Lucy Smith to [Katherine Fletcher?], 1883 April 15

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April 15, 1883Dear Niece,

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Your letter so long ago received I have not forgotten to answer, but long enough neglected so here's for a trial. We are all well this bright spring afternoon and glad that warm weather has come again. I suppose you are all getting along well and growing sweeter as the days of sugar making go by. School is closed and mama Fletcher has all of the music at home just now. I hope you and Carrie have made great advancement in your studies the past term. What you are and can do now shows what positions you will take in future years. Eddie has had a hard cold but is better today He speaks a great many words says he wants to go to "mont" on toot toot I have found some "bits" I will send you. It is reported that Jessie H. is going to teach school this summer in the Pikeville district.

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I have not accomplished much at rug making quilts or carpets this winter for the housework together with E,s mischief is quite enough for one pair of hands. I hope you will some and all of you, try to visit us this coming summer. We have not heard from Cal. lately but in the winter Uncle E wrote he [weighed] 196 and was prospering in his business Tell ma ma this is the last Sabbath the services will be held in the Pres. Ch. at Malone. They will commence tearing it down this week to make way for a new one, also a new court house is to be built there this summer The picture of the costume I thought pretty so cut it out for ma ma, good pattern to remodel by. I will close by wishing you to write again

Love to all_Aunt Lucy_

P.S. Uncle Bent says ask if you are making much sugar and to send the name of the man he bought from when there, he has forgotten

