Letter to Mary Collamer, February 14, 1847

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Washington City Feb 14. 1847Mary,

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I believe I am at present the oldest debtor to you for a letter. Tell Harriet I have recd. hers (without date) and was much pleased with its domestic character and presume the children have before now recovered of the colds which were then upon them.

The weather, which so mild at my last writing, has again become cold and we have had several days quite cold but no snow.

The city is now quite full of people, most of who are here to obtain military appointments in the new regiments to be raised. Among others Gen. Ransom has been here after the appointment of Col. Whether he will succeed I know not but think he might if he could succeed in raising a regiment.

Dr. Childs or Gov. Childs is here for the appointment of his son as Assistant Surgeon in Col. Cushings Regt. of Massachusetts Volunteers and he succeeds.

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Dr. Clark is here and has spent the evening in my room. He has been out west and is on his way home and will be in Woodstock before I can leave here. He has been here several days and had opportunity to attend the last levee of the season at the white house. As he is associating with the democracy he can tell you as to their parties &c.

We are at this moment in a state of great political commotion, as the Calhoun branch of the democratic party is considered as being severed from the body, and there is great confusion in the ranks, but I presume Mr. Polk will make peace with the more by agreeing to the river and harbor bill and so get along without the Calhoun men. This I write for Mr. Johnson and William.

As I left here last session before it closed I must not his session until the 4th of March, although I am desirous of being present at the session of the Supreme Court, but I intend, if well, to reach home so as to attend the second week of the court.

Tell William to write me whether the stage rang to meet the rail road at

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Franklin every day and what time of night it actually reaches Woodstock.

As we approach the close of the session and business crowds us my mind becomes fully occupied with it, but endeavor not to let it worry me; and I think myself quite as well as at the commencement of the session if not better.

I am sorry to trouble you so much in my letters about myself but I have no one else here to write about as the objects of my earthly care and affection are all with you and I hope well and happy under the care of a kind Providence.

Good night and my love to you all, in both houses Your fatherJ. Collamer

