Justin Smith Morrill to Albert L. Cummins, May 30, 1877

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Strafford Vt. May 30, 1877
Lt. Albert L. Cummins,
Point San Jose, Cal.
Dear Sir: Prst. Buckham has
forwarded to me your favor of the 18 inst.
and but for the uncertainty about additional
pay, I should at once ask the Secretary of
War to have you assigned to the Vt. Un. & State
Ag. College. The truth is we are enlarging
the usefulness of the Institution on scanty
means. All would be glad to pay liberal
salaries but that is yet not possible. I feel the
force of what you say about the Army Bill
and "crossing the Continent", and I will

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venture in behalf of the trustees to promise
you, as a loan, four or five hundred dollars,
if you need it, until your Army pay is
again available, and further that they
will pay you two hundred dollars
towards reimbursing a part of your
expenses in "crossing the Continent".
You will not be required at the
University until Sept 1, but, if
you should decide against coming
the President would like to know
it at once in order to secure the
services of another officer, and to
place the proper name upon the
annual catalogue.
Should this letter be entirely satisfactory,

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therefore, may I ask that you will at
once telegraph to President Buckham
that the terms of Mr Morrill's letter are
acceptable, or not acceptable, as the
case may be. If acceptable, as I hope
will be the case, we will at once
ask the Department to make the
necessary orders.
Very truly yours
Justin S. Morrill

