Harriet Fletcher to Ruth Colton, 1839 May 7

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Waterville April May 7 1839Respected Lady

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I take my pen in hand to inform you of my health which is very good and hope these few lines will find you enjoying the same blessing I do not know as I have any news worthy of writing but I could thought I would write a little [    ] I have about concluded you have forgotten me the reason of my thinking you had forgotten me was because you did not write to me & I thought I would write a few lines to you to let you know that I have not forgotten you, I feel sometimes as though I had not a friend in the world it seems to me that I never had so much trouble in my life as have had of late do not expect I have seen any to what I shall if I live, I want to see you very much never wanted to see you so much in my life as I do now for I feel as if I had got a friend in the world it is you and a friend I have always put a great deal of confidence in and I hope that things I have said in your company I hope never will go any farther not that I ever have heard a word of your telling any thing that I did not want you should but there is some people in this vicinity that have appeared to be friendly with me and now I consider them my worst enemy not that I ever have thought them to be a great friend to me nor a friend that I could put much confidence in and now I am thankful that I never did take them as a friend

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After you returned home last winter Father Mother Elias and Nancy went to York State and made a visit found Artemas family all well but had a tiresome journey snow all went off while they was gone, Andrew has gone to to work this summer I do not know but what I weary your patience in writing so much as I have but I will be brief in cutting a long story short Weight Hodgekins and [M T] has desolved friendship, I must inform you that I saw Betsey H yesterday looks very feeble does and people in general thinks she never will regain her health again, I anticipate on your comeing out to Belvidere this summer I think then I shall see you very often do not fail of writing to me and sending it out by your brother. Carmoline after her [    ] school closed last winter she engaged the school [    ] Esqr Fisks [2 mont] and yesterday one of her scholars fell off the bridge and drowned, excuse imperfections in writing and permit me to close by subscribing myself

your sincere friendHarriet Fletcher


Ruth ColtonJohnsonVt

