Letter from SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated January 29, 1852.

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Publication InformationSmithsonianWashington Jan 29' 1852

My dear Mr Marsh

In an excessive hurry to get letters off to the State Dept. I have only time to say that we send to Yasigi & Goddard a box of books for distribution to Cairo, Constantinople c as shown by the enclosed letters. I will write soon more at length.

Just finished the biggest kind of an operation in the way of foreign exchange. 576 parcels, in 46 boxes, weighing 9880 lbs. cubic feet 263! All done in an incredibly short span of time. Warmest Love to Mrs. M.

Sincerely yoursS F BairdHon. Geo. P. Marsh.You letters just arrived

References in this letter:

A Boston shipping company.

