Letter to Mary N. Collamer, December 12, 1858

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Washington City Dec 12. 1858Mary,

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I recd. your note of the 8th inst. last evening & was pleased to hear you were all well. I desire to hear from home at least once each week, even if you have no news to write me. I however do not insist you shall perform this every time yourself. Mary & William can write. Tell Lizzie to try her hand in a letter to me.

My pen is probably little better than yours & I wish Mary to take from a box of bright pens on my table, in my room, three or four pens & them in next letter to me, that I may see whether I can procure any such here.

I have had little to do but it has

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rained most of the time since I came & I have therefore not been out much.

I have been to the Pension Office & called on the President & have received his card of invitation to dinner next Tuesday. I will write you about it when it comes off.

I have not been to Willards but intend going soon. Mrs Foster & Mrs Wood are at present the only ladies I know there. Mrs Hatch does not come this winter & he says their child is no better. Mrs. Spinner is at Willards.

The Capitol presents the same appearance as when you was here. No more seems to be done externally & the same amount of rubbish, stone & litter around it. Internally more is done & it looks as if the new Senate Room might be ready to receive us in the course of the winter. You know however that I regard our present room as the best.

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I have just recd. a letter from Frances. All well at Cambridge & she says Henry is not only well & growing but is really interested in his school & improves in his reading.

Rain, rain. Love to you & ours & respects to friends & neighbors.

AffectionatelyYour Husband

