Mary Harvey to Ruth and Andrew Fletcher, 1859 February 4 and February 7

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Mary Harvey(?) to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1859 February 4

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Danville February 4th 1859Dear Uncle & Aunt

we arrived at home Thursday night. Field and his family came from Craftsbbury with us staid in the place till the next week Saturday since which time I have been atrying to work get along pretty well feel better than I did before we went to your place Lizzie got no worse from comeing home she is pretty well excepting a slight cold I have chopped the meat you gave me there was a nice pan of it, for which I am verry thankful

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the factory Wool house Barn and the old Gents house and our house is sold, we shall to vacate the house by the first of April do you think you can get that M-- by the Mid first of March or a little past say before the middle, and will you come and see us and bring it you know that if Caleb should have to go to your place that he would have to hire a team and besides that we have got to be verry expeditious about our work (Caleb will go west this spring do not say so to any one not even the children) wont you come and come

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with a double sleigh and I promise you that you shall have a as cheap as you can get any where I shall stay in this village this summer I think, but shall not have much room and my Furniture will be a trouble to me, will you see Aunt L. for me she has no large Chair we should be glad to exchange some such things for [        ] will you write soon and come if you can we need some one to help us a little, for we are watched.


if it is not possible for you to come and Mary should come you could

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send the m[     ] by her but we hope that you will come

Aunt R Pleas read to your self and Uncle and burn Mary

Mary Harvey(?) to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1859 February 7 Feb 7th

we received a letter From Levi saturday he wishes Caleb to come on as soon as possible will you try to get that in 2 or 3 weeks and if you cannot come write immediately it would be out of his way verry much to go to your place for he will probably go by the Ny Central instead of the northern he can go more direct and by that means Cheaper

