Carlos Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1853 March 2 and Zebina and Lois Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, undated and Curtis Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, undated

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Carlos Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1853 March 2

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Pierpont March 2d 1853Dear Uncle aunt and Cousins

It is with pleasure I take my pen in hand to write a few lines to you to inform you that we are all well except Curtis who remains in nearly the same condition which he has been in for the last two years I have just returned from my second campaign as a pedagogue and have of course left a scene of turmoil and confusion for one of comparative silence though the winter has passed away very pleasantly nothing occurring to break the monotony of such a life Winter is beginning to loose his icy bands and as Sol at every successive revolution of our planet is enabled to exert himself in our behalf We have not received a letter from the west since the solemn announcement that death had removed a cherished friend the ken of mortal eye to that land whither we all are hastening rapidly and where the finally good and useful meet to join in anthems of praise while eternal ages shall roll their unceasing rounds unfolding new beauties affording new enjoyments to satisfy the wants of immortal and deified spirits which have withstood temptation ever hoping through the merits of their exalted Savior to obtain the conquerors crown

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Ellen is not at home not having returned from School she has been one of my pupils for the past winter and I presume if she were here she would gladly embrace the opportunity of writing a few lines tell aunt Lydia and Cousin Mary to write to me and let me know their whereabouts so that if some unavoidable circumstance should foce me to return to the green hills where I enjoyed those happy days which infant memory can recall but faintly I could find a home among a world of strangers Uncle Andrew I hope are a resolute leader in that cause whose object is to mitigate the sorrows of suffering humanity to drop healing into the lacerated hearts of many a father mother brother and sister friend and relation I refer to the temperance cause which is progressing rapidly in all parts of new England where it had its birth there may it triumph and may her banner wave over every part of our free and happy republic indicating that the throne of king Alcohol has crumbled and that his followers have chosen a life of temperance and sobriety But I must draw to a close by requesting you to write

Carlos Colton

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Zebina and Lois Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, undated Dear Brother and Sister

it is with pleasure that i sit down to write a few lines to let you know that we are all in tolerable good health but Curtis he does not get his health yet we have allmost given up ever hearing from any of you again i want you to come and see us if you can if you cant come and see us you must write to us and let us know whether you are all in the land of the living or not for our circumstances are such that we cannot come over to see you at present tell sister Lydia to write to us so we shall know where she is we want to hear from you all and see you all again this side the shores of time i have news to write so i must draw to a close by subscibing ourselves

your affectionate Brother and Sister untill deathZebina ColtonLois Colton

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Curtis Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, undated dear friends and relations

it is with troubbles past and those to come that i try to inform you of the state of things with me at the present time it is with unrelieveing trials and that i do survive it seems to me at times as though life was nothing butt a burden butt hope fired returns and nerves the spirits for a while butt we each and every one of us know that death must and will sooner or later upon all nations of the unknown earth mother she has said that she thought that i should not live to be my own man butt that day has arrived we should be exceedingly to see or hear from you as quick as all kinds of business allowing to livelyhood is going well here farming esspecially produce is verry high here more i wish to all about the concerns and how near the railroad does [    ] to you i send my best respects to all of my Cousins i have no more to write so try to read it please to direct your letters to pierrepont Colton post office St lawrence Co ny

Curtis Colton

