Lulu F.R. to Katherine Fletcher, 1888 April 26

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Haverhill, Mass.Apr. 26, 1888.My dear Katie:-

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You are not forgotten, if my pen has been silent so long & trust I am not.

How many changes have taken place since we parted and how widely we are scattered, and dear Mrs Campbell who did every thing in her power to make us enjoy school, God has seen fit to take from her dear friends here on earth to that blest Home where there will be no more sorrow, I

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cannot realize that it is so. I think every day yes & many times a day of our class & school mates & teachers, and how hard it must be for Mr Campbell to go on with the work.

You don't know Katie how much I have missed our Sunday School class, I don't believe I'll ever get as much good from another, and our Young Ladies' Meetings what a help they were.

The Young Peoples meetings here are very helpful.

I came here to keep books for my brother the first of March, I thought of going home to teach this summer but think now I'll stay until the last of June or July & begin teaching in the Fall. I like the work quite well but not as well as teaching, but can earn more this summer than I could teaching.

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I have a very pleasant office, and the people here have been so kind to me I ought to be content and have been most of the time. I can't say all for the first two weeks I was sick and that made me home sick, but the lady where I roomed was just as good to me as any one could be, but it wasent home. she is a beautiful Christian woman and we had many pleasant talks about Christ, and how we could best serve him. I am feeling well as usual now & think the climate will agree with me when I get used to it. I have not been home sick since that time, for I wont allow myself to be, we must be happy if its possible & make those around us happy, The young ladies with whom I have got acquainted seem

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very pleasant.

Friday Morning

another beautiful day & it seems quite warm. They began sprinkling the streets yesterday.

It is very pleasant here and there are many fine drives out into the Country. I have not been out for I have to keep busy most of the time, and it has been too cold to go after I get out at night, but last evening was quite warm and after prayer meeting Some of us girls went for a walk. I hav'ent had any thing new yet except a hat & jacket, I had a letter from Jennie a short time ago, She wrote that Tom was studying to be a Dr. I think

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it will be quite an honor to our class don't you? I am wondering if you have taken a school & what you have been doing since school please write all about yourself. Eva wrote that she had spent two weeks in Johnson and had a lovely time. I don't know when I can be there. I have been lotting on the close next June, but things don't look now as if I should be there still I may, it will be a great disappointment if I cannot but our lives are made up of them, and I supppose they help to make us better. I have not been out much since I came except to prayer meetings. I went to an entertainment a week ago, given by the Endeavor Society of

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the Centre Church. It was a composite entertainment Present, Past, & Future It was a great successs should think there were 100 Characters represented. They sent to Boston for many of there Costumes. Some of the Characters of the past were. Geo. Washington wife and attendents. Martin Luther The Lady of the lake, Tennysons Princess- and several others. The representation of Future Time was perfect and when those in the past had been introduced, he mowed them off the stage with his scythe & the Present was in order, lead by President Cleveland & wife, who gave a reception. There were a large number

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present of the leading ones of the time, and I distinctly remember when Josiah and Samantha were presented to them, you can imagine how they were dressed & what a spread She made, She went on with her usual lingo Well according as they represented the Future it is to be a gay time. both ladies & gentlemen are to dress in gay colors, and a lady dressed like a queen is to be president, to whom all gentlemen must bow them selves to the floor & take a back seat, Don't you long for the time to come? ha, ha, I'm sure I don't Well I won't stop to write any more about this I had a nice time

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was treated to ice cream & had a boquet of lovely flowers given me.

I begin to think I'll never get this letter finished I only get a few minutes at a time & then write in a rush which you will discover without my telling you.

May 1

I was delighted Saturday night by welcoming the class letter You don't know how I felt, and how I longed to see you all, for a little while I felt as if I could not possible wait until June and then I don't know as I can be there, but I do hope we may all be able to meet there, Dear Katie I know I shall cry and if I can't go I

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shall so there it is, What good times we have had together & what trials over written reviews we have talked over together, and think of the times we used to have in Class Meetings, and the jolly time when we planted our class stone. And when I think that we may never meet to gether again I feel that I can't have it so. Still God knoweth best, and we may all meet here on earth but if not we have the blessed assurance that we may in Heaven.

A party of the young people here were going Maying but it has been raining nearly all day, and they have put it off, They intended to go out of the City about 7 miles

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Geo. Carter has just been in and I have been telling him that he'll have to wait, and that he still clings to the name of Allen for the Young lady he goes with here is a Miss Allen,

There is to be a May Festival, at the church where I attend, Friday night. To night is prayer meeting. How I would like to step in to a school prayer meeting.

Well my dear I'll have to close this Please write soon very soon and all about yourself & school.

There are several schools here that I want to visit and

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if I get the time to will write you all about the work done.

I have not heard from Sybil, M N, and Lucy, But feel that I have heard from Lucy by that dear old class letter, I can hardly wait for it to return to me.

Blanche wrote that she thought more of her certificate than of the picture, my I rather have the picture lots lots rather if I could not have but one I would give up the certificate but cling to the class picture.

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I'll say once more write very soon.

I must say good bye with heaps of love from your

Loving ClassmateLulu.F.R37 Locust St.Haverhill,Mass.

