Charles F. Bancroft to [Family]

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P.S. Wednesday Oct 2nd

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As Mr. Paddock has not gone yet I will not write a little more. I am well to day & fell first rate. last night was warm & we slept warmer than usual & to day it rains I want a small & fine file some of our old ones will answer & I want my singing book as in our camp we are going to get up a choir I think if you would send out your butter here I could sell it to good profit as our sutlers ask 25 cts a pound & it sells readily & if we had some genuine Vt Butter here it would go well & when it comes a little cooler send me a tub & I will send you back the proceeds if I do well I will order some more. I would like to have you take some of the money & plaster the house I want you to write soon as you receive this & let me know it all comes straight I shall take a receipt so that I can collect it if lost

Yours TrulyC. F. Bancroft

I shall send home my checkered vest by Harris of the Calais Co. the one that got his finger shot off & he will leave them at Widow Pierces.

send a peice of chalk to [     ] with the old gun case.

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Samuel McLean wants you should get his case of drawing pencils & send with my stuff. You need not send my shirt & drawers now as we are to have them issued soon & if I want them they by & by they can be sent with the Capts stuff or with the butter [     ] & I think that it would sell to good profit Send my stuff by Express to Washington D. C. Co H 4th Regt Vt. Vols. I have seen Orion this Tuesday PM & he says to get my flannels at any rate & you may send them also a peice of sage cheese if you have got 1 cut, & do not send the fife for the Quarter Master will let me have one.

C. F. Bancroft

write soon

