Lemuel Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher and Lydia [Willey], 1863 November 2

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Stuben Ind. Nov 2 1863Dear Brother & Sisters

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I now embrace the opportunity of writing a few lines to you to inform you of our health which is tolerable good at present and hope these few lines will find you enjoying the same blessing we received your letter and was glad to hear from you we have had a good deal of sickness in our family this summer Lemuel was under the Doctors care for eight weeks and we did not expect that he would get well but through the blessing of God he was spared and now enjoys good health he had the spotted fever there has been a

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good many cases of it here and most of those that had it died Brother Shepards family were all well the last that we heard from them Brother Shepard is sell off for this worlds goods Lyman has two children a girl and boy he has built him a house near his father and farms a little and preaches the rest of the time he is one of the ablest preachers we have in this vicinity Verona has but one child a girl she and her husband live with Brother Shepard and they have Carseldanas oldest boy the other is at his grandfather Holdridges they are both bright

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smart boys Cornelius Pratt and wife were and made us a visit a few weeks ago they [are] a going east soon and Lemuel sent this likeness by them to you he is a large boy of his age he was fourteen last May he is as tall as most boys at sixteen he is all the help that I have my wifes youngest boy went into the army this fall we have eighty acres of land but there was not mutch improvement on it when we moved on to it a year ago last spriing and the frost damaged our Corn so that we do not get half a crop but we are thankful

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for what we have it is the first time that the Corn crop has been badly injured since that I have lived at the west so we have no verry good reason to complain and our heavenly Father bestows on us more than we are deserving of the rest of the crops were good and things fetch a good price you wrote that you thought we could come as well as not to see you this fall but sickness has used up all the means we had we would be glad to see you give my respects to all enquiring friends no more at present

Lemuel Colton

