Marilla Smith to Henrietta Fletcher, no year June 13

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San JoseJune 13thMy dear Sister

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I am alone again today & so I'll try & write you a few lines for I dont get a bit of time during the week.

I suppose your mother has written of their safe arrival & how well she stood the journy.

Edward took a [severe] cold so he was obliged to go stay home a few days to but he went to the

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city as soon as he could & has not returned yet.

Mrs Lindoly from Malone was visiting at Mrs Hees & she & your mother have gone to church together

Last night Georgie choked teribly. Since he has had whooping cough, about four weeks, I've been broken of my rest so that I feel about sick.

The present you sent me was very pretty indeed & I need such a dress very much but I was sorry you sent it because I could not send you a present

It must seem to you that doing my work & taking the boarders who paid me $66 1/2 that I might have some mony to spend but I had to buy things for the house & pay debts with it so that Im not one cent better off for it.

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I did think we had more than Edward says we have; I feel pretty discouraged

But I see people are coming from church so I must go to my dinner I wish you would write to me just how you are getting along in life & if you can find any thing satisfying in it. I wish I did not have to write a gloomy letter but to tell the truth I've got the blues.

I send you Georges picture which I think looks just like him.

I would like your childrens if you have them to spare. I hear they are very smart & pretty.

Much love to you allM.D. Smith.


Mrs. A C. FletcherJeffersonvilleVt.San Jose

