Lucy Smith to Katherine Fletcher, [1885?] April 5

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Burke N.YEaster Sunday 1885Dear Niece

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Your letter with picture contained received, and looked at by one with amazement for I can scarcely realize you are so nearly grown to womanhood. I will say to you [piece] out your girl days a long time yet for in them is great comfort to yourself and friends Be in no great haste to finish your education for "haste makes waste" in that as in other matters, sometimes too much strain upon health will bring ills which take a long time to heal. Then too a cultured intellect must be familiar with the best authors "dreaming their dreams thinking their thoughts" until thoroughly familiar with them. All this takes time and may be gained in a measure

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by reading in vacations between the terms of hard study Again it is not prudent to have too many subjects at once; but you will think my advice useless among such a host of advisers so I leave you with the hope your brightest dreams and the fond hopes of your parents may be realized so far as best.

We are as well as usual and looking earnestly for Spring which delays its coming "setting idly in the lap of winter" sings the poet, delaying May flowers and making things look bad and blue enough.

Received a letter from Uncle Edward last week with a glowing description of Cal. their country is all in full dress of foliage and flowers and must be a beautiful sight now also a letter from Aunt Jane Nolan Uncle Thomas is in poor health

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the rest are better than when we last heard from them.

Eddie does a sight of talking about aunt Hener__rett and makes loud promises of good behavior, if he can go over to mont We have one hired man for the season--milking seven cows now with other work doing all busy pleasant days. send your picture along when you get one taken I would be glad to keep this one but will enclose it according to your wishes.

I would like to be where I could run in often and see you all.

Uncle Sam's folks are not very well, Jane is to be married soon,

Write often and if your letters are not all answered they are read with interest and the improvement noted which you make in writing

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and composition

Yours with love to allAunt Lucy

Tell Carrie to write me


Miss K.E. FletcherJeffersonville,Lamoille Co., Vermont.MALONEAPR 7

