Justus F. Gale to Family

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Mr Chas F. GaleRochesterElmore Vt


MontpelierDec 23rd 1861Absent friends,

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I wil try to write a few lines to let you know where I am and what I am doing. I am well except my cold & that is better that it was a few days ago. we left Hyde Park last Thursday went to Stow a foot & rode from there to Waterbury and then took the cars to Montpelier had a good time all of the way. we have received a part of our Uniforms & some of the rest are here

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we have good quarters here and are called the best company they have seen here. I stoped to Jim Henrys and took supper that night to Waterbury. we got to W. about seven o clock & stayed til ten. they were all well except Wiliam he has come home about five weaks ago he had the measles and left him bad. he gave me some good advice in regard to camp life and so have some others that have been theire. Our company nearly all went to Church here on Sunday. in the fore noon we went to the brick church and in the after part of the day to the Protistant Episcopal, and heard silley stuf enoug. in the eavening we went to the Sabbath School, and had an interesting time and also received a pretty present of a Testamen which we received with thankfulness. I have been to Mr. Johnsons to see them Amanda has not left her room yet.

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I am this Eavening at Wm Huntingtons Carra is gaining slowly. Emma is here now. I expect that we shal leave here for Brattleborough next Thursday but don’t know for certain yet. we expected this this afternoon that we should leave to morrow but is put of. I donot expect it wil be so that I can come home again if we go as soon as we expect. I think that I shal leave my old clothes to Mr. Huntingtons til some of you are down. Carra told me that Samanthas Doct. had rote to her to come down here to stop a spel I am thinking that she may come down before I leave. I expect that our destination is to Ship Island near the mouth of the Mississippi river. I don’t think of much more to write that is of interest so good by for now.

J. F. Gale

