Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Miss M. J. SpaffordUpper FallsVermont


Camp Griffin Va.Sunday Nov 10 /61-My Dear Sister –

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I wrote to mother yesterday, but will write you a line to day. Charley Read has written to his folks to send him some things either with mine or in another box. If they conclude to put them with mine you will hear from them imediately. You said you had been to Ludlow and found

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out how to direct a Box to me. How did they say direct? Dan W. says his are directed in Care of Fairbanks & Co. (I do not remember the no.) Broadway N.Y. Was that the way they told you Prehaps that is the best way, I cannot tell. All the boxes our boys have recd so far have been directed the same as our letters are. Tell the folks to make the box as small as convenient and nail it together strong and mark it plainly. Tell them to send no 8 boots instead of no 7’s which I usualy wear. I had rather have a size to large. I wish they would greas them before they start as we have poor conveniences for such things here. – Fill all the spare corners

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of the box with cake. Bates gave me some that he got from home (W. Windsor) and it went nicely. One pair of stockings will be enough as I took two pairs from home and have not worn them much yet. The Army stockings are just good for nothing.

I have written to George to day, and shall write to Charley K. if I can possibly get time.

I recd a letter from Charley Brink a day or two since & was glad to hear from him. Tell father to tell him I shall write to him soon. Tell grandmother to put in a cookie or a piece of cake so I can have some of her cooking.

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I will write no more to night. Good bye – Write me as soon as you receive this and tell me all the news. I recd a letter from Fred G. a day or two since. Where is Fred Smith now? Where is Nate & his wife?

Good bye again
Your Aff. brother Jo.

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Tell mother I agree with her in regard to what she said about the war. I send you two pieces which I cliped from a New York Dispatch of Oct 26th which Oz sent me with a cigar in it. I think there is a great deal of good sence in them. - Give my love to all Geo Whits folks tell Oz to write me. What do you mean by saying you and L. are going to work somewhere, what doing, how, where I do not unerstand at all. Please tell me the whole arrangement in your next.


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Send my Meerschaumn pipe. Do it up well in paper so it will not scent the rest of my things. Put in an apple or two if you have any decent ones.

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Mark the box by Express. My letter is sealed but I shall tuck this in. I am writing on an old detail for Picket Guard. I do not have to get up at 2.30 now to send our pickets out. They take a company at a time Co. A has gone to day. Our turn will be tuesday. I shall not have to go on Picket at all

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Detail for Picquet Guard
Nov 6
2.30 A.M.
2.30 A.M.
Co C. 7 Privates

