Letter to Eunice Todd Crafts, April 15, 1820

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Washington April [16th] 1820My dearest friend,

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I am well, and extremely anxious to return to those whom, above all others, I wish to see again; and what gives me the most trouble at present is that I cannot exactly ascertain on what day I can leave here - There is some business to be transacted in which the whole country is very materially interested - and which I cannot have am unwilling to leave, but I shall be accused of deserting my post before the business is through, out of fear of the consequence - I allude to the raising [  ] the duties on almost every article imported, to stop all trade with Canada - etc. which under our present situation would nearly ruin Vermont - As soon as this business is disposed of, which I expect will not require more than one or two weeks, I intend to get leave of absence and go home whether Congress adjourn or not - I feel [considerable] anxiety about the affairs at home - If Mr Hidden is with you I shall feel less - but he will hardly know what to do - It was my intention to plant with corn that piece of ground East of Garfield garden which contains about an acres - The piece down North of the barns on which potatoes & flax were raised last year being two or more acres, I intended to sow with wheat - and the hog pasture North of Garfield house extending down so as to make 2 or 3 acres should be broke up and prepared for potatoes - I wish the fence around the

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square by Garfield house to be patched up so as to answer for a few weeks, until I can get home when I intend to replace part of it with a board fence - If the spring should be dry enought to [burn] brush - I want Mr Hidden to clear off an acre or two where Garfield got wood this year or two past and plow it with oats etc. - I mention this not because I do not expect to be at home before it will be time to plant - etc. but that he may be making the necessary preparation - for I will be at home at any rate, if I am will - as I am fully determined not to remain here more than two weeks longer, if so long - let business here go as it will - If you like Charles [Moush], you better keep him until I get home if not for the whole season - we shall need some help & I will be willing to give him as much as he can get any where else - If the garden gets dry enough to plow I wish Charles or Mr to [    ] in several loads of manure and spread it before it is plowed - and also secure some seeds if any are for sale - You will pardon me for undertaking to interfere my advice in the management. I only them for fear that Mr Hidden would not know what [calculation] would suit best -

S.C. Crafts

Mrs E Crafts

I hope you have received my letters before this - I write a line to Mary
Yours sincerelySamuel C Crafts

