Willis Hubbard to Katherine Fletcher, [1884?] May 5

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Fargo Dak.May 5. '84Friend Katie

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I now take the opportunity of writing you a few lines to let you know where I am Dont suppose you care but I am going to write just the same if [Fhebe] has no objections I landed here last Thursday night came as far as Chicago with Fred Powell. Came near getting lost had to change cars six times on the way. I meant to have seen you and of the other Cambridge folks before leaving but did not know three days before I left that I was comeing here and besides you looked so cross the last time I saw you

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that I did not dare to speak. Have been loafing most of the time since I have been here but will have to go to work in a few days. I expect to get about ten dollars a week in a printing office or at some other light work. Would like to be in Jeffersonville to go to school next winter but probably shall not be. Are you takeing music lessons this spring? If Miss Powell is in town you may tell her that I have concluded not to take lessons this Spring. I will not write any more for fear you will have to get an interperter to read it but you must lay part of the blame to the pen.

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I would like to know about all the people of the village especially the scholars.

Dont show this to any one not even Mamie.

If you take the trouble to answer this
Park Hotel
No 621 Front St
Fargo Dak

Your humble serventWill

P.S. Kiss George good bye for me. [1614]

