Mary Harvey to Ruth and Andrew Fletcher, 1884 October 28

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Glen Elder, Mitchell Co KasOct 28th 1884My Dearest Uncle and Aunt

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When I wrote you last I thought I should soon get time to write you at length. I have had a hard summer, not that the work has been so very heard but it has been more than I was able to do and if by any chance there was a minute to sit down I have been so tired and trembling that I could not write I am feeling some better the last few days and perhaps may continue to if it keeps cool Clark is Teaching at Simpson a small Town about 22 miles

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East on the K.P. R.R. he has already had 70, schollar's and is likely to have still more It is like all the Town schools in the West a Nine months school he did not expect more than 60 schollars and only secures 45,00 dollars per month which is not so much as he ought to have for so large a number of pupils But it is all right if he can stand the pressure Lizzie and her family are as well as usual, Frank has lots of on hand has lately bought nine hundred more sheep They still make their home in Beloit but talk some of building on the farm I reced a letter from Cousin Lem the first of Sept. He thought of coming

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to Kas, I answered immediately but have heard nothing from him since and am surprised that I do not am afraid he or Uncle are sick. L. wrote that Lyman and his Wife were both dead but gave no particulars I am very sorry that I did not go to see them as I came home last winter but I was so very tired and they were so near I put it off untill a more convenient time I wrote to Lem to tell me all about them and thought perhaps there might be children in need of a home and have waited anxiously for a reply and hope to hear soon I hope you are in reasonable health and have a pleasant Family in the house I think of you all so often and want to see you even more than before I was there last year how are Craigs

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Family. Has the baby got on his feet yet? Do they call him Ray? I think it a good name. Is Rhett as full of business as ever? Are Katie & Carrie getting along with their studys as well as ever? Will you ask them to write me a good long letter Tell them that Katie & Lulu Harvey of St Johnsbury are the same age as they, and the write me long letters I thought Craig would write me once in a while but I guess he had better come out here and get acquainted with us, but I suppose he is busy & I hope prosperous, Do you see Aunt L and Uncle Ella and her Family, and Della and her little, ones, I received the note from you saying Mrs Oakes was dead It did seem hard, how they must miss her, and how can they get along without her, when I think of you all I wish I could Fly to see you again wont you try to come to see me I should be very glad, You dont know what a comfort those pictures are I will send you one of Clark, it is very like him, I shall try to write oftener but if I do not you must not for one moment think that I forget you or that at any time I shall have any feeling but Love for you I hope to hear from you before long I wanted to ask you about the Carpenter Family that were our relatives what was th Uncles name was there one named Cephas?

with much LoveMary

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C.C. and Family all well last week, have not seen him since June

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Lem & family well a month ago

Give much Love for me to all the Friends tell them my visit

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to Vt will be a green spot in my memory while I live

Aunt I hope your Cough is better, and Uncles Dispepsea releived

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The following paragraph is written upside down in the margins between page 3 and page 2, which are both on a single side of an elongated leaf.

Mr Harvey's Sister Mary has just returned to Vermont, She liked the West better than she

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expected. Wont you stop and see John Prince for me when you go to Johnson, also enquire for Sanford Mills?

