Moses S. Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1856 September 20 and Betsey Verona Jagua to Ruth Fletcher

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Moses S. Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1856 September 20 Otsego Sept 20 - 1856Respected Brother Sister

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I now take this opportunity of writing a few lines to inform you of our health which is tolerable good at present hoping these lines will find you and yours in health We received your letter last evening and were glad to hear from you once more you must excuse me for not writing oftener for we have been for the last [than] months [hurried] with work we are building a house and hope to be able to winter in it it is small only 24 by 30 but costs much Labor pay $160 dollars for the wood work Mostly paid Stone for cellar to draw most of them 1 1/2 miles it is raised and most of the work prepared to put on It appears it has been wet with you but it has been verry dry here having had but few showers since corn planting grass light on upland corn dried up or the openings not half crop in same places water scarce wells failed & our corn is stout however frost nipped it last evening potatoes light crop Oats Light wheat good worth 1,12 1/2 to 1,25 Oats 37 1/2 we have sowed six acres of wheat have six or 7 of corn have from 20 to 25 tons hay Cattle are low here I sold a yoke 8 year old oxen for 80, 1 pair 3 year olds for 36, 1 pair two year olds 25 dollars a short time since

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My lameness seems to increase Seth and [Verona] Send their Best respects to you V's health not verry good Lyman has Been to school all summer at Orland in this County about 25 miles off he wrote us a short time since that he was about starting to be [         ] and was about to receive about $20, per month he was well when he wrote Lemuel was here about 4 weeks ago he was not verry well then he had two of his ribs broke last winter heard from him about 8 or 10 days ago was well as usual and family Carseldanas oldest boy is with us and will be there has been several deaths in this vicinity from the f[    ] not much sickness now We have not heard from [Curtis] since last spring I guess they miss their father Carlos has done writing to Lyman suppose Lyman gave him some cousel on his ways after Being attacked by him on principles Give our Best respects to Daniel and Lydia I think I shall write them soon tell them to write to us you must write oftener too write as soon as you receive this If Caleb and Mary have gone West write to what place I should like if they do go to have them give us a call Write how aunt Sally Dwinnells health and family is Give my respects to all of our friends and Connections and Old Neighbors Give our respects to Craig [and] Ellen and [Bud] I would like to see them once more

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Tell Craig [     ] for Friemont We had a hard winter Killing all the Peach Trees so that we have to set out young Trees again Apples are not plenty this season I presume we shall not have in all over 30 or 40 Bushels We have not had an all day rain since Last spring here I wish you would come out here and pay us a visit and see the place I hope if I live I shall see you again but we must Trust in God he will do all things right I am growing old and Lame but think in three or four years more If I live to be able to come again to see you all Do not do as I do Write often I have not much more space to write on and must draw to a close hoping that if we never more see each other in this world that our names may be written in the Lambs Book of life that we may all meet around the throne of God to praise him forever and

I remain your affectionate Brother untill DeathM S. Colton

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Betsey Verona Jagua to Ruth Fletcher Dear Aunt

as father has left a space in this sheet In haveing a few spare moments I shall try to write a few lines to you to let you know that i have not forgotten none of my absent friends no far from it nor shall I while reason remain the memory of my dear relation is fondly cherished and when we get a letter from any of our eastern relatives it seems to me almost like a visit although so many lofty hills and spreading vales lie between your mountain and my forest home my health is rather poor this summer and I have a good deal of work to do father is building a small house so you see my work is not very light little Cyril lives with us he is as roagish a boy as ever looked out of a pair of blue eyes he is a small pattern for a boy six years old give my love to your children and uncle Andrew Seth joins his love with mine to you and yours do write often and I will try to answer

this from your family to the westVerona Jagua

