Mary Harvey to Ruth and Andrew Fletcher, 1859 April 24

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Danville Vermont April 24th 59Dear Uncle and Aunt

I received your kind letter 2 weeks ago but have not had an opportunity to answer until now I received a letter from Caleb this morning he was at the time of writing in Kansas Territory but had not found a place to suit him he thinks of going to Iowa but it is uncertain where he will stop he had been well since he left home

I am at living in the old Gents Family shall probably stay here till Caleb writes for me it is verry uncertain how long that will be Brother Levi writes me if Caleb does not want me before the first of July he will come and take a last look of Vermont and so go back with me but if C should want me before I

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shall not wait for L

I think you will come and see me as soon as the ground is settled will you not the Family is verry small and you can come and stay a good long while the same as though I kept house I think that you sould be entirely welcome and I should be verry glad to see you I was verry sorry to hear that your Family were all so unwell hope that they are all better

I have not sold near all of our furniture yet & thought perhaps you would rather I would not sell the stand that was my mothers to strangers so I shall keep it till I hear from you and also the Looking that I bought before I was married every thing I shall sell the first oppertunity there are verry many things that are useful to me that there will be no sale for this selling and settling is verry hard for me I have no one to help and it is new business altogether to me

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I shall not get enough out of the house to carry me to Ill,s and shall sell all of the furniture stoves and so forth or if I cannot sell, give away I have had a verry hard cold since Caleb went away some better now Lizzie is quite well for her CC Pratt was in Springfield Tenn the 1st of April Levi,s is Virginia Co. Ss Co Ill,s he was well a few days ago it is getting so I must close



Mr Andrew FletcherBelvidereVermont

