Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, March 15, 1879

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United States Senate Chamber,
Washington, Mc'h 15th 1879.
Presd't M.H. Buckham,
Burlington, Vt.
Dear sir:
Your favor of the 17th inst.,
was duly received.
The provision in the Sundry
Civil bill, to which I suppose
you refer, allowing officers to be
detailed as military instructors,
was stricken out and did not
pass. Of course that
stops my doing anything in re-
lation to Capt. Kafer, now at

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Perhaps you may
be able to obtain him when the
term of service of the present
military instructor expires.
Will you please at once
inform me whether it would be
better, or desirable, that James
should appear and take another
examination at the last of this
month? He seems to think
it would. So far as I hear,
he is making fair progress.
Very Truly Yours,
Justin S. Morrill

