Lyman Colton to Ruth Fletcher, 1862 March 30

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Alvarado March 30th 1862Dear Aunt

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By yesterdays mail I received a few lines from you and was very glad to know that you were still in the land of the living, and yet sorry to hear of your ill health. I trust if these few lines reach you they will find you and your family in good health. For myself I can say that my health is tolerable, at present though I am Somewhat worn by exertion. I am laboring in the "Sugarbush" as the Hoosiers term it, in company with my brother-in-law, Seth Jagua, and it keeps me busy Nancy is not very well at present She has an attack of the Diphtheria Our little girl grows finely She is now six months old. I should be very glad to pay you a visit, but the means to do so, with, are not within my reach Why cannot you, and Unkle A. come and visit us? The trip might improve

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your health and give you both a fresh start on the voyage of life I am very anxious to see you again in the flesh but the Great Disposer of Events only knows whether or not I may enjoy the privilege, If this may not be I trust we shall meet in Heaven to part [no] more Give our love to all your family and all of our relatives within your reach If you know the whereabouts of Aunt Susans Children (Mary, Cornelius & Levi) please to give me the information Please remember us also to Unkle John Atwell and family when you see them I wonder why Aunt Lydia never writes to any of us Tell her that a communication from her would meet with an eager perusal and a prompt response.....I am about building a "log cabin" for my resting place and I think of working some on a farm in connection with other duties

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that devolve upon me during the coming year ....We have not been to see Unkle L. for some time. owing to the fact of that the small pox has been prevalent in their vicinity and they have had a share with others in the disease Father sends his love to you all Tell Ella that Unkle Shepard will answer her kind letter before long and while I think of it. tell the children that cousin Lyman would like to hear from them too I have no doubt that you watch over them in their childish sports with a parents pride and I hope that they may live to cheer you and their father in your declining years Our love to Unkle Andrew Write to us soon and if God permit yours will be promptly responded to Pray for us

Ever your Affectionate NephewLyman, S, Colton

