Mary Harvey to Ruth Fletcher, 1853 August 26

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Danville August 26th 1853Dear Aunt,

you are thinking by this time that I am dead or have forgotten you entirely, but such is not the fact and I think that you will forgive this seeming negligence if I promise better in future it is something of a task to write but if I could see you I think that my tongue would run as fast as ever it did in this world. you say that your health is quite as good as usual and for that I am glad very glad but Mrs Lock informs me that you have not much help, is that the way to gain and strength if it is I think that you and I are in a fair way to have health to spare for help is so verry hard to be got here that it is almost impossible to get even a washing done but we get along the best way we can and that is not verry well for ( the way did you know that we are getting [rich] fast if not I can tell you some news

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we have got another girl baby born June 25th and you know that every girl is worth 500 -but it is some more work to take care of 2 than 1 and we have had only between 3 and 4 weeks work for the very good reason that we could get no one to wash

I have not heard from Mary yet can you tell me any thing about her if you can I wish that you would for I am anxious to know how health is please tell Mrs Lock that she shall have that likeness if I can get another taken from that it seems strange that Mary does not write me do you know whether she received the likeness that I sent her a short time before she left

Cornelius and Levi are in [Shopkinton] about that wool Caleb said that they were not paying money for wool but take all that they can get exchange Abba and Mary have gone to Newbury to school they intend to go a year how is Aunt L is her health any better

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and have you heard from the west lately. well I guess that you will think that I have asked questions enough for this time and so I will just ask you to as soon as you can and all for any thing is news to me you know when I dont hear from you more that twice in a year oh I had almost forgot how did you find the children when you got home was you about sick a few days if so dont be but come again as soon as you can for it will be your turn to come and see me you know a good many times for you know that we cant carry two babies and you know that we have been quite often


To Mr. and Mrs A. C. Fletcher, Waterville, Vermont

