Mamie Flagg to Katherine Fletcher, 1884 November 20

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Minneapolis, Minn.Nov. 20, 1884.Dear Katie:

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I suppose you think I have waited a long time before writing to you & I have Well I have been busy most of the time writing home, & have been out consiterable too. We intended to go & see L. Calhoun to day but it was too cold to enjoy ourselves much so we put it off untill it is warmer weather. We have been having some beautiful weather here for a few days. Do you girls have as good times at Lodge as ever? What kind of a time did you have at your fruit supper? Allis writes as though she did

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not enjoy herself very well. I wrote to Mattie some time ago & have just received an answer this noon.

Friday 21,

I should have finished your letter yesterday but Caddie & mother came home from down town & I left off writing to crack some nuts, then we had supper & then I got ready & went to prayer-meeting. Has Miss Dora set up any more of her S.S. scholars before the class as an example of sin. I dont think it was very smart any way. Is Miss Fitch going to keep the Winter term or have'nt they hired any one so soon. I think I learnt more of Verona than I did of Miss Powell

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but I never liked her ways as well she was so cross.

I suppose you will go to Lodge to night. Tell me all about it if you do. There are liqour saloons all over the city. There is one across the street and two on the same side we are on right near here. Oh! are you glad Cleavland is elected, I am just as glad as can be to have the Dem. get it.

Myron Saffords folks live about 2 miles from here. They are coming down & see us some day.

It is dark now & guess I will close. So good evening.

Your Friend,M.E.F.No. 203. Hennepin AvenueMinneapolisMinn.

Cedar Rapids, Rock Isl. (Horrid)

