Lyman Barton to Hiram Barton

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Camp near Portsmouth va July 29/63 Dear Brother

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I now take this opertunity to answer your most welcom letter that I received some time ago but have neglected to answer it till now You see below the battles that this Regt has took part in

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I am not vary well at presant but shall be ready for duty in a day or two we are now a bout 3 milds from Ports mouth building a fort We left the white hous the 1 of July in the direction of Hanover Junction passed through Larns vill the 2nd day we passed by King Williams church Brandy wine mongohick to Taylors farm where our Brigade stoped and the rest went on toward the Junction within

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5 miles of it but did not do any thing they came back the next day and we started back for the white hous got to yorktown the[n] marched through Williamsburg marched from yorktown to Big bethall and encamped on the battleground from there we went to Hampton took the boat from there to Portsmouth va I got there the 14 of July staid in camp 2 days and moved camp about 1 mild where we now are on the banks of the west branch of the Elizabath River

Since we came to this department we have been changed from the 9 A C to the 7 A C we are now 2nd Brigade 2nd Division 7 A C the 1st and 4th Brigade left here yesterday it is suppo- sed for Charleston our Brigade was sent for first but there was not as maney men as they called for in it so we are here as yet the prospect

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now that we shall stay here there is but 2 Brigades left here now I got a letter from Father the other day they wer all well then Theodore was at home Geo Beers was there Theo was going to driving team for C Fuller drawing Coal James and Henry wer drafted but had not been notifyed so did not know whether they would have to go or not I think James will get rid of [going] on his ancle he never could stand a march What do you think of the war now it seems to be in our favor at the presant time but how long it will remain so is to bee seen yet I should think that an other month like July would use the Rebells up but we can not alwas have sech luck if Sumpter and Charleston falls I see but little hopes for then fort Wagoner holds out well it is a strong hold but I think it must come down It rains about ½ of the time here now I can not think of any thing more at presant so good by for this time write soon and all the news from

your BrotherL A Barton Co K 8th C V Portsmouth va

H H Barton Plymouth N C

