Tom [Guild] to Katherine Fletcher, 1888 April 15

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Coventry VtApr. 15-'88Dear Katie,-

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I have been away from home most of the the time for the past month which accounts for my not answering your letters sooner.

Was very glad to get your jolly, cruel, heartless splendid, letter

Katie I do believe you must sometime have lost your heart on some

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bold Jeffersonville fellow and that is what makes you so heartless. Isn't it so Katie?

Bess says you promised to write to her just as soon as you got home and hasn't heard nary a word from you.

That is a splendid chance for you to go west. I'd go if I were you, but Katie (Free advice) be good and remember that that little chap at N.H.P. loves you from the very bottom of his dear little heart.

I am thinking of taking a spring school have an offer of the upper department of

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a graded school. It pays Thirty Dollars and board per month.

Had a letter from Wilmer Hill a few days ago it is quite sad about his Mothers death isn't it.

There is to be another ball at Coventry the first of May. Of course I shall take it in. I always do you know.

Do you have many letters from that dear and brave classmate of ours Miss Erwins?

I havn't heard from her for some time. she is working in a store I believe.

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Please give my regards to the bold Geo. Waters. I always thought you loved him but did not suppose your heart was so irretreavably his as you wrote

What are you doing for excitement this spring? It is quite dull here since the road played out. can't go to see the fair girls more than once a week and you know that is something awful for me.

Wish I could see you sometime before

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Say! Don't you think we could manage to be in Johnson, all by mistake of course, about the last of May or first of June?

I really think Mrs Andrews aught to will me a strip of that dear old stair carpet. Couldn't that old hall of hers tell some queer stories if it could only speek

Mrs A. did dislike to have you and Bess

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occupy the front part of the house. especially Sun. evenings.

You seem to be injoying yourself hugely this spring but I really think you are most to hard on the poor boys. Just think to look daggers at that poor boy you spoke of, and to exasperate the bold Waters. What if he should commit suicide or something else equally bad

We are rehearsing a play now that we expect to present sometime. but as there are five boys and five girls in it I am afraid that

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that most of the rehearsing is of a kind quite different from that given in the books.

I had a letter from [Gonyvan] last week he is not in school this term but manages to be around when there is any mischief brewing. Do you have any "cigarettes" now a days? By the way! Miss Galushia got awful mad at me the first term we were at Johnson she thought I gave her away on the smoking business to the other boys, but she was awfully mistaken for the

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first I heard about it Geo. Carter told some five of or six of us boys and he also told the rest of the things and she thought it was I I guess. Well its all past and gone now so I don't care, and did n't then.

Tell you what it is Katie I'm Killing myself working this spring. just fading away like a flower (sun flower)

Well guess you will be glad to rest when you get this read so will close


