Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Miss M. Jane Spafford
Upper FallsVermont.


All the boys from our vacinity are well.Camp Vt.Dec. 9th 1862Dear Sister –

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I beleive I have not written you for a number of days so will do so to day. I recd your letter in which you enclosed the picture. Think the picture a very good one but I am sorry to say I have greased it a little. I shall send it to some body soon or I shall spoil it entirely carrying it in my pocket. Dr Osborn has been here. I gathered some cones & Geo. did

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the same & Geo sent them to you by him. I am afraid the Dr. will not think Camp life very pleasant for he was here only during a cold snow storm; to day the weather is beautiful again. I sent the pipe I had whittled out to father, I’m going to make Alfred one if I get time. Az recd a box from home the other day. There was a bag of pickles in it which had leaked all over the rest of the stuff & nearly spoiled it.

The 13th 14th & 15th Regts have got back. They went over near the Bull Run battlefield. Our Regt & the 12th did all the picketing while they were gone.

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Stoughton arrived here yesterday to take command of this Brigade. I dont think any body would have felt bad if he had gone somewhere else. I wrote to Capt Atherton to day. I have not written him before since we came here.

I wish you could look into our house & see how comfortably we live. I think you would not worry much about us while we remain here. Tell Bill, I am coming home with one when I come but I have not seen him since he ran away.

Our Regt lost a man last night, [Hiland B.] Moore of Co. F. there is another from the same Co. that Geo. says will not live until tomorrow morning.

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I dont see why I cant get letters in two days as I used to last winter. Now I hardly ever get your letters that are written sunday until thursday or friday.

Does the grey colt get drove any? They are sending boxes to some of the boys, but I dont know as I care any thing about having one as we have enough to eat, & that that is good enough so it dont seem to be of any use to send anything more. There is nothing new to write but I thought you might wish to hear from us so I have written. George is going to write so I will close.

Love to Father, Mother – Grandmother & all inquiring friends.

As Ever Your Aff BrotherJoseph Spafford

