Theodore Barton to Sister

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Boliver, Va.Sept 29th 1862Head Quarters 34th regt. co. Hdear sister

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after a long time I got an opertunity of pening a few lines to let you know that I am yet alive but not in the best of spirits we have had a great deal of marching since we left Harisons Landing we marched down the paninsula to New Port News and then took the boat and came to Hampton Alexandra and then marched to chain bridge and from that to Centre Vill and covered the retreat of Popes army back to Chain bridge we then went into Marinland and up the Potomac to where the great figh[t]ing was we did not have to fight in the mountains but we had it hot enough at Sharps Burgh there we lost Chester Rhoads killed second Lieut [Clarence] Hill killed George Beers wounded George Waldron wounded A[dam] Hovenden wounded L[oran] Sawyer wounded O[rville] Bigalow wounded J[acob] Green wounded B[enjamin] Hemmitt slightly first Lieut prisoner corporal [George H.] Fenn prisoner we then marched to Harpers Ferry and crossed the river onto Boliver hights at which place we remain I do not know how long we shall stay here but I hope we shall stay here all winter for I have got sick of marching I got a letter from Hiram he was at Hampton and was not very well I have not heard from

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Lyman since he first inlisted and do not know what regiment he is in if I did perhaps I might chance to run across him I heard from George yesterday he has gone to Fredrick city from the place he was when I saw him there is not much more news to write if I could think of any thing that would be interresting I should like to write it I should like to hear where the 118th is and how they get along I have not heard from home in some time I hear from Mariah often because Cal gets letters from Aunt Phebe and so between us both we get the news quite often. I can not think of any more at present so good by write as soon as you get this please excuse all mistakes and bad writing

yours trulyTheodore F. Barton

to M. M. Barton

I will tell you the kind of picnics we have is to pick up the musket and go and pick of a rebel and pick our place to lay down on the ground and sleep and some times have to lay down among ded and wounded where we can hear them groan and call for help but no one can leave their post to help one of them no more write soon

