Ellen Colton to [Carlos Colton?], 1855 November 29

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Danville Nov 29th 1855Dear Brother

I received your letter of the 19th the day I left New [  ] which was the 15th just before I started I went into the and there found it it was there the night before but there was so much going on that I did not have time to go and the next morning had to pack my things and it was well that I did not for it would have spoilt all of my enjoyment as it was I had an excellent time after examination and was [over]thur wednesday the singing class gave a concert and after concert we had an interview and had a chance to talk with all the girls and boys that we knew and some that I did not I enjoyed myself well wilst I was there and should have been pleased to have stayed this winter but I when started for Danville I expected to come to you and was disappointed when I found I could not but all is for the best I had the name of passing the best examination of any one in my classes but my compositions were poor things I shall not want you to send me any [      ] money for I have gone to work in the Factory in order to get some to come home with which I shall do in the course of 4 or 5 months for I think I have been gone now long enough for the first time you need not tell Mother and Curtis because I may not come and if I do [bad] they would not know it untill I get there if I have work

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all the time I can earn [876 d] in the four months and like enough more for I shall not have to pay full price for my board for Mary works in there and I have to wait on myself and more to. I was disappointed to hear that Father gone to the eternal world and glad that his trials were ore I did not expect it so soon but knew he had not long to stay when I left him he was so in everything and if I could have been the I would have given a considerable he said that he never should see me again but I had heard it so many times that it did not frighten me any I can see a great many things that I have done wrong now. I should have written before but I could see no time my room is cold so that I cannot write nights and I have no quiet school room to go to in the mornings before the little Urchins get [routed] so I have to take the kitchen after the old folks have gone to bed and I am a little tired I cant write very well I should like to have you write concerning the folks to home when you write for they will not write to me I am well and others also that I know anything about Direct your next to Danville I have no of importance so

adieuEllen Colton

