Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Chesapeake HospitalNear Ft Monroe VaJune 26th 1863Dear Maria

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Three days have passed since I last wrote you and you will expect to hear from me often now days. I am not yet very strong and dont gain as fast as I want to, but the Doctor tells me I am getting along first rate and thinks in a week or so I will be able to join my regiment. Yesterday I got a letter from Col Ripley in which he informs me that he has recieved my commission as Lt. Col. also one for Capt Jarvis as Major. I tell you this was pleasing news to me and to a great extent

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unexpected. I supposed that Capt Brooks had been recommended above me and I think yet he had by the Col. but I was aware that the Gov was looking up things for himself and the result is that Capt B- is without a promotion while Capt J- who has not expected any favors has got the position of Major. I dont know yet the fate of my old company, but hope to see a good man for Capt. I have written to Brattleboro for a new coat and shall go over to Suffolk in a few days and get some fixings I will need I think I can buy a horse here the Fort of Qr Ms. Thomas so will soon be rigged out. I will make my old sword do me for the present it is going to cost

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me pretty high to rig out but I can draw a months pay here at the fort and perhaps get along without calling on you for any funds (You must not [] it to your friends [] in the course of conversation) I recd a letter from Silas yesterday which contained a watch chain but he said nothing about it in his letter I hope this will find you well also the children give them a kiss for me each and love to Mary

Affly YoursV.G. Barney
Lt. Col 9th Vt

