Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, January 7, 1886

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WASHINGTON Jan'y 7 1886.
My dear sir:
I have your favor of the
5th instant stating that President
Atherton is asking a contribution of
$100. from you towards the expense of
a commission charged with looking
after the Cutler bill in the House.
Mr. Atherton is a gentleman of
much tact and skill in approaching
Members of Congress and has often
been here, and I think rather likes
to be, but I must say that, in my

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opinion, if it were publicly known
that the colleges were making con-
tributions to push any measure
through in their behalf, it would
not be likely to forward the measure
and with some it might be held
to be rather objectionable.
You can do as you please
but I do not think it is
necessary at all in the Senate.
Very truly yours,
Justin S. Morrill
Presd't M.H. Buckham
Burlington, Vt.
p.s. If anyone is emplyed no better man can be found than
Prst Atherton.

