seattle Tues. 1911 R.R. came also letter from Chas. Soule. Rained hard at noon. Have worked hard all day, papers & marks. Have decided to go abroad next yr. if everything is O.K. 19 19 19 Tues. JUNE 14 1910 Real June weather, postively hot. Am doing Commission Set in bookkeeping. Bought a pair of tan shoes. Am reading commercial geographies. Wed. 1911 Rained all morning cleared in P:M. Marks & averages at school awful days. Letter from Mrs. V. wants me to stop off. Worked late. Metz & I went up to West__ to pictures with a friend Miss S 19 19 19 Wed. JUNE 15 1910 Am working hard these days. Still warm went for a little walk after dinner and then studied. The days are alike Thur. 1911 Rained off and on all day. Letter from Bill, they like the coat I bot mother. Card from May K. Home late worked like a nailor. Walked in eve. & took bath. 19 19 19 Thur. JUNE 16 1910 It rained off and on. I walked to school and did some errands. Hot I won't walk again. Studied & bed. Fri. 1911 Home late. Eng. I exam. Work so hard these days. We all went to the Primary commencement fine a cantata. Metz, Mrs. & Miss S., Miss Len. & I sat together. 19 19 19 Fri, JUNE 17 1910 Went over to W. D. V's a little while in the eve. Their cherries are ripe & I had all I could eat & brought some home. Sat. 1911 Glorious morning. Went in with Metz. Hustled like everything with errands. Came home at 2. Lola's friend Helena came Miss Munoz here in P:M. Visited, walked, bed early. Worked over at school on schedule with Mr. S & G. 19 19 19 Sat. June 18 1910 Lou came over & I walked back with her & visited with her Uncle J. & Aunt M. Had pictures taken at 2 P:M. Sewed and studied Sun. 1911 Beautiful day. We all went to church. Worked 'till dinner. Cora & Metz went to Cranford to find board for C. I corrected papers. Bac ach- in eve. Met Miss S. and saw her off. 19 19 19 Sun. JUNE 19 1910 Perfect day. Miss B. & I took the 10:15 car for Ware. Had fine visit and came home by moonlight. Lovely ride. Mon. 1911 Crazy with work. More exams. Corrected 'till 6:15, dressed all went to Class night fine. Danced 'till 12. Mrs. S came for my marks at 1:30. After I had corrected. Honor roll had to go to printers. 19 19 19 Mon. JUNE 20 1910 R.R. came. Hot day rained a lot last week. Got my proofs not very good. Sat on piazza in moonlight. Paul is having a great time camping. Tues. RR came 1911 Another lovely day. Up at 5:30 correct- ing. Last exam. Worked all day on ave. and reports We had our pictures 'took' with seniors. Board meeting in eve with teachers. Miss S couldn't come. Mr S, Mr. G & I had ice cream. 19 19 19 Tues. JUNE 21 1910 Still hot, Might tired of school and want to get home. Worked late. Studied in eve. Circus parade yesterday. Wed. 1911 Got my exam papers into shape for the office. We four had lots of fun talking things over. 8th Gd. graduation. L & I went but sneaked early. Hot and dead tired. Began to pack 19 19 19 Wed. Thurs. JUNE 22 1910 Hottest yet not a breath stirring got home from school late. Mrs. V & I went over to Mrs. E's and to see Lou in evening. Thurs. 1911 Hustled all day finishing reports putting away books etc. Home at 3:30 to pack Hot. Dead tired Commencement a success, Miss S & I sat side by each. Held a regular reception afterward 'the dear teachers' 19 19 19 Thurs. JUNE 23 1910 Got up & stuffed eggs for training class picnic. We started at 3:15 for Auto Inn. Mr. P, Mr. C. Miss T & Miss L. went we had lots of fun. Nice moon. Fri. 1911 We got up at six and were off at 7:52 Hot, I just made the 9:15 reaching S__ at 12:41. Paul met me, had a dandy dinner, took a nap and visited, walked in park etc. Bed at 9:15 19 19 19 Fri. JUNE 24 1910 Cooler & lovely. Came home & ironed a waist. Mr. Coombs took me on the Sigma Beta launch ride down river, open-air dance dandy time. Home at 12. Sat. 1911 Mrs V. and I visited & got ready for the picnic stuffed eggs etc. My glasses came. Louis came at 2:30. We went over in Forest park over- looking the river beautiful sunset lovely time. Mr & Mrs. Empsal, Mable V. Mrs Mills, Mrs [illegible] & Jerry Mrs. V Paul & I. 19 19 19 Sat. JUNE 25 1910 Had my pictures taken in A:M. Read studied and wrote letters all day. Went to lib. awhile. Grace & F. start the 10th Sun. 1911 It rained when we got up but soon cleared Paul & I went to church. Called at Sherman's. saw the dear Laird baby. Mr. Lathrop took Miss Helen, P & I me on lovely auto ride thru Westfield. Louis came at six took me to bank & showed me all the books Bed at 12:15 19 19 19 Sun. JUNE 26 1910 Mrs. V. and I dressed up and went to church. Had a little nap then went to ride with the W.D. V's. Miss B spent the eve. with me. Mon. 1911 Looked like rain. Mable V., Mrs. V & I did errand saw the circus parade. M took us to lunch at the Worthy, fine. Took the 12:52 for home fine pullman train Awfully good to be here. Unpacked bed early. 19 19 19 Mon. JUNE 27 1910 The R.R. came. I finished up my note books and did a little bookkeeping. Started packing in the eve. Hot. Tues. 1911 Worked around unpacking and visiting with the neighbors. Grace and I went down town with the children. I weigh 97 1/2 lbs. & have a fierce cold. Had a little ride with B & E. Aunt J's in eve. 19 19 19 Tues. JUNE 28 1910 Still hot. Worked at school. Packed my books into a suit case Did lots of last errands. Home late. Made farewell calls. Wed. 1911 I ironed most of the morning. Grace & Mable took the boys to Bethel to a circus. I took care of the girls. Thelma is a dear. B & E took us up to Braintree. Read in eve bed early. Lovely night. 19 19 19 Wed. JUNE 29 1910 Lovely day. Went down town in A:M. Stayed in bed 2 hrs. Saw Amos at train at six. Dance & Graduation. L.C. took me fine time. I had lovely sweet peas. Thurs. 1911 Worked all morning picking over clothes in my closet. Had long nap after dinner. Went down town visited with Allie just back from Burl__ boatride etc. dandy time Mrs. & Miss Story & Mrs. A.D. L. called all eve. 19 19 19 Thurs. JUNE 30 1910 Caught the 7:58 for N.Y. by the skin of my teeth. Louis was down to see me off. N.Y. at 11:30 Roselle at 3 P:M. E. Orange at 6:30. Spent night with Metz. Fri. 1911 One clear morning after another, ironed a dress for Grace. Had a dandy walk up on the Park, just glorious, picked wild strawberries, daisies, ferns lovely prazzy boukays [bouquets]. Went to Bethel in eve with B & E. Had a nap in afternoon head has ached two days. 19 19 19 Fri. JULY 1 1910 Got the 9:03 by narrow margin Hot ride and I was dead tired. Awfully good to be here choir rehearsal here in eve. Sat M 1911 Felt bum got up at 11. Am feeling the effects of the last month. Sat around all the after- noon. Went down town late Its growing hot. Mrs. Gifford & Grace here in eve. Bill is making an auto bonnet for me. 19 19 19 Sat. JULY 2 19 I was just, 'all in' stayed in bed, most of the day. Bill & I slept in the tent with the children G. & G. went to Lake Mitchel Sun. 1911. Letter from Metz. Too hot for words. We took a picnic dinner on the hill but it was too hot. No church Mr. M away Bill & I walked down town late. Saw Bed early. 19 19 19 Sun. JULY 3 19 Warm. I did up the work and took the children to ride all morning while the rest went to church. Mr. S. called Mon. 1911 The worst weather ever experienced we don't do a thing. I made a desert and dusted around some. Saw Mary Arthur & Ruth Hollins on the train. Rode up to Burts with father. 19 19 19 Mon. JULY 4 19 Still all in some celebration I wrote a few letters. We read in p.m and watched the fire- works in the evening. Tues. 1911 Worse if anything we did some ironing & the folks put on the awnings. I sat around in kimona & read 'Helena Richie' till 6. B & I went down town saw Cousin Clarence. Bert & Edith here in eve Grace's birthday cards ice cre[a]m & cake - 19 19 19 Tues. JULY 5 19 Unpacked my trunk and got settled in my room. Went down to see Nell a few minutes. Its lovely here. Wed. 1911 Just a little relief but still awful. I went down town wrote some letters etc. Took nap. Mrs. Brighan over we all mended. All went to school meeting in eve. They've voted a $50000 building Very exciting meeting. 19 19 19 Wed. JULY 6 1910 For the first time in three yrs. I've neglected my diary (Oct. 18) July was lovely at home Grace, Theron and Hester came on the 8th Thurs. 1911 Long letter from Metz. Wrote some letters. awful thunderstorm house & barn burned old Webster place. Stella was up awhile in eve. I went to picture show with Bert, edith & another friend. 19 19 19 Thurs. JULY 7 19 earlier than usual. They came by boat to Boston, via Old Point Comfort. We had awful weather the first two weeks Fri. 1911 A perfect day, clear and cooler. Bill & I went to Rochester with B & E. It was glorious We had a pair & rode 3 mls up the mt. to the mine Magnificent view of rages [ranges]. 19 19 19 Fri. JULY 8 19 of July. There was a picnic on the hill before I had been home a week. I began to feell more like my Sat. 1911 I felt quite energetic and made cookies, cake, bread and rolls Has a nap and went down town. Bill & I went down to the lib. in the eve. Allie & Helen walked awhile with us lovely night. 19 19 19 Sat. July 9 19 old self right away. It seemed good to be home and to do things around the house, and to be with to J[uly] 12 Sun. 1911 Warmer again. All went to church. Too hot to do anything just read all afternoon. Bill & I walked down town met the Storys and walked home with them. 19 19 19 JULY 10 19 Mon. 1911 Another hot day, awful weather. I dust[ed] around and read 'Adam Bede' like it. Went down to lib. in P:M. to get some points Sayled [Sailed] home & read in eve, Bert took G & G, father & mother to ride 19 19 19 JULY 11 19 Tues. 1911 Another warm day, I cooked a little had a nap and went to the library. Had rather a busy day. The Stories were up in the eve. Mother came down & walked home with me. Hot night. 19 19 19 July 12 19 Bill, Hester is the sweetest thing this year she has grown so much since we saw her last and changed Wed. 1911 A little cooler still worked in the lib. Wrote to Mr. S. Miss Smith came and started in sewing for me. I'm beginning to feel more like myself but can't do much. 19 19 19 JULY 13 19 from a baby to a little girl. Florence, Dewitt and Wanda came soon after Grace. They were home Thurs. 1911 Perfect day a little cooler. Went down & helped Allie awhile at the lib. Then sewed with Miss S. Had toothace & had one filled. B & E, took G & I on dandiest ride we took picnic supper up by Crawford's by Lake Ansel great view 19 19 19 JULY 14 19 only two weeks at first. I began having treat- ments on my gums soon after getting home for Fri. 1911 Did some cooking and sewed. Father & mother went to Rochester with B & E then down to Woodstock, & to Hartford home at 9:30. Choir rehearsal here. Cooler night. B & I sleep out. 19 19 19 JULY 15 19 they were in bad shape. Guy's children are lovely the boys are so big and Elizabeth so cunning. Sat 1911 Sewed most of mor[n]ing and had a nap. Downtown late, shower in P:M. Bill, Grace and I called at Mary Moultin's & Uncle J's in eve. Company at Uncle J's fun stopped. for cream. 19 19 19 JULY 16 19 We had lots of fun watch- ing E and Hester play. They are both very decided and sometimes the fur flew. Sun. 1911 Miss Smith started early on auto trip with friends from Northfield. Lot at church fine service. Samuel is here. Rained in afternoon. Bill & I walked downtown in eve. Read all day. 19 19 19 JULY 17 19 Mon. 1911 Cooked a little and wrote letters most of the afternoon. It rained nearly all day showers. Had a nap, sewed and went down town late. Played 500 with B & E. 19 19 19 JULY 18 19 Tues. 1911 We ironed and cooked all morning. and worked up 'till nearly train time. I went down to the lib. Lovely day. Grace & H. came at 5:11 Fine but rather tired. Visited late. 19 19 19 JULY 19 19 Wed. 1911 Hester is having a great time with all the children, I finished 'Whispering Smith' Grace F & I went with B & E to East Granville Perfect day got lovely forgetmenotts and maiden hair ferns. 19 19 19 JULY 20 19 Thurs. 1911 Went downtown on errand. It showered off & on. Grace, mother & I went to the Guild. Then down to Uncle J's. Samuel Spent eve here also John a[n]d Mary. Nice visit. 19 19 19 JULY 21 19 Fri. 1911 Grace went to Roch- with B & E. I cooked and sewed this A:M. Lovely day. Grace, Bill, Hester & I rode down to choir rehearsal with Bert. Helen, Alice, Bill & I walked after 19 19 19 JULY 22 19 Sat. 1911 In bed all day with fierce head- ache. Mary Holman here for tea I got up at 6 P:M. Edith here awhile in P:M. Went for little walk and bed early. 19 19 19 JULY 23 19 Sun. Theron came at 8:15 A:M looking fine, 1911 Lovely day but coolish, fine service lots out. Samuel came home with me & visited. Bill & I took the boys on the hill, the rest went up to the farm. Ice-crem in eve. G & G & B & E here 19 19 19 JULY 24 19 Mon. 1911 It rained all the morning, I cooked. Grace made calls. Mother had a long nap. Downtown late and wrote letters. We played 500 all eve. Grace stayed for supper at Uncle J's 19 19 19 JULY 25 19 Tues 1911 Lovely cool day. Lots to do cooking, sewing etc. Mrs. Metzger called. Took Hester downtown and did errands. Grace & I called at DuBois's Read in eve. that Failed The Light I called at DuBois's Read in eve. that Failed 19 19 19 JULY 26 19 Wed. 1911 Glorious morning. Father, mother, G. F and H. went to camp on the 7:28. Mabel & I cleaned. The Wheelers came up thru on their way to Greensboro. Samuel & his father took Bill & me to morning pictures really very good. 19 19 19 JULY 27 19 Thur. 1911 We all went to the S.S. picnic elegant day. I drove up with Grace & children. Nice time dandy dinner. Rode back with B & E. Great ball game Gail up for dinner. Guy to play ball. 19 19 19 JULY 28 19 Fri 1911 Nice morning but rained in p:m. Cooked Grace's friend Mrs. Abbott & little boy up for day from Bethel. Letter from Louis C. having great time at camp. Choir rehearsal Mrs. Ham & Mrs. Brooks called. 19 19 19 JULY 29 19 Sat. 1911 Rained all a:m. Mabel and I swept parlor & sitting room. Letter from Mr. Smith itinerary for next yr. Had nap. Called at Nell's. Howells called in eve. Bill & I had a ride up Peth with B. also Mrs. Metz ger 19 19 19 JULY 30 19 Sun. 1911 Showery we wore suits. Cleared hot. Gail & I had dinner at Edith's. Went for ride up to East Gran. then had supper here and rode up by Sanford's over Fish Hill and home thru Center. 19 19 19 JULY 31 19 Mon 1911 Mabel and I hustled up 'till 2 oclock. I had a nap and did errands. Mrs. Julius Larson died at about 6 oclock A:M. Grace & Guy were over and we played 500. Lovely moon. 19 19 19 AUGUST 1 19 Tues. 1911 We sent a box of cucumbers & lettuce up to camp by Jane Wadleigh, we have lots of vegetables now. Felt bum loafed all day. Mrs. L's funeral in p.m I put Hollis kids to bed Samuel here all eve. Franklin & Mrs. called. 19 19 19 AUGUST 2 19 Wed. 1911 Canned 10 qts. of raspberries and Mabel ironed. Did some cooking and just hustled until after 2. Gail is rushed these days. Home late, went over to Aunt J's awhile 19 19 19 AUGUST 3 19 Thurs. 1911 Grace and the boys went to Burlington. Mabel and I hustled cleaned the house have it in apple pie order. Had a nap and did some inviting for the Blanchard's 25 anniver__ Sat. 19 19 19 AUGUST 4 19 Fri. 1911 Bert look Samuel & me to Rochester. Bill & I got up at 5 and made rasp-jelly 15 qts. We had a great day went up the mt. to mine Home at 6:30, Party at Chas. Adams in eve. 19 19 19 AUGUST 5 19 Sat. 1911 We just rushed cooking etc. I went over to the Chandlers on an errand had nice visit. Louis and Mr. Gaugh came on 1:25. We went up around park. B. took us up to Center. We went to Blanchards awhile in eve. 19 19 19 AUGUST 6 19 Sun. 19 Went to church and took the boys thru music Hall etc, Dinner early they took the 1:25 Guess they had a good time. We all with Hollises took picnic supper up to Jove's grove, lovely. 19 19 19 AUGUST 7 19 Mon. 1911 I had a letter writing spell and spent most of the morning at it. Had a nap late went down to lib. Grace & Guy came over and played 500. 19 19 19 AUGUST 8 19 this was Wed. Tues. 1911 Hot, I did some ironing and got my things together for camp. Had Dr. B__ put in 7 filling enamel. Grace & I called at Mrs. Mead's, Went over to Mrs. Rice's in eve. Lovely moon. 19 19 19 AUGUST 9 19 this was Tues. Wed. 1911 Cooked and mended ready for camp. Mrs. Johnson called in P:M. B & E took mother to East G__ Gail & I called at Chandler's found Samuel here on return. 19 19 19 AUGUST 10 19 Thur. 1911 I took the 7:28 for camp. Pete met me. We just loafed. Uncle Walt, Aunt A, Pete & I played cards and pacheesa Visited quite late. Lovely night 19 19 19 AUGUST 11 19 Fri. 1911 We just rested I unpacked and we read and loafed all day. Another lovely night. We retired early. Lovely up here. 19 19 19 AUGUST 12 19 Sat 1911 Jule & Coz. C__ came at 6 A:M. they all went fishing. Bill came on 11:30. We had dinner at Mrs. T's. We read all the afternoon and sang on the ridge. 19 19 19 AUGUST 13 19 Sun. 1911 Bill & Jule went rowing. I wrote and read. Pete & I went for mail. Dr. Pierce came up from Swanton. Gail, H, Dr. P__ Coz. C__ J & I had picnic. Candy-pull in eve. lots of fun. 19 19 19 AUGUST 14 19 Mon. 1911 Uncle Walt. took Pete, Gail & I to St Albans to the Barnum & Bailey circus. Coz. C. & J. met us at 5 we killed time till they left at 6:30 & we at 6:20. Uncle Jasper died yesterday at 4 P:M. 19 19 19 AUGUST 15 19 Tues. 1911 We wrote letters and visited the Russlows & Halbrooks all A:M. saw them off at 3:30. It rained all afternoon and eve. We went for mail and played cards. 19 19 19 AUGUST 16 19 Wed. 19 Read sewed and played parcheesa. Had showers. The Wheelers came in their car about 2 oclock. Visited and played cards all eve. All looking fine Came thru islands. 19 19 19 AUGUST 17 19 Thurs. 1911 We visited played cards and sewed all day I felt rather bum. Went canoeing Marge, Bill & I. Dr. Pierce came up we went to dance. I was sick over there 19 19 19 AUGUST 18 19 Fri. 1911 I was sick all night and stayed in bed until noon. It rained near- ly all day. Sewed and played parcheesa Fire in fire place. Bed early. better. 19 19 19 AUGUST 19 19 Sat 1911 We packed and got the cottage mostly closed. Trunks went in P:M. Mr. Wheeler took us girls to St. A__ in the p:m. Popped corn & toasted marshmellow in fire place. 19 19 19 AUGUST 20 19 Sun 1911 Perfect morning we hated to leave. Uncle Walt., Marge & Uncle Lewis went to the train with us. Reached home at 1:25 folks met us Went to meeting in the evening. 2 letters 19 19 19 AUGUST 21 19 Mon. 1911 Helped around the house and wrote some letters had 4. Long one from Clay. Went down to the library. Played cards & went to bed early. 19 19 19 AUGUST 22 19 Tues. 1911 Ironed some in the morning and wrote some letters. We took the children up on the hill and had a picnic for them, Florence & Grace F. Edith, Grace B & I - 19 19 19 AUGUST 23 19 Wed. 1911 Went downtown and did some errands Professor Merril dropped in, in his car. Spent most of afternoon at dentist's. We all went to a church supper at Mrs. Panton's fine time. 19 19 19 AUGUST 24 19 Thurs. 1911 Did some cooking and cleaning up around. Mother, Grace & I had the train in P:M and called at Mrs Wall's & Moultin's. Fannie, Mary M. & Stella were here in eve. 19 19 19 AUGUST 25 19 Fri. 1911 Did some dusting and we made cakes for a party tomorrow night. Grace made sunshine & chocolate, I angel. Bill & I had dinner at Mary M's. Marge came on 5:17. We went to a show at M.H. 19 19 19 AUGUST 26 19 Sat. 1911 Marge went down to the Rowell's, we did some last things for the party. I met M. downtown. Bert & Edith took us up to E. G in P:M. 24 girls here in eve. 500 - sherbet & cake. Good time. 19 19 19 AUGUST 27 19 Sun. 1911 We all went to church fine service After dinner we girls went to ride. The Wheeler family came up in care & took M- back at 5:30 P:M. We went to meeting 19 19 19 AUGUST 28 19 Mon. 1911 Sewed and wrote letters. Had calls all afternoon & eve. Florence & Wanda are here. The Treat girls from New. Haven and so many summer people. The Chandler's called. 19 19 19 AUGUST 29 19 Tues. 1911 Lost a whole day, sick with indigestion Read 'the Rosary'. Came to a climax ( um the book) at about 6. Mother & I to the Dr's but he was out. Stopped to see Mrs. Holmes a min 19 19 19 AUGUST 30 19 Wed. 1911 We are having such cold days. Mary Hollins came down on 10:17 with little Ruth, just the sweetest baby. Had a nice visit with her. Fire on the hearth all day. Card in eve. & callers 19 19 19 AUGUST 31 19 Thurs. 1911 Stayed in bed until noon felt bum. Sewed in p:m. Mrs. Brooks in a few min. Walked downtown at night. Grace was over in eve and we played cards 19 19 19 SEPTEMBER 1 19 Fri. 1911 Sewed and worked around. Dentists in p:m. Also called at Hastings & Mrs. M's stopped at lib walked up with Allie. Choir rehersal went to dance a few minutes. met the 9:45 but the girls did not come. 19 19 19 SEPTEMBER 2 19 Sat. 1911 Hustled all A:M. getting things together, sewed and mended & ironed. Callers all day. & eve. 'till after eight. Bill & I had a short ride with Bert. Called at Aunt Hannah's. Met Metz & Jeanette at 9:45 Lovely night. 19 19 19 SEPTEMBER 3 19 Sun. 1911 Glorious day. All went to church fine service. Visited with Metz & Jeanette after church Guy's folks over for dinner. Went up to T's farm G & G father Hester & I, great supper at Aunt J's went to meeting. Metz came up after for ice-cream 19 19 19 SEPTEMBER 4 19 Mon. 1911 A perfect day. Packed all A:M. At 2 P.M Metz & I went with Bert & Edith on the most glorious ride over to Woodstock, down to Hartfor[d] & up home at 8. Grand moon. Lots down to see us off at 9:45. 19 19 19 SEPTEMBER 5 19 Tues. 1911 Our train was 2 hrs. late in. I reached R at noon. Nothing much to do until teacher's meeting at 4. Lasted until 6:10. Came out here to Westfield. To stay with Etta. Lovely night. 19 19 19 SEPTEMBER 6 19 Wed. 1911 Rained off and on all day. We had registration and worked on the schedule. Went to lunch with Lo hunted for a boarding place. Bum chances. Moving pictures 19 19 19 SEPTEMBER 7 19 Thurs. 1911 Still cloudy but hot. Decided to live with Mrs. S. Put in busy day at school. Home on 4:08 & unpacked. Etta went to a wedding Etta had Italian school walked down with & for her. 19 19 19 Thurs. SEPTEMBER 8 1910 Such a day! We sewed on my blue dress, had callers, packed and actually got off at 7:20. Warm night, we hated to go. Fri. 1911 Still cloudy. Met our classes. Am to have lunches at Mrs. A's. Teacher's meeting lasted until 5:30. Etta met 2 trains before [illegible]. Moving pictures again. 19 19 19 Fri. SEPTEMBER 9 1910. Reached N.Y. soon after 7. Hester lovely. Rather fagged. Grace took a 9 oclock train, saw her off then came out to Roselle after lunch- ing with Metz. Sat. 1911 Funny day. Etta & Mrs. S. had shampoos. Went downtown with Mrs. S. Sewed & read & had a nap. E & I went to lib in eve. & read until late. Poured all eve. 19 19 19 Sat. SEPTEMBER 10 1910 Metz came out at 2:40. Went to teacher's meeting. I hunted boarding places all morning. We settled at same place with Sun. 1911 Lovely day seemed good after the rain. Mrs. S., E & I went to church. Have been writing letters all P:M. E & the boys invited out to supper. 19 19 19 Sun. SEPTEMBER 11 19 another teacher Miss May who used to room with Ida M. Vacc__ working, lame, Metz stayed 'till 3:30 Rode to Elizabeth with her. 19 19 19 19 Mon. SEPTEMBER 12 1910 First day at school! Just Registration, things rather chaotoic [chaotic] My room wasn't arranged at all. Mr. Greenwald helped me. 19 19 19 19 Tues. SEPTEMBER 13 1910 Things still stirred up. Classes met no lessons assigned Wrote to Metz, letter from home. P. F. Mc Laurin died. 19 19 19 19 Wed. SEPTEMBER 14 1910 They have lots of peaches where we are, first I ever had from the tree. Nice people, lovely big rooms. 19 19 19 19 Thur. SEPTEMBER 15 1910 19 19 19 19 SEPTEMBER 24 19 Sun. 1911 Another nice Sun. E & I packed her trunk in the A:M. A friend of the boys came for dinner 19 19 19 OCTOBER 4 19 Wed. 1911 Rather dark day showered this A:M. Had a busy day and hustled home on the 3:08. Have had a shampoo. Nice letter from Etta. 19 19 19 Sat. OCTOBER 8 1910. The exam. day. Reached E at 8:45 Worked until 5:30 took 3, Theory, Book & Sh. Just sick with cold. Metz friend Miss Aiken here. Had cocoa, pie & cake Cold day. 19 19 19 19 Sun. OCTOBER 9 1910 Cold bum. We stayed home, made fudge, fixed washings & visited. Walked in p:M, lovely. Went to eve. service, bed early. 19 19 19 19 Mon. OCTOBER 10 1910 R. R came also my marks, 92, 85, 85, just as L & I started for Newark after school. I bought my hat dark green beaver with a bird. Bed early. Cold. 19 19 19 19 Tues. OCTOBER 11 19 One of the most perfect days. Worked late at school. Sent on R.R. We got everything ready to start up the Hudson even veils on. 19 19 19 19 Wed. OCTOBER 12 1910 We took the 7:18. and the boat at 8:30. Glorious foliage and everything. Miss A. and Miss Bishop with us. At West Point from 11:50-2:50. Home at 7:30. Lovely morn. My hat came. 19 19 19 19 Thur. OCTOBER 13 1910 The ride down the river last night was glorious, watched the sunset and moonrise, music on the boat. Nothing exciting today. 19 19 19 19 Fri. OCTOBER 14 1910 We worked on report cards until 5:30. Lillian came at 7. We sat in moonlight, and visited had cake and coffee, bed early. 19 19 19 19 Sat. OCTOBER 15 19 L & I went to school and talked shop 'till lunch. At 3:30 Lola, Metz, L & I went to Eliz- fun. Sewed read made fudge in eve. 19 19 19 19 Sun. OCTOBER 16 19 Lovely. We all went to church and S.S. Wore my new hat. Lillian pinched me and I nearly laughed. We visited 'til L. went then walked moon. 19 19 19 19 Mon. OCTOBER 17 1910 Lovely day again, school went well. Sayed [Stayed] and read in lib. awhile. Letters from Lillian and Mrs. V. Girl I'm going to tutor called. 19 19 19 19 Tues. OCTOBER 18 1910 Still glorious weather. An off day, headache. Long letter from Mary K. and newsy R.R. Home from school early. Metz & I went to Gym. at Eliz. 19 19 19 19 Wed. OCTOBER 19 1910 Still glorious, Letter from Marge. Have line up in type-room and several perfect papers. Work is going well. Finish- ed heming blue dress. Girl came to be tutored 19 19 19 19 Thurs. OCTOBER 20 Expect Grace & Eliza- are in N.Y. tonight. 19 I put in an awful night wind blew and things banged and it poured. Took my lunch. Wrote long letter to Mrs. V. We went to walk this eve. all cleared off. 19 19 19 19 Fri. OCTOBER 21 1910 Lovely day again. Postals from Lillian and C.S.G. Came home early & sewed by fireplace. Lola's friend from Brooklyn came at 6: We stayed by fire & visited, then walked. Cool. 19 19 19 19 Sat. OCTOBER 22 1910. Rained most of morning. I cleaned gloves, pressed blue dress and sewed. Buzz came. We all sewed and had a great old visit, coffee and cake. Miss Purselle went at 8. 19 19 19 19 Sun. OCTOBER 23 1910 Cool but glorious. Metz & I went to E. Orange to hear Howard Chidby, he was away. Dr. Beau called just after we left. Dandy tramp in afternoon, windy. C.E. meeting 19 19 19 19 Mon. OCTOBER 24 1910 Another nice day, cool. R.R. came Grace comes to N.Y. Wed. I am reading Jane Austen's, 'Emma'. Home early. My pupil came. Read in my book. 19 19 19 19 Tues. OCTOBER 25 1910 Another nice day but cool. I stayed at school until 5. Found letter from father. Metz late home. Read & sewed. Rained in night. 19 19 19 19 Wed. OCTOBER 26 1910 Clear and cool, blue sky. Am giving my Sten. class pen- manship. L & I walked to Eliza- Metz late again. Pupil here. 19 19 19 19 Thur. OCTOBER 27 1910 Windy and cold. It rained toward night. Lola, Miss B, Miss L & I went down to Miss Field's after school. We went for a walk in eve. in the rain. 19 19 19 19 Fri. Still OCTOBER 28 1910 Still colder, Lola and I walked to Eliza- went to the library. lovely day. Went for walk after dinner and I went to Literary meeting at school. 19 19 19 19 Sat. OCTOBER 29 1910 Cold and clear, Went into N.Y. with Metz. Grace met me at her father's office, we shopped until 12:30. Joined Metz & we went to basket-ball game and opperetta in eve. Lola had friend here & Miss B. & Miss L in eve. 19 19 19 Sun. October 30 1910 Beautiful day but cold. We did odd jobs and started for a walk at 11 until dinner time. L went to Cranford Metz & I took another walk. Went to C.E. 19 19 19 19 Mon. OCTOBER 31 19 Halloween and Hortense's birthday. Came home and read. We went for a walk after dinner, lots if [of] masqueraders out. Nice night. 19 19 19 19 Tues. November 1 19 Foggy. No R.R. yet. I stayed at school late. My pupils are on the 'leo hewitt' letter. We got our coats from the taylor [tailor] they are fine. 19 19 19 19 Wed. November 2 19 Warmer again. R.R came. Also letter from Aunt H. Etude & postals. L & I walked to Eliza. after school. Miss. D. here for lesson. Rained all eve. 19 19 19 19 Thurs. NOVEMBER 3 19 It turned cold in the night. Just poured all day. Metz came home soaked. Lecture on forestry at school very good. L went to Cranford & stayed all night 19 19 19 19 Fri. NOVEMBER 4 19 Another rainy day. Still rained when we went to the Masquerade at school. Home at 11:45 nice time. I went as a Jap. Lillian is going with us. Tues. 19 19 19 19 Sat. NOVEMBER 5 19 I went in on the 11:18. Metz, Cora & I shopped all afternoon M & I met Grace, Blanch & Mrs. Bryon at 6 at 42d St. Dinner at Baroni's, then 'The Gamblers' fine. Jolly time 19 19 19 19 Sun. NOVEMBER 6 19 We got up and went to church in spite of late hours. Metz slept most of p:M. L & I went for a short walk. Cold night. Read played piano & bed. 19 19 19 19 Mon. NOVEMBER 7 1910. Clear nice day. Lola & I went to Eliza. after school I bot some every- day Shoes. Miss Donneleon here for lesson. R.R. came Guy starts tonight for N.Y. 19 19 19 19 Tues. NOVEMBER 8 Election. Everything Democratic. 1910 We were up in good season off at 8:09. It rained all A:M. Lillian and Cora met us at 9. We went to 'Liberty' cold Oh my! There lunch Kyrle Bellow fine Dinner & Broadway. Fun 19 19 19 19 Wed. NOVEMBER 9 19 Fought cold all day. No use. Pupil here. Started in to cut new yolk for my green dress. Felt bum with cold. Card from Lou Home late Reports. 19 19 19 19 Thur. NOVEMBER 10 1910 Worked on my yolk all the time I could get. Nearly finished it before I went to bed. Awful night. Wind and rain. Metz got her dress from the taylor's [tailor's]. We bot it Sat. blue serge. 19 19 19 19 Fri. NOVEMBER 11 1910 Lovely day but cold. Got up & finished putting in yolk. Skipped at 1:46. Got to Blancher's at 3:30 Yucre party nice time. Leslie, Guy, Grace & I saw 'The Country Boy' fine, supper at Murray's dandy time. 19 19 19 19 Sat. NOVEMBER 12 Apples came 1910 I stayed all night at the Ferguson's Did errands downtown. Met Grace & Guy at Wanamakers. We shopped. Got home at 6:05 Bed at 8. All in. Metz away over Sun. also L. 19 19 19 19 Sun. NOVEMBER 13 19 I've been taking 'the rest cure' today. Slept 'till 8:30. Read and stayed in my room all day. Just a little walk at 5. Had dandy time Fri. & Sat in fact all week. 19 19 19 19 Mon. NOVEMBER 14 1910 Cold day. Metz came home. I had my first Chemistry lesson tonight. R.R. came. I am to have book- 2 per. a week in 8th grade. 19 19 19 19 Tues NOVEMBER 15 1910. Gray Nov. days. Nice letter from Mrs. V. Stayed late at school Miss Lenhart & I are studying chemistry. Sewed in eve on my nighty bed early. 19 19 19 19 Wed. NOVEMBER 16 1910 Came home in good season and sewed. Glorious moon. Our alcohol stove came. Miss D. here for lesson. We are eating apples these days. 19 19 19 19 Thurs. NOVEMBER 17 1910 Letter from Coz C. making date for dinner in town tomorrow night. Lovely moon again. Metz had letters from Maurine. Bath & bed. Sewed all eve. 19 19 19 19 Fri. NOVEMBER 18 1910 Perfectly lovely day. At noon found telegram saying Coz. C. ill so date off. Cards from Jule & Lou. Worked late at school. Wrote two letters. Sewed & Metz & I walked. 19 19 19 19 Sat. NOVEMBER 19 19 Did lots of things 1st Sat. home in a month. Washed hair etc. Metz & I went to Elizabeth in p:m. We finished our nightgowns in eve. Princeton 0 Yale 0! 19 19 19 19 Sun. NOVEMBER 20 19 Beautiful day I went over to Montclair and spent day with the Mortons Mr & Mrs. Willis were there for Thanks. fine visit. Girls made fudge. I wrote letters. 19 19 19 19 Mon. NOVEMBER 21 19 Cloudy but cleared. Taught in eve. Stayed at school late correcting work. & chemistry. R.R. came. Pupil. Mended & read bed early warmer. 19 19 19 19 Tues. NOVEMBER 22 1910 Tomorrow night! Teacher's meeting 'till late. Letter from Jessie C. Have sewed and mended & packed suit case this eve. Looked like rain but has cleared. 19 19 19 19 Wed. NOVEMBER 23 19 Got up and finished my suit case, order chrys- for Grace. Exercises good out at 3. Took 4:29 at Eliza Pullman train Grace met me at 9. Hester got up to see me. Rained in night 19 19 19 19 Thurs. NOVEMBER 24 19 H. & I went for a walk after break- fast. Had a dandy dinner, T & H had naps then we all went over to Mane C's The Potters were over in eve. We visited late. 19 19 19 19 Fri. NOVEMBER 25 19 We went down town and around the stores bought Bill a kimona for L. Took H. to a birthday party. Miss White and Mane were over in eve. Nice visit. Lots of things to eat. 19 19 19 19 Sat. NOVEMBER 26 19 Ate breakfast in kimona. Grace read Herald aloud. Hester is so dear. After lunch we called on Tommy Hopkins nice visit. Grace & I. Saw Francis Wilson in with Mane & Miss W. & Miss F. Bachelor's Baby. 19 19 19 19 Sun. NOVEMBER 27 1910 Glorious day. After breakfast at 10, we took pictures. G & I visited while T & H walked. After dinner called on neighbor a while. Then went over to lib: & to train 5 P:M. 19 19 19 19 Mon. NOVEMBER 28 19 Saw Dr. Campbell at Phila. last night, quite a visit. Rained after school R.R. came. Had a telephone & went to Eliza. to teach shorthand in night school. Home late. Metz went with me. 19 19 19 19 Tues. NOVEMBER 29 19 Cold day. Came home in good season and sewed. Decided to keep on in evening school. It rained off and on all day & eve. 19 19 19 19 Wed. NOVEMBER 30 1910 Much colder gave shorthand Class written lesson Stayed and corrected papers, visited with Miss Lenhart. Letter from Clay. Miss D here. 19 19 19 19 Thurs. DECEMBER 1 19 Another cold day but clear Am making some jabots. Worked late at school. Froze waiting for my car coming home. 19 19 19 19 Fri. DECEMBER 2 1910 Still cold. Got home in good season. Taught book- in 8th grade, interesting. Wrote two letters. Made good connections from schoo Got our checks. 19 19 19 19 Sat. DECEMBER 3 1910 Went over to the bank took the 9:08 for N.Y. Bum luck shopping. Met Metz at 1, she had her pictures taken. Bummed around home for dinner. Letter from Coz. C. Read eve 19 19 19 19 Sun. DECEMBER 4 1910 We went to the Meth. church this A:M. Lovely but cold. Walked after dinner. Had naps and have read "Going Some" aloud. Put up laundry etc. 19 19 19 19 Mon. DECEMBER 5 19 Stormed all p:M. L & I went to Newark I did errand for Bill no luck. Awful night, horses down & everything. Home just in time for dinner, then eve. school. 19 19 19 19 Tues. DECEMBER 6 1910 Awful snow storm with wind One session. I gave book-test. Corrected papers and sewed in P:M. Letter from Lillian and R. R. Finished a jabot. 19 19 19 19 Wed. DECEMBER 7 1910 Perfectly beautiful day, clear but cold. We made out report cards home late. Served & finished my book. Was in bed at nine. Letter from Ruth Milroye Rodrick Alaska 19 19 19 19 Thurs. DECEMBER 8 1910 Somewhate warmer. Dr. Savitz game the teachers a talk after school. Home just as Metz came. Late dinner missed car & train to E__ hailed an auto Gimbel Brot. they took me down. 19 19 19 19 Fri. DECEMBER 9 19 Perfectly lovely day but cold. Busy all day. Came home in good season and put linning [lining] under yolke of green dress. Very cold night. Bed late. 19 19 19 19 Sat. DECEMBER 10 1910 Lola, Metz & I ran for the 8:02. I shopped all A:M at Wannamakers. Metz & I went to Hip - met Coz. C. at 7 had dinner at Murray's then Pabpst [Pabst]. Dandy time. Home at one. 19 19 19 19 Sun. DECEMBER 11 1910 We got up at 8:15. Snowed all day we didn't go out. Read took naps and made fudge. L came home at 5:30. Finished 2d vol of Barchester Towers. 19 19 19 19 Mon. DECEMBER 12 19 A gray morning. My day in the 8th grade. Letter from Bill & the Round Robin of Lucile, Pete, Maurine, Bill, Marge, Loula & me. Answered it at eve. school. Cold night. Wrote Coz. C. 19 19 19 19 Tues. DECEMBER 13 1910 Such a glorious sunset. Sun. it was 20 below in Vt. R.R. came. We had a Palmer Method Lecture after school. Night school. Answered the R.R. 19 19 19 19 Wed. DECEMBER 14 1910 Cold but lovely rather late getting home. An evening in seemed so good and I accomplished a lot. We all sewed. Wind blew a gale. Didn't sleep Mr. Starry rode up from E. and saw me home. all sewed. Wind blew a gale. Didn't sleep well. 19 19 19 19 Thurs. DECEMBER 15 19 It snowed some but was much warmer. Came home from school early. Lovely moon. Such a change in temperature. Awfully cold at 10. 19 19 19 19 Fri. DECEMBER 16 19 Colder than Greenland's Icies. Metz came down about 8:30. Fixed up the register and handed it in. No more eve. school 'till next year. A week from tonight. 19 19 19 19 Sat. DECEMBER 17 1910 Lovely day but cold. I just sewed, did up presents, went to bank etc - Buz came. We did some shopping here in town sewed and bed early. 19 19 19 19 Sun. DECEMBER 18 1910 Perfect day. Metz & I went to church interesting talk report from Edinburgh. We did odd jobs 'till dinner time & then took a long walk. Metz is sleeping. I've been reading. 19 19 19 19 Mon. DECEMBER 19 1910 Cold day but some snow. Miss Donnelleon was here for lesson. We sewed. I finished two stationery cases. Working hard at school these days. 19 19 19 19 Tues. DECEMBER 20 1910 Card fro Jule. Arrived in N.Y. Sun. Hustled home and went in town. Metz & I went for her pictures had to wait so had dinner in town. Cold night. 19 19 19 19 Wed. DECEMBER 21 1910 Colder. Hustled at school. Came home early and sewed. Metz late. Mileages came also night school check. We've been packing the room is a sight. Late 19 19 19 19 Thurs. DECEMBER 22 1910 Nice day Checked our trunks home. Jule telephoned at noon. Metz & I went to dinner at Maxims with him dandy time went to Eden Musee. Home at 12. 19 19 19 19 Fri. DECEMBER 23 19 Had one session. Lost my first train went to E. and took Penn. & tube. Got the 4 by skin of my teeth. Mrs. V & Paul met me at S. Had nice visit. Not a pleasant fellow from Montpelier. On train 19 19 19 19 Sat. DECEMBER 24 1910 Put in an awful night. Night train stayed at Jc. till 6: A:M. Home at 7:30, rained hard. Took bath, & went to bed. Mother & I went down town in P.M. Excercises in the eve. 19 19 19 19 Sun. DECEMBER 25 1910 Lovely day. Went to chruch, fine music & sermon. Dinner at Guy's & tree here. Made & received calls. Went to C.E. and visited at the Metzgers. Lots of presents. 19 19 19 19 Mon. DECEMBER 26 1910 Went down town with Bill awhile. Stores closed at noon. Mrs. Silverthorne & B. called also C.B.H. Bill & I went to ride fine sleighing. All spent eve. at Hollisses. 19 19 19 19 Tues. DECEMBER 27 1910 Went to see Louise off then to Dr. B's. Came home with father & Bill. Stayed in all afternoon. Sara called. All went to the "Soul Kiss" Bill sat with Jeanette she came on the 5. 19 19 19 Wed. DECEMBER 28 1910 Lovely in A:M. but snowed hard later. Have been ironing. Jeanette & Alice were here. Went down to the lib. and over to see Nell. Bill & I called on Dr. & Mr. G. & Franklin & Bertha. 19 19 19 19 Thurs. DECEMBER 29 1910 Dusted and picked up around. Made a pudding, cake and hard sauce. Mrs. Silverthorne & B. at dinner. Desire called. Mary M., Jeanette, Bill, Claude & I bowled. Hollises here in eve, played 500 Read The Girl of the Limberlost. 19 19 19 19 Fri. DECEMBER 30 1910. Coldest day yet Worked around the house and sewed. Children over. E. hurt her tongue. Mother and I took naps in P:M. Bill Rubber and I went to Fireman's Ball dandy time. Home at 2:45: Awful night cold & windy. 19 19 19 19 Sat. DECEMBER 31 1910 Bill's birthday we had breakfast at 10. Dusted, cooked and sewed. Went to the book Club at Mrs. Morton's nice time. Jeanette was up in eve & Grace over. We played 500. 19 19 19 19