Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford
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Miss M. J. Spafford
Upper FallsVermont
Mansion House HospitalAlexandria VaApr 16thMy Dear Sister –
I have written you twice not to write me again at this place, but now I will say
that you may continue to direct the same as ever, & I hope you will write
often as possible. I got a letter from the Capt yesterday containing my own
& several of the other boys descriptive lists. – I shall speak to the Dr.
now & see what he thinks about my going to Vt. – Now dont make up your mind
I shall come certain for you would stand a great chance
to be disapointed but it is possible, just possible/ If
it is so I come at all it
will not probarbly be before the middle of
May, it takes forever almost to get any thing around.
The Capt said they were in front of Yorktown Said Myrick (Porters clerk) & Corp. Dam went out in front of our Pickets the other day to fire at rebels. Myrick keeled one over & they returned the fire hitting M- on the thigh, it was not a wound that would any more than make him lame a day or two the Capt said. –
I am feeling very well for me. – As I have nothing in particular more to write I will close. Love to all. Let me hear from you soon
Your Aff BrotherJo.