Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, May 18, 1872

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United States Senate Chamber,
Washington, May 18 1872
Prst. M.H. Buckham
Burlington Vt
My dear Sir: Your favor
of the 30 inst. was duly received.
The Tariff bill we expect from the
House next week. The greatest ob-
jection to your proposition is that
under your inclusion of "professors
and students" everybody would
get their books free. They would
order for the whole world. Again,
we ought to make as large a share
of our educational works as we
can. I mean American authors
should have the preference if they
offer works equally good. But I

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am always disposed to go as
far as possible in granting
favors to educational institutions
and those engaged therein.
When the bill reaches the
Senate I will give the sub-
ject careful attention.
Very Sincerely yours
Justin S. Morrill

