George F. Davis to Smiley Bancroft

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State of VermontQuarter Master General’s OfficeCavendishMay 18 1862Smilie Bancroft Esq
Dear Sir

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Yours of the 14th is received. I will send the articles left by your Son by Express tomorrow morning. In regard to the coffin, I can only say that in the settlement of my account with the State, I shall charge the amount paid for it. Should the Auditor refuse to pay it, I will notify you, and you can then, if you choose, remit the amount. Dr Childs came from Ship Point with the sick & wounded soldiers. Your son was one of the members from that place. I do not know the Regiment that Dr Childes is Surgeon of. Dr Cochran of New York, Dr. L.M. Tuttle ass surgeon of the 6th Regt Vt Vols. and Dr Devendoff of Fortress Monroe came from the Fortress

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to New York with me. They were excellent surgeons & attended to their duties faithfully.

In regards to the care and attention paid to your son, I did the same that I would like to have others do to me or my friends. I start tomorrow morning for the seat of war to visit all the Hospitals and where ever I find our sick & wounded soldiers that are able to be sent home will be furnished with transportation to go home and those unable to go will be cared for where they are. Should I find any in want I shall do what I can for their comforts.

Your Most RespyGeo F. Davis