Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Camp Sigel nearWinchester VaAug 24, 62Dear Maria,

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It is now four days since I last wrote to you and I must not let another pass or you will think that something is wrong. We have had no mail here now for two days and the report is that it was burned up on board the train yesterday with 2 or 3 cars but how true it is I cant say but I am in hopes it will yet come around as it did before and with a letter in it from you. I recd the Box by Exp. day before yesterday and was surprised to see it here so soon it was but 3 days on the way. It contained quite a lot of medicines and the Boots which are just the fit and got here just in time as yesterday was a wet, rainy day and

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had they not come I would have had wet feet as I was out more or less all day. I went down to the city and went to the Hospital to see my sick men Sergt Halbert is getting along fine and will be well soon. The rest of the Company are getting along pretty well with the exception of Warren Eldred of Bakersfield who I am afraid is going the same way as Corpl Lamondy. Chas Walker is troubled with rheumatism some but is not very bad off he is about camp. While I was at the Hos- I saw quite a number of Secesh prisoners who were wounded at the time Jackson situated from here Any number of women are constantly calling on them and bringing nice things to them while our men recieve no such attentions which shows that the women of W- are pretty much all disloyal

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I had quite a talk with one man in a store who was a strong Union man and he said he knew of a great many men who were Union men at heart but dare not say so because they were afraid that this part of Va would fall again into the hands of the Rebels and their property taken from them and they be obliged to leave their homes. this is probably the case with thousands of people in the South and for this reason I think our people ought to do everything in their power to hold all places they take so that the inhabitants need not be afraid to show their loyalty. I wrote Carrie a little letter yesterday and thought she would be pleased to get it and the picture in her own name so directed to her in your card She will have a chance to practice on

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drawing pictures of Horses after the pattern I sent her. My health is very good yet and I think I am gaining in weight & strength I have got 10 men detached from my Company to work on the larger guns in the fort 8 of them are the British soldiers who have given me so much trouble getting drunk fighting &c &c. now I have got rid of them and I hope for ever but perhaps sometime they may return to the Company but probably not. one of them is now in the Guard house I put him in when I was officer of the Guard with two others from other Regts who were found down town drunk and making disturbances. I made out charges against them all and they are now wating to be tried by a court marshall they will all be seriously dealt with I

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think. one of them when I had him arrested drew his revolver and said he would shoot the first man that lay their hands on him at this the Corpl grabed him and another one took the revolver away from him and gave it up to me. I think it will go hard with him. H Meigs is well and on duty almost evry day. Lieut Jewett is on labour to day Sunday as it is - but the Genl told us the other day that our working days were nearly over and we are glad to hear so for no doubt it has been the great cause of so much sickness and death There has been 8 deaths since we left Clouds Mills in the Regt I will now close this letter but write the rest of if in a few days.

Val G. Barney your aff Husband

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[Drawing of camp]

[writing outside of drawing]

I recd Georges letter and will answer in a day or two I also recd one from Lucy and Father a day or two since.

[writing inside drawing]

The black dots are tents and those enclosed are the tents of S Co. This is not a very correct plan of our camp but will give you some thing of an idea of how we are situated.

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I am the boss of the corner tent on the right and 10 men beside myself occupy it and we sleep pretty close together I will assure you as there is not any too much room. I dont know as I care about your sending papers as I receive the daily world almost evry day which father had sent me from new york and as others get papers we are pretty well supplied but you may make it up in sending an extra letter once in a while. It is not known how long we shall remain here but I think for some time yet so you may direct as heretofore I will again bid you good bye and will talk with you again in a few days


