Letter to Eunice Todd Crafts, December 7, 1819

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Washington Dec. 7th 1819My dear Eunice

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I arrived at Washington in good health on the 5th at night, and not until to day have I taken lodgings - Mr Richard and myself, after examining nearly all the boarding houses on Capitol hill, have at last concluded to take our old room at Capt. [Burches], being satisfied that we could do much better there than at any other house - they have concluded to abate something from the price exacted from us the last year. Congress met yesterday in the new hall which is splendidly fitted up - but from the constant and continued echo, it is nearly impossible to hear distinctly any speech - Mr Russ of Hartford called upon me and presented me a letter of introduction from Eli, which letter I enclose to you - He appears, as represented by your brother, to be a very amable man, and so far I am pleased with him - I have enquired particularly respecting Eli's prospects at Hartford, and learn, with much satisfaction, that they are very flattering - having as much [practice] as he can attend to and more, as well as prompter pay than at Farmington - I have not as yet drawn any of my pay - but next week I will transmit some money to you which I know you will [    ] want - You may inform Mr Corbin & Mr Clarks that the best pork is selling at Albany & New York for

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five cents the pound, and much is even sold at four & an half cents - and even [    ] at those prices - I know not what Wyman Hoyt will ask, probably as much as Mr Clark & Mr Corbin will give - they cannot with safety give over five or six cents - and we ought to have it as low - I have not yet heard from home, but hope there are some letters on the way - I wish to know how Samuel got home & whether he concludes to take the school, all which, and much more, I expect you will inform me in due time - You will learn by the papers which I shall continue to send you what congress are about.

Dec. 7, 1819

Mrs Eunice Crafts

My love to all my friends, and particularly to Samuel & Mary - and accept the assurance of my constant affection and esteemS C Crafts

