Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Chesapeake HospitalNear Ft Monroe July 3rd 1863My Dear Wife

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Here I am again seated at my window to write you a few scratches. I got a letter from you last eve but it had been up to West Point to the Reg. and then back to me so it was some time in getting around. You speak of letting the $200 I sent you remain in the Treasury It will not draw any interest till after five mos I believe and then 5 per ct. you can do as you think best with it but you had better send on the orders, and have the amt credited to you or

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get a check for the men I got the orders of might give some one else orders for the same amount and the one that would get them last would be worthless. I am getting real well again and can stand most any thing my apetite is good and I am not troubled at all as I used to be with sourness of the stomach. I think food thoroughly cooked is what has had a good effect on me, and I want to advise you for your own health and the childrens to bake your bread longer and cook you victuals generally longer for I am sure my difficulty was brought on by eating food rarely done. Excuse me for offering this for I am an old granny you know

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I went over to the fort yesterday and stayed all day. I got one mos pay but could not find a horse and presume I will be obliged to go without one till I run across one some where I got pretty tired while over there but I feel tip top this morning and shall go to my regiment in a very short time (probably Monday) We intend to have a 4th July celebration here at the Hosl tomorrow and the men are at work now putting up a "Liberty Pole". They intend to have fire works and all that sort of thing I think I shall go over to Suffolk tomorrow to get me some new straps, shoes and some

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other little things I need that I cant get here. I have been reading considerably lately to pass away the time I have just finished " Lanmere" it is good There is a large library here and I can get any book I want of the Chaplain and it makes it pleasant How do the children get along I hope they are good Kiss them both for me and have them write me

Affly YoursV.G. Barney
Lt. Col. 9th Vt. Vols

