W.P. Grout to Andrew Fletcher, 1881 September 17

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W.P. GROUT & SON.BUY FOR CASHDRY GOODS & GROCERIES.WILSON, N.Y.Sept 17 1881Andrew Fletcher EsqDear Sir

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We are at home again and after resting up feel a few years younger than when we left home We got home on the morning of the 6th inst. found everything all right so far as our business is concerned but everything all dried up. had no rain while gone & have had none since getting back. Farmers are in a great quandary about sowing wheat the ground is so very dry and the apple crop is injured to a great extent. the leaves

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drying up & dropping from the trees. Produce is bringing a good price. Wheat from $1.40. to $1.50 per bushel. Potatoes 80c to $1.00. Beans. 2.40 to 2.50- & other produce in proportion my visit to vermont was very enjoyable. was sorry that I could not have spent more time there Hope you will come with Mr Adams another fall & visit us. Best regards to yourself & wife and all my [uiring] friends

Truly YoursWmP Grout


W.P. GROUT & SON.,WILSON, N,Y.Andrew FletcherWatervilleLamoille Co Vt

