Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, July 3, 1877

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Strafford Vt. July 3 1877
Prst. M. H, Buckham, L.L.D.
Burlington, Vt.
My dear Sir: Permit me to ten-
der my congratulations to you upon
the occasion of the double honors conferred
upon you and to add that as you have
earned them they will wear well. Still
you must bear in mind that I
I shall send to you on Wednesday a
plaster cast of the head of the Youth by
Michael Angelo for the Art Gallery. It
is a very good one. I believe there are

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two full length statues in the Louvre made
by Michael Angelo, as it is said, to give a
contrast to his Moses, and this is the head
of one of these, drooping and almost dead,
and held up by something tied under the
arms. But I confess to much ignorance
about it, and only know that this head
struck me as marvellously fine, as all
of Angelo's works are.
There seems to have been a movement
in the Ag. Dept. and I shall write at
once, although I fear Leduc, the new man,
is not the man for the place.
James is at work trying to bring
up where he was in the rear and is very
confident he can do it--goes at quite early

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in the morning. It is a grief to me that he
not a better student.
Very truly yours
Justin S. Morrill

