Mary Harvey to Ruth and Andrew Fletcher, [1850?] January 13

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Danville Jan.y 13th [1850]Dear Uncle & Aunt,s

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thinking that you would be glad to hear from me I will improve A few moments in writing we are all well and as happy as need be I suppose that you would like to know how we got along that stormy day so I will just give A sketch of that and the following when we left Mr Hotchkiss,es it was 11"Oclock we went to Dr. Meggs and took dinner then went on to [      ] & staid at Mr [Phonss,] that night started from there about 9 the next morning got home about 3 1/2 in the afternoon Father, Mother, and the brothers and sisters & some others being here to receive and take supper with us then in the evening the young [        ] came and we had A real visit they staid till nearly [1] in the morning Abba staid that night and the most of the next day Cornelius boards with us and goes to school I have got along with my work better than I expected

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have not been home sick yet nor much lonesome am alone in the day time if it does not storm have not been visiting much yet went to the new year,s Ball at Peacham but did not go with Dwight perhaps you will think I am real silly to write all this stuff but if you was here we could find enough to talk about for A week I [       ] Caleb to write but he says he never A letter and thinks he is to old to learn seeing he denies his age sends his best respect,s Cornelius received letter from Levi the 9 stating that he wished to leave there as soon as possible for grandmma said the quicker he went the better and that she jawed most all the time I think she is rather singular one day cant keep house without him and the next scolding because he is there. write me all the news and as often as you can write whether hay has gone and if Edson has got home and how Elias and [Josaphine] go it and every thing els that you can think of my respects to all ask Mrs [Codding]

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if she see us go by and how she liked the looks and if she got paid for watching

well it is after 2 so I must go and get supper and go to meting they have meetings at the school house saturday and sunday evenings

A word to the Children

Craig I did not take tiger with me but the first time that I came over to your house I must have him for my Cat is lonesome without A mate be A good boy and come and see me some time

Emma dont want to come and live with me does she and have them shiny shoes be A good girl and be careful of your rag Baby kiss the baby and write all of you as often as you can I should like to writ an hour if I had time

Uncle Andrew just harness up some day and come over

in haste

yoursM F H.


Mr. Andrew FletcherWatervilleVermontDanvilleVt.Jan 15

