Joseph Spafford to Mary Jane Spafford

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Camp at Union Mills Va.Sunday Eve. Apr. 12th 1863 Dear Sister,

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I recd your and mothers letters of Apr 8th this P.M. and will answer this evening, as probarbly I shall not have another so good opportunity to write for a number of days. We recd orders this A.M. to be ready to take the field tomorrow morning with seven days rations. We have been busy all the time since & now are prepared to start at any time. The boys in the Co. have boxed up thier extra blankets & we are going to have them sent to Alexandria.

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All the baggage the officers are to take is thier valises, blankets, & a small mess chest, so we shall not probarbly live as well as we have done, but I’ll risk but what we can get along as well as others have. We shall probarbly have nothing but shelter tents hereafter, but that makes little difference, as the weather is fine & has been for a number of days past. After this time of year we shall not be likely to get any very cold weather. I have packed my best coat sash & best pants in my valise, which will probarbly go along all right, if not I shall

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with the cloths I now have on (a pair of pants which I got of the Qr. Master & my old Camp Griffen coat) until we get ready to go home. Where we are going none of us know, or have any means of knowing, more than you have. Tho’ we have a little idea, to Warrington. The Col. knows no more about it than we do. The order was to be ready to move, so it is possible, tho’ not probarble, that we do not go. My Springfield coat I took to W. & put in George’s trunk, so when it gets round home you can see what a nice job Kidder done for us.

The boys of our Co.

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are nearly all able to go with us, we have got to leave but two behind.

The whole Brigade have got the same orders that our Regt. has.

I will write no more to night. Shall write as often as conveinent

Write often and direct to Washington. Your letter directed to Alexandria I have not yet recd.

Love to all.
As Ever
Your Aff Brother Joseph Spafford

P.S. I sent you to day, two pieces of music “Sitting on the Style” & “Dear Mother, I’ll come home again.” Before I re-enlist

