Andrew Craig Fletcher to Ella Fletcher, 1864 July 3

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Sunday Eve july 3/69Dear Sister Ella

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I received your kind letter was glad to hear that your health was improveing hope it will continue to improve you said you had got your picture taken why did you not send it I did not wait for an [invertation] I got 10 [token] for 2.00 dol The yong folks round their are agoing to have a good time I expect tomorrow but let them have it I have mine almost evry day

I shall be so sick of liveing up their where it is so dry nothing a going on Here there is some fun in going to Church to what there is up their

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I shall be at home about the first of August I think

I cant think of any more this time

this is from your Homely A C Fletcher

PS. write soon write[abt]all the new A.C Fletcher

